As Featured in Golf Digest,
“World’s Most Innovative Golf
Instructor” Reveals His…
Secret System
Hitting It
300+ Yards…300+ Yards…
… at 50 Years Old, Standing
Only 5 Foot 7 Inches Tall!
And It All Has to Do With One
“Hidden Power Joint” No One
Has Ever Told You About…
If you’ve ever felt frustrated by short, mishit drives…
If you feel like — no matter how fast you swing the club…
… it’s hard to get even a single extra yard of distance…
If it seems like you’re hitting the ball shorter with each passing year…
If you’ve tried lessons and training aids…
Or maybe you’ve even spent more time stretching and going to the gym…
Yet nothing works permanently…
And you struggle to consistently hit the ball 270…. 250… or even 200…
Then I have a very important message for you…
You’re About to be Taught by
a Coach That World’s #1 Golf
Butch Harmon,
‘The Bright New
Teaching Star’…
My name is Nick Bradley.
My name is Nick Bradley.
I’m a two-time bestselling author — and someone Golf Digest named “the most innovative golf instructor in the world”…
You may know me from the Golf Channel’s SQAIRZ commercial with my good friend and student, 6-time major champion — Sir. Nick Faldo…
Or you may have heard how I helped Justin Rose go from 125 to number 5 in the world…
But this page isn’t about me, it’s about YOU…
And how an astonishingly easy “8-minute swing cheat” for unlocking your hidden power joint… can automatically unleash 20-30 yards more distance… deadly accuracy…
Plus the consistency needed to instantly shave strokes off your scorecard…
And permanently lower your handicap…
This One 8-minute Swing
Cheat Will
Eliminate All
‘Mechanical Swing
Thoughts’ and Finally Unlock
The Most Powerful Joint In
It’s startling how fast activating this power joint increases your swing speed…
- Helping you smash the sweet spot…
- Power through the impact zone…
- And hit the ball straighter and farther than ever before…
This one hidden power joint leverages a secret I discovered… and then went on to use while coaching a world #1… two European Tour #1s… one World Champion…
… winners on ALL major professional tours…
And YES — a record eight National Amateur Champions…
Despite all of that, this hidden power joint has largely flown under the radar…
You won’t hear about this on golf tv or in magazines…
And you certainly won’t find other “experts” teaching you how to unlock this power joint…
In fact…
This Flies in the Face of Just
Say About
Thankfully, it doesn’t matter what they think or say…
Because unlocking this power joint allows you to throw away their bad advice…
Step up to the ball…
- Eliminate any nerves you might have…
- Or fears of the short, looping slice…
- Or the nasty duck hook…
- Or even the blistered pull or pushed drive…
And instead… activate this power joint… to erase decades of bad swing mechanics…
And finally CRUSH the ball with more confidence and consistency than you ever have…
Even if you currently feel like pain in your knees, shoulders, hips, back — or any other joints…
… are holding you back from hitting the long, straight drives of your youth…
Or it seems like height and strength are crippling factors to your distance and overall golf game…
And especially if you feel TRAPPED in your current golf swing… unable to gain distance… and like it’s almost impossible to hit your target…
This Works By Addressing The
Root Cause of Your
Short Drives…
off the Tee
and Spotty
Which has nothing to do with how you release the club…
How you rotate your hips…
Or how you set up to the ball…
It also has NOTHING to do with how many lessons you’ve taken…
Nothing to do with training aids…
Even age or God-given ability…
The real villain that’s been killing your distance…
Is the “locking up” of the most important joint in your body for maximum swing speed, power and distance…
This is why 96% of amateur golfers are unable to hit the ball 300 yards…
And why many struggle to crack 250 or even 220…
And yet you have someone like me, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 50 years old, hitting the ball 300 plus yards…
Or 5 foot 4 inch Ian Woosnam sending it 305 yards…
Or even Rory Mcllroy who’s 5 foot 9 inches tall… landing himself 4th on the PGA tour averaging 318 yards off the tee…
Are You Serious About
Accelerating Your Swing
Speed and
Reaching Your Full
Genetic Potential
For Maximum Distance?
And curing your inconsistent drives for good — regardless of age or handicap…?
And curing your inconsistent drives for good — regardless of age or handicap…?
So that you hit pure, bombed tee shots, time and time again…
And become the envy of your golfing buddies when you start out driving them by 20… 30… or even 50 yards…
If so — then give me your full and undivided attention…
Because this breakthrough goes against everything so-called “experts” say about distance…
And if you unlock the hidden power joint that I’ve discovered while teaching some of the top tour pros in the world…
It will transform your drives… and even your game, forever…
But before I give you the secret to activating this game-changing joint… and…
Why This Is an Essential Step
Reaching Your Potential
to Hit 250…
270… Even
300 Plus Yard Drives…300 Plus Yard Drives…
I want to tell you the backstory of how I stumbled upon this discovery in the first place…
You see, in 1994, I was the youngest director ever to join the David Leadbetter Academy operation…
You see, in 1994, I was the youngest director ever to join the David Leadbetter Academy operation…
And that meant that I was teaching and working with players of all ages… all handicaps… and most importantly all different types of swing patterns and mechanics…
In order for me to keep my spot, I had to deliver faster change than anyone else…
And I had to find a way to help golfers get as close to their full genetic potential for 300 yard drives as possible…
So I started spending every hour I had off work studying the game…
Reading books… watching old videos of Ben… Jack… Arnie… anyone who’s swing I thought I could pull golden nuggets from…
And that’s when I met Dr. Paul Morrissey…
At the time, Dr. Paul was an up and coming osteopath — which is a type of medical doctor who specializes in pain relief and biomechanics…
Dr. Paul also has a deep love and passion for golf…
So when I told him what I was trying to do for my students…
And how hard it was for me to add distance given that I’m only 5 foot 7 inches tall…
Dr. Paul Gave Me a “Swing
Cheat” That
Would Not Only
Change My Life…
But Help
Thousands of Players as Well
He told me that virtually ALL distance problems come down to one biomechanical lever…
A lever that is controlled by ONE SINGLE JOINT…
A lever that is controlled by ONE SINGLE JOINT…
A joint that — shockingly — no experts were talking about…
And it was consistently stopping golfers from ever being able to hit the ball any farther…
In fact, this joint was so locked up for most of my players — including myself — before I met him…
… that they were doomed to hit slices, hooks, fades, and pulls…
And put unnecessary pressure and strain on their other joints…
Together, he and I perfected a process that can be practiced in just 8 minutes…
… which I later began calling my “8-minute swing cheat”…
… that permanently liberates your power joint…
It works fast, because remember: I NEEDED it to work fast…
And because unlocking it is the ONLY way you’ll ever get anywhere near your full potential for distance…
Whether the ceiling on that potential is 220… 250… 280… or 310 yards…
What we discovered is the single fastest way to get you there.
How can I be so sure? Because…
It Wasn’t Long Before I Was
Piping 300 Plus
Yard Drives,
Over and Over
And teaching others to do the same…
Bottom line:
No matter what your current skill level… age… strength… flexibility… or height…
Every player who’s ever unlocked this hidden power joint automatically hits the ball at least 20-30 yards farther… and with brutal accuracy…
Turning their swing into a machine-like weapon for hitting bombs and greens in regulation…
Truth is… this is also your ONLY hope for ever reaching par five’s in two…
Or consistently keeping your ball in the fairway off the tee…
And ultimately getting you in position to score lower…
Yes… when you finally
unlock the hidden power
joint, you’ll be just like
these students:
So by now… I’m Sure You’re
“What Is This
Power Joint?”
“Will it work if I have joint problems?”
“And what if I have flexibility issues?”
“Or if I’m getting up there in age?”
I’ll address all that in a moment…
First, it’s called the “capitate joint”…
This one joint determines the degree of mobility and flexibility in your hands and wrists…
Which is so much more than it sounds on the surface…
Because the position of this joint and the handle of your club controls ALL the energy that passes through your body in the golf swing…
When this joint is LOCKED… your other power levers have no physiological chance to release….
And what you do with your elbows… your shoulders… your hips… and your knees…
If This One Joint is Blocked
and Sabotaging Your
Worse… when this joint isn’t activated…
You often experience nagging… dull… achey… or even shooting pain in one or more of those areas…
That’s why I cringe when I see people focusing on those other joints before this one…
Before we can get you to do anything else right in the golf swing…
Before you can engage the other elements in your swing that will allow you to unleash far longer drives, without pain…
We have to unlock this power joint first…
- You don’t have to be a professional to activate it…
- It doesn’t matter if you’re 5’4” like Ian Woosnam… Or 6’1” like Bryson DeChambeau…
- It doesn’t require “limber” joints or any extra flexibility…
In fact, it’s even more effective if you do have flexibility issues…
And that’s why this makes it the perfect fix for players who are 50, 60, or even 70 years old…
Remember, I’m 50 Years Old
and Only
5’7″… and I Still
Bomb It 300 Plus…
It’s quickly emerging as THE single most powerful biomechanical element of the golf swing…
And when I started showing tour pros like Justin Rose how to use my “8-minute swing cheat” to activate this hidden power joint…
Here’s what he said:
“Nick, thanks for getting me back in the winner’s circle!”
Here’s what he said:
“Nick, thanks for getting me back in the winner’s circle!”
Now if you’re anything like I was when I realized how important this power joint was… you’re probably wondering how it all works…
How could ONE little joint in your wrist possibly create all of these gains in accuracy, distance, and consistency?
The science behind this discovery can get a little complicated… and if you want to understand how the biomechanics of your swing work…
I’ll refer you to Dr. Paul who’s made this his life’s work… he’s even the personal osteopath for David Leadbetter…
So he can show you how this really works…
But here’s a great analogy to help you “get” this…
Why Is This So Devastatingly
Effective? Think of a “Safety
On a Crossbow…
Just as you’d expect, when the crossbow is fully drawn and the safety lock is clicked in… all the energy… power… and force is halted.
But if you’ve ever unlocked a safety switch and pulled the trigger of a crossbow… you know what happens once this lock is released…
And here’s the important thing to realize…
The safety lock isn’t producing the power and force behind the arrow… it is simply locking the bow in place to release the centrifugal force… it’s actually holding back all the power the bow has…
But once that switch is UNLOCKED and the trigger is fired… there is no stopping the arrow from launching at extreme velocity…
So what does any of this have to do with your golf swing?
Well it turns out your capitate joint operates much like the safety lock, and your ball acts a lot like the tip of the arrow…
And if you UNLOCK your power joint… that same force that launches the arrow is going to release in your swing…
Sending Your Ball Farther
Than It’s Ever Gone Before…
And here’s the best part…
Because you’ve probably had your power joint locked for as long as you’ve been playing the game…
Not only are you going to hit the ball 20-30 yards farther right away…
You’re also going to feel how this unlocks all the other elements of your swing that have been holding you back…
Your clubhead will naturally move on the correct plane… giving you perfectly flush ball striking…
Your body will no longer be stiff and tight… blocking you from making the perfect turn to accelerate through the ball…
And once you’ve unlocked your safety switch… you’ll be able to repeat this swing over and over and over again… it’s THAT powerful….
And just like the archer didn’t have to use any strength or power once he unlocks the safety and pulls the trigger…
You Don’t Have To Add
Anything To
Your Current
Swing To Get The Same
Deadly Speed-Generating
It’s already inside YOU…
Unfortunately, most of us are blocking our power joint… limiting us from using the body’s natural ability to gain speed… create torque… and lock-in the club in the perfect position…
Tapping into this force is at the core of my new teaching method…
… and it’s the key to unlocking your power joint for an additional 20-30 brutally accurate yards off the tee…
Now if you stop to think about it, I bet there’s been a time in your life when you accidentally unlocked your power joint…
Imagine one of your longest, straightest, most pure drives you’ve ever hit…
I can guarantee the reason you were able to pipe this shot…
… was because you unlocked the safety switch of your power joint…
So I want you to really picture that moment… think about how it felt… try to remember the sound the ball made off the clubface… and how you felt as you watched the ball flying dead straight…
And what it felt like to get up to your ball and realize that you were 30 yards in front of anyone else in your group…
Do you remember what that swing and shot felt like?
Did you have to force that shot? Were you thinking about some difficult-to-remember swing patterns or mechanics?
Of course not.
It Feels Smooth, Easy…
Even Effortless
And you know why?
Because when you unlock your power joint… you release all the pent up centrifugal force harnessed in your body… it comes from the ground… it comes from your legs… it comes from your natural core power to generate swing speed…
Because when you unlock your power joint… you release all the pent up centrifugal force harnessed in your body… it comes from the ground… it comes from your legs… it comes from your natural core power to generate swing speed…
That’s what you were doing that day…
… instead of fighting against your locked power joint!
And that’s the beauty of my new 8-minute swing cheat, which is THE single fastest way to finally unlock this hidden power joint…
Do that… and you’ll have the rest of your body dialed-in to release the powerful physical forces that gravity wants to throw at your ball…
On the other hand…
If you continue to try and fix your swing without unlocking this hidden joint… you’ll be a prisoner to your own safety switch…
And nothing else I — or anyone else — teaches you will work!
But the good news is… I CAN show you how to UNLOCK your power joint… and activate all the lethal power and unrealized distance hidden in your swing…
Once you use my 8-minute swing cheat…
You’ll Quickly Realize Why
Justin Rose
Went From 125 in
The World…
To Number 5 in
Just 20 Events…
… climbing the world rankings at record speed…
… climbing the world rankings at record speed…
You’ll also understand how I took 8 amateur golfers to win National Championships…
But that’s not all… you’ll see why I consulted with The Russian Golf Federation in Moscow, The English Golf Union, The PGA of Great Britain and the Golf Union of Ireland…
It’s all because I had THE #1 secret to hitting the ball 300 plus yards, consistently…
It’s actually so much more than distance, though…
This same secret also allows you to stripe tee shots… hit more greens… and even drop putts from any distance…
Because YES… this joint even affects your putting… like I said…
It’s the 1 thing that fixes EVERYTHING…
And you can access all of its benefits — the immediate distance gains… deadly accuracy… pain-free rounds… and lower handicap results…
… simply by using my new online video training I’m introducing to the world, for the first time ever:
The 300
Distance System
A Pain-Free Way to Unlock Your
Hidden Power Joint for
Immediate Gains in Distance,
Accuracy, and Consistency
The 300 Distance System uses my breakthrough power joint discovery…
… plus insights gained from working with 200 tour pros…
… to help anyone quickly rise to their highest potential for distance and accuracy…
Again, if you’re 70 years old — that max potential may be 200 or 220…
For someone else, it may be 250 or 270…
The point is… when you leverage golf’s most overlooked secret…
The same secret used by ALL players who consistently hit it 300 plus yards…
Which as you’ve now seen, involves unlocking the hidden power joint…
You’ll be so much closer to your maximum possible distance…
That’s exactly what this system is designed to do…
Leaving you with a clear state of mind…
And an effortless swing that FEELS natural and easy to control…
And within 8-minutes… you’ll be activating the most powerful joint in your body that will allow you to hit the ball 20-30 yards farther…
It’s All Going To Happen
As Soon As
Unlock Your Power
This is the amateur golfer’s “swing cheat”…
Because it gives you the ability to activate your power joint without filling your head with stroke-killing swing thoughts…
It eliminates every counter-productive swing habit you’ve ever had…
And it’s one of the best solutions for pain that I’ve ever seen in my 25 years of teaching…
… because it frees your body from all the pressure and strain that’s placed on your wrists, back and elbows by having the power joint blocked…
Better yet, it replaces that pain with brand NEW energy…
The Pain-Free Energy Needed
Consistently Hit Straight,
Powerful Drives…
Keep Your Ball in Play…
and Ultimately Lower Your Scores
If you think UNLOCKING your power joint sounds too simple… and too ridiculously easy to activate…
Well, you’re right!
It is that simple and easy… but like the great Ben Hogan said…
“It’s not that the average amateur doesn’t have the ability to hit it a long way… it’s that they just don’t know what to do…”
Once you’ve identified your power joint… understood how you’ve had it locked for your entire golfing career… and had the ahh-moment where it clicks…
You too WILL know what to do…
And then you’ll be like just like the other golfers I’ve taught this to in person:
You Can Be Just Like Them
Simply by
Following the
First Step In The
300 Distance System…
Here’s how it works…
First you must know that anyone can unlock and leverage this power joint…
Because the science doesn’t change depending on who is holding the club…
But a high-handicapper needs to focus on different things than a low handicapper… and a young buck needs different coaching than an older player who doesn’t have the flexibility that he used to…
Not only that, every player learns in a different way… some can be instructed with words… others need to see visuals…
Some can watch me show the right technique… others need to see themself on camera…
Luckily, in The 300 Distance System, I’ve created a drill that will automatically click for any golfer of any age or any skill level…
And I think my track record speaks for itself… I’ve literally taught young juniors just learning the game… to 85 year old men and women who’ve been swinging the club for decades…
So when you watch these videos…
You’ll Quickly See How Easy
And Doable
This 8-Minute
Swing Cheat Is For You,
And How Quickly It Works…
I promise.
To walk you through the first step to unlocking your power joint…
I want you to see how effective the 8-minute swing cheat was with this individual…
He’s a high-handicapper who has battled with inconsistency and distance for years…
The first thing I checked was his glove… I wanted to see where his shaft was wearing out his leather…
And just as I thought… he had been blocking his power joint…
So I gave him the 8-minute swing cheat…
Just like so many players who have their power joint blocked… as soon as they follow my simple instructions…
They immediately see how to unlock it and release all the centrifugal force that’s built up in their swing…
And as you’ve seen… that’s exactly why he hit the ball 20 yards farther almost immediately…
But that’s just the beginning…
Because This Works Even
For Older,
Once you’ve completed the 8-minute swing cheat…
You’ll quickly see that there are OTHER ways to use this hidden power joint… to transform even more areas of your game…
For instance, I’ll also show you how the 8-minute swing cheat…
… gives you the ability to unleash better ball striking and accuracy than you’ve ever imagined possible…
When you unlock your power joint… you ALSO tap into your natural ability to hit the ball with perfect precision…
Check out what this golfer did:
Competitive Player Starts
Losing Distance As He Ages
So I gave him another way to leverage the 8-minute swing cheat to channel something Rory Mcllroy does best…
Since he’s about the same height as Rory… I knew once he unlocked his power joint and worked this into his move…
He was going to bomb it… and that he did…
This immediately mobilized his club for maximum speed… power… and a perfect plane…
Which not only maximized his distance… it also gave him the control to fix any slice… draw… or inconsistency issues.
Another benefit of this simple process is that your clubhead will start working in the perfect slot…
Now… by this point, you might be fully satisfied with your drives launching farther than they ever have before… having scary accuracy… and the automatic consistency you’ve always wanted…
But that’s not where this ends…
Because once the hidden power joint is unlocked… your ability to master the golf swing and lower your score is limitless…
You’re going to want to start working the golf ball… hitting draws… or fades… or maybe even starting to hit low knockdowns under the wind…
And to demonstrate all of this…
60-Year-Old Chronic Slicer
Unleashes 20 Yards More
Well I should say… WAS a chronic slicer… not anymore.
You see with this individual, all we had to do was unlock his power joint to allow the rest of his body to do the work…
And we did that with a stretch that every single slicer… and weak ball striker in the world needs to do…
Because if you’re like him or anyone else who’s been trying to overcompensate for having his power joint blocked…
… and it’s causing you to come out of the swing…
… creating an over-the-top action and nasty slices…
Then you need to start leveraging the additional secrets I teach you inside The 300 Distance System.
With this system, even things like a perfect draw suddenly become possible… to increase your distance even more…
It will help you become just like my student who was able to add 20 yards… and…
Start Smoking the Ball
Straight Down The Pipe
Now, I could keep going through the long list of benefits that come from this 8-minute swing cheat…
And the many ways you’ll be able to multiply your gains in distance…
… all because you’ve unlocked the most powerful joint for your golf game…
And I could show you exactly how activating the power joint is going to start shaving strokes off your scorecard faster than any training aid… lesson… or new equipment on the market…
And I could walk you through — step-by-step — how simply doing this 8-minute swing cheat will not only have you hitting 13-14 fairways a round…
… but how it will give you the confidence to aim straight at the flag….
… even when there’s water left and greenside bunkers right…
But I already know what this will do for your swing and overall game… and I also know that you need to see it in action for yourself…
You see… before I teamed up with Performance Golf Zone, the only way to access my 8-minute swing cheat in the 300 Distance System was to meet me at my club in North Carolina…
Or catch a flight to one of the PGA tour events I’m at to get a lesson…
But there’s one BIG problem with that… my teaching calendar is booked solid for the next 12 months…
When you’re working with tour pros… or former pros like Sir. Nick Faldo…
It’s almost impossible to have days off…
But I know how much you need this information… that’s why I made sure…
The 300 Distance System was
Filmed With the Most
Technology Out
I’m talking about 3 HD cameras… 15 crew members… drones… and all the visual references you could ever need to learn how to unlock your power joint and start mastering the game of golf…
I’m talking about 3 HD cameras… 15 crew members… drones… and all the visual references you could ever need to learn how to unlock your power joint and start mastering the game of golf…
These in-depth video lessons are the closest thing to getting a one-on-one with me…
In fact, they’re probably better…
Because I actually go even deeper than I would in a one-on-one… giving you more ways to fast-track your game and lower your handicap…
Plus, you have unlimited online access to these videos, so you can watch them any time you want, and as many times as you like…
With The 300 Distance System you’ll not only start playing the best golf of your life…
You’ll start seeing how it’s possible to master the art of shot making…
And it doesn’t matter how old you are… how strong you are… or even how experienced you are…
In this video series, I’ve included every possible way to unlock your power joint and make sure you’re hitting the ball 20-30 yards farther… making perfectly flush contact… and shooting the lowest rounds of your golf career…
That’s my promise to you.
And here’s the best part…
The 300 Distance System
In Just A Few Minutes From
As soon as you login to your secure members area… you’ll see why Sir Nick Faldo says this:
You see… it doesn’t matter where you are in the world… you can login from anywhere as long as you have a cell phone, tablet, or laptop… and an internet connection…
And once you’re in… you’re going to be completely shocked at all that’s possible for you once you unlock the hidden power joint…
You’ll finally see that hitting the ball 30 yards farther is possible…
Hitting more greens in regulation is possible…
Making more birdies than you ever have is possible… and…
Shooting the lowest rounds of your life? It’s ALL possible…
Because inside The 300 Distance System, you’ll discover that I’ve given you WAY more than you could ever imagine…
I filmed every aspect of how unlocking the power joint can be the most game-changing fix so that it…
Is THE Ultimate Training
Systematically Maximizing
Distance… Dialing in
and Dominating
Inside, you’ll uncover 5 more modules… all of which further leverage my 8-minute swing cheat to transform your game. This includes:
Hidden Distance Codes
In the Hidden Distance Codes module for unlocking the power joint — you master every swing type… every swing problem… and every limitation that could possibly be blocking your power joint…
Here’s where you’ll discover YOUR key to finally releasing the most critical biomechanical element of your swing.
Without this joint activated… no other teaching will ever be effective…
The “Power Activation Series”
Inside the Power Activation Series module, you’ll see how you can add EVEN MORE FORCE to your swing, once you’ve unlocked your hidden power joint.
This series breaks down the secrets I’ve pulled from spending hours on the range with over 200 tour pros…
This includes the K-Chain distance activator that has never been revealed before publicly…
8-Minute Launch Levers
By this point, your swing will be in better shape than at any point in your life. But we’re not done. Because the 8-Minute Launch Levers module will show you how unlocking your power joint can lead to insane lag…
This masterclass “hacks” your body’s natural ability to release biomechanical swing speeds you never knew you had…
Every student I’ve ever taught how to maximize their launch levers has added 10 or more miles per hour to their swing… and tapped into a whole new source of power they didn’t know existed…
Instant Rotation Hack
This module reveals how the biggest hitters and most consistent ball strikers master the art of rotation…
This rotation training gives you the tour secrets to mastering your pivot… and unlocking kinetic energy pulled from the ground…
(YES, this is a ground-force activation technique almost no one in golf is teaching).
The “Ultimate Timing Cheat”
And finally, in your last module, I’ll give you my Ultimate Timing Cheat — which walks you through simple drills to control your new swing speeds and power…
This timing series is absolutely essential once you unlock your power joint (because you’ll be swinging a whole lot faster and with 2 times more force).
Timing is nearly as overlooked as the power joint itself… and you’ll master BOTH with the help of this module..
And that’s honestly barely scratching the surface of everything we cover… and all that unlocking this one joint does to help you fix and transform your game.
I know, it sounds like a LOT.
But I assure you: the 8-minute swing cheat that unlocks your power joint is so simple… so incredibly effective and quick to grasp…
You’ll master it faster than any other training method you’ve ever tried…
Especially because of the innovative WAY it’s taught…
Just Look What Ryder Cup
Captain Paul McGinley Has
To Say
About My Teaching
You won’t find these methods taught anywhere else in the world…
That’s why I was hired as the Sky Sports Swing Analyst… and have been featured in BBC, The New York Times, Golf Magazine, The Times, and multiple appearances in Golf Digest…
Once you join me in The 300 Distance System, you’ll have lifetime access to my most guarded secrets and teachingbreakthroughs…
Again, if they’re good enough for Justin Rose… they’re good enough for any player…
And you can watch these video lessons at your convenience… and watch them as many times as you want…
Even while you’re out on the range…
It’s Like Having Me Right
By Your Side, Walking
You Through
So you’ll never have that frustrating experience you get with an in-person lesson… where you forget everything you learned the next day and end up back at the drawing board…
These game-changing lessons will always be just a few clicks away…
And after I released these to a select group of students… there are unbelievable results already coming in…
You’re Just Minutes Away
Being Able to Blast
Drives Down the Fairway…
… attack flags on your command… and stroke the ball more consistently than you have before…
Just think about it…
Normally, I charge students $2,500 dollars for a half-day lesson with me…
And $5,000 for a full day…
I have my rates set this high because I’ve seen exactly what my distance system does for players…
It helps them win club championships… national championships… and even major championships…
My students pay my fees without even thinking about trying to lower the price…
Because they know that once they learn my secret… they WON’T need to spend thousands on lessons… or new equipment… or training aids…
They’ll have the “1 thing that fixes everything” dialed in… and start focusing solely on finding ways around the golf course to go lower… or work on their mindset… or see if they can start scoring form the back tees…
And I don’t even want to show you what it costs for a touring pro to use my services week after week after week…
Let’s just say that it’s A LOT.
But You’re Not Going to Pay
Anything Near That Price
Because you’re getting the at-home version that you can watch over and over again until you master EVERY single piece of your game…
Even though I know from experience you’ll have unlocked the “hidden power joint” in less than 8-mintutes… you’ll be digging through the other lessons seeing how to advance ALL aspects of your game immediately…
And remember… you’ll have access to this for life… which means you can take it slow… mastering one piece of the game at a time… lowering your handicap week after week…
Ultimately getting your entire game to exactly where you want it to be…
So here’s the deal…
You’re not paying the $5,000 it would cost for the one-on-one…
Or the $2,500 for a half day lesson…
Or the $500 it would cost for a live-streaming lesson…
That’s right — join us today and you’ll get everything I’ve shown you here for just one payment of $97.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
So, if You’re Truly Ready to
Golf’s Most Powerful
Joint and Hit
the Ball 20-30
Yards Farther…
Plus generate scratch-golf accuracy… and tour-level consistency….
Simply click any button you see on this page.
You’ll then be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 2 minutes, and once you’re done you’ll be given instant access to our special “members only” portal…
Where you’ll be able to immediately view my step-by-step 300 Distance System…
And just to make sure you feel this is the wisest investment you’ve ever made in your golf game…
I’m adding another very special gift… one that I worked extremely hard on, and one that’s completely changed my life…
When you get started today, I’m also going to include a digital copy of my bestselling book:
The 7 Laws of the Golf
$34.99 value FREE
This book has an amazing forward by Justin Rose…
And filled with all the “laws” of golf I used to help him make major strides in his professional career…
After selling over 115,000 copies of this book… the feedback and response I’ve received from readers is unbelievable…
This book was the inspiration behind Ryder Cup Captain, Paul McGinley’s, behind the scene messaging that led the team to a win…
After watching The 300 Distance System and following my instructions to the tee…
This book is a perfect complementary guide that you can use to keep yourself sharp…
Inside you’ll find images that have changed the way amateurs approach the game of golf…
Images that can transform your game, overnight…
And you’ll see why Justin Rose says…
I still get choked up when I read that…
Justin has always been such an inspiration to me… and I’m so thankful that you can share our love of the game with this book…
Normally you would have to pay $34.99 to order the paperback online…
That’s nearly the cost of your investment in the program…
But today — I’m throwing it in FREE.
And that’s not all…
Like I said I want to make sure this is the most valuable training you’ve ever experienced… and I’m leaving no stone unturned in that commitment…
I want you to reach ALL your goals… smashing tee shots… zipping the ball close to the flag… and becoming the talk of the town when you start breaking your personal records…
I won’t stop, I’m determined to get you there…
That’s why I’m adding in another extremely valuable — maybe even the MOST valuable — bonus I can…
When you join us TODAY, on this page…
I’m going to give you exclusive access to a…
LIVE Q&A 300 Bonus Chat
+ Video Training Session
with Me…
$500.00 value FREE
This is worth as much or more than the price you’re investing in the entire program…
Because you’ll be able to ask me any follow up questions you want… as we work together to fix or tweak anything — and help you master the steps in my 300 Distance System…
… while finally helping you “unlock” the hidden power joint that will have your buddies begging to know what you did to your swing.
Plus, I won’t just be telling you the answers…
I’ll be SHOWING you anything I reveal, streaming LIVE, over your computer or cell phone.
You’ll get details as soon as you enroll in The 300 Distance System — and yes, there will be a replay if you can’t make it live.
I would normally charge $500 an hour for a LIVE stream training session…
But today — it’s yours FREE…
That’s one full hour (or more) to ask me any questions about the game — LIVE.
This bonus and discount are only available on this page, for a very limited time.
So take advantage of it while you still can…
If you’re ready to UNLOCK your “hidden power joint” and start hitting the ball 20-30 yards father… while saying goodbye to slices… hooks… pushes… or pulls….
And if you’re serious about making the best ball contact you’ve ever felt… or even dreamed of…
Simply Click The Button
And Get Started
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Now… I’ve promised you this is going to be a “motherlode” offer that will change your game forever…
Have I delivered?
I hope so… but if you’re still thinking, “Well, Nick, what if unlocking the power joint doesn’t work for me?”
Well, first of all…
… please know that it’s worked for 100% of the people I’ve given it to — so it not working would be shocking, to say the least…
The breakthroughs revealed inside The 300 Distance System have given me the reputation as the “most innovative golf instructor in the world…”
And my technique has already helped over 30,252 people to date…
Everyone I’ve taught to unlock the hidden power joint is hitting the ball 20-30 yards farther… with deadly accuracy… and having more fun shooting lights out than ever before…
But still… in the unlikely chance you happen to be the 1 in over 30,000 that this doesn’t work for…
Then. We. Don’t. Deserve. Your. Money.
That’s why we’re going to let you test drive it 100% risk free…
Try Out The 300 Distance
System For
One Full Year
Before You Make Your
Ultimate Decision
Yes — you heard me correctly — you get a 365-day iron-clad money back guarantee.
That means if you’re still hitting the ball short… can’t seem to correct your slice… hook… or mishits…
And don’t feel that unlocking your capitate joint has completely revolutionized your game…
If you’re not overjoyed with the way you’re striking the ball… hitting the fairway… sticking the greens… and playing the best golf of your life…
Then all you have to do is send us an email at…
And our trained customer service team will promptly issue a FULL 100% refund.
And your copy of the book – “The 7 Laws of the Golf Swing” – will be yours to keep, no matter what you decide…
I’ll be honest with you… I’ve been coaching for a long time…
And I’ve never seen a coach tell you, “if what I teach you today doesn’t work… don’t worry, you can have your money back.”
That’s The Bold Promise
I’m Making To You Today
Because that’s how much I believe in you… and how confident I am that this is going to help YOU.
But if you want to take advantage of this huge discount pricing, and this 365-day no-risk money-back guarantee…
Then it’s vital that you act now.
Because I’m only offering this special discount for a limited time.
So click the button below, and start hitting your drives 20-30 yards farther TODAY…
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
The way I see it…
Right now, you’re at a crossroads…
And there are two “cart paths” you can choose from..
The first one leads nowhere… it’s a dead-end…
You keep doing exactly what you’re doing now… trying to find new ways to hit the ball farther…
Hoping that one day you’ll get rid of your slice… hook… shanks… or any mishits..
And waiting for the day when you finally learn how to shoot lower scores…
If you choose that road… well… it’s pretty likely that you’re going to keep waiting and never get to where you want…
If you choose that path, I won’t hold it against you…
No hard feelings… we can part as friends…
The Choice Is Now Entirely
Up To You…
I’ve done my best to make sure you understand how instrumental this power joint is to your game…
And how important this decision is for distance, accuracy, and consistency…
But I really want you to think about the second path for a moment…
Because if what I’m saying works — like it has for 100% of the other players using it right now…
You could be teeing it up this weekend with full confidence that you’re going to stripe it down the center of the fairway…
… crushing your drive past all your friends…
… carding your lowest round this year….
… and starting to lower your handicap by 5-7 strokes in the next few weeks.
You will have found a new love for the game…
Because you’ll be playing better golf from tee to green… and your scorecard will prove it.
Yes, that’s exactly where the second cart path leads…
Soon… Bigger Drives… Closer
Into The Green… And
Lower Scores…
Will All Be
And all it takes to have these results is to click the button below this video and take action now…
Start enjoying the many benefits that come with going behind the scenes with me… getting access to my most complete training series ever…
Discover why Justin Rose, Sir. Nick Faldo, and Ryder Cup captain Paul McGinley all have such unbelievable things to say about my teaching method…
And you can do all of this — beaming with the confidence that you’ve got a full 365-days to test it out for yourself, completely risk-free.
I want you to test-drive The 300 Distance System 100% risk free… and then ONLY pay if and when the system works for you…
Otherwise, you can get a full refund… AND you still will have learned how to unlock the most important joint in golf…
Because as I’ve proven here today…
Unlocking this one joint will allow you to send drives 20-30 yards farther off the tee and fix everything that’s wrong with your swing…
All it will have cost you is a few minutes…
And sure… are there people out there that will get access to my training… learn this swing cheat… and then ask for their money back…
And is that taking advantage of my generosity?
Again… yes.
But I don’t think you’re one of those people.
It’s Time to USE This
to Start Playing
The Best Golf Of
Your Life,
Virtually Overnight
Then — once you start taking money from your buddies in the Sunday game — you’ll spread the word about how game-changing this power joint really is…
You will share the love of the game with others who are desperately looking to find a way to improve their games…
You will be their savior… not only will you be playing better golf than them… you will have gifted them a chance to fix their swing…
That’s the honorable thing to do.
And I know that’s who you are — or you wouldn’t be playing the great game of golf…
So the decision is up to you…
After you leave this page, you may never see The 300 Distance System priced this low again.
Or your FREE copy of The 7 Laws of the Golf Swing…
And definitely not the chance to be on the LIVE 300 Streaming lesson with me…
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Unfortunately, I Can’t Keep
All Of This
Available For
Much Longer…
So do the right thing for your game… click the link below and unlock your power joint today…
You can thank me later for helping you get over the edge…
Here’s the final thing I’ll leave you with…
And it’s the simple fact that there’s really no need to go on struggling with short drives, a slice, a hook, or inconsistent ball striking for the rest of your life.
There’s no need to guess… by trying to figure it all out yourself through years of trial-and-error.
Because I’ve already done all the hard work for you.
So there’s no reason to put yourself at risk of wasting years of your life that you’ll never get back… by spinning your wheels… making the same mistakes… and getting the same scores you’ve been getting… round after round.
You can grab The 300 Distance System today…
And watch it add 20-30 yards of distance immediately… and start shaving strokes from your scorecard as soon as tomorrow.
With No Risk and So Much
to Gain, Doesn’t It Make
Sense to
Take Action Right
So go ahead and click the button below to get started, and I’ll see you on the inside of the most important training you’ve ever had access to.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Thank you for your time…
And I really hope you join me…
Because one day when we see each other on the links… without saying a word… I’ll see that you’re quietly smiling inside…
Gloating in the joy of having unlocked the secret to better golf…
Then — and only then — will I feel satisfied in my life’s work.
So do that, and I’ll be seeing you shortly.
To Hitting the Longest Drives of Your Life,
Nick Bradley