From the “behind-the-scenes” instructor who
has coached elite tour pros like Justin Rose…

How To Activate Your “Power Joint” For An Extra 20-30 Yards Off The Tee

This new “biomechanical hack”
increases clubhead speed…

WITHOUT swinging the club any
harder than you are now

Here’s a NEW technique golfers are using right now that’s adding a quick 20 to 30
yards of accurate distance to their drives…

Without swinging the club any harder…
Without training aids… and without even
changing your swing.

It’s a powerful secret I discovered from a
medical doctor who specializes in golf
biomechanics, and works with golfers on
the PGA Tour.

And it uses ONE simple technique…

To activate your hidden Power Joint… and…

…Release the untapped power
ALREADY have inside
your swing

That’s right, I call it the Power Joint… because you’ll see in a moment why this ONE joint in your body is responsible for generating the vast majority of your clubhead speed…

And transferring maximum energy and power into the ball.

It’s got nothing to do with your elbows… shoulders… hips… or knees…

And generating this NEW power in your swing has NOTHING to do with how young, strong, tall, or flexible you are…

In fact…

At 50 years old, standing just 5
foot 7 inches
tall, I’m using
this technique myself to

smash the ball over 300

And I’m not the only one…


Andrew Weaver used this technique to activate his Power Joint, and added 9 MPH of clubhead speed… resulting in an extra 26 yards.


For Mark Lynch this technique added 11 MPH of clubhead speed… and added 31 yards off the tee.


And when Kevin Reese used this technique, it increased his clubhead speed by 12 MPH… giving him a fast
34-yard boost.

So if it feels like no matter how hard you try swinging the club… and how many
ssons you take… you still feel TRAPPED in your current golf swing, unable to gain
permanent distance…

If it feels like your drives are getting shorter with every passing year…

And if you’re sick and tired of feeling the silent judgement from your golf buddies on every short, mishit drive…

Then you absolutely want to read this page, because…

When your Power Joint is

INACTIVE, it becomes the


So if you’re NOT activating this Power Joint, then you’re LOSING power every time you swing your driver…

And if you currently feel any pain in your knees… shoulders… elbows… hips… back… or any other joints…

I’ll show you why one medical doctor – who specializes in golf biomechanics – says that FAILING to activate this one Power Joint… can actually shift unnecessary stress onto these key areas…

Making it almost impossible for you to create the powerful, consistent drives you need to lower your handicap.

That’s why…

I’ll explain what you can do
TODAY to plug
this power
ak instantly…

Adding new automatic clubhead speed…

And unleashing an extra 20 to 30 yards of distance…

Resulting in shorter approach shots… more greens in regulation… more birdies… and lower scores…

Giving yourself an unfair advantage and unshakable confidence every time you step in the tee box…

Just by using this ONE simple technique I show you in the next few minutes.

My name is Nick Bradley.

And if you haven’t heard my name before,
that’s because I spend most of my time
behind-the-scenes, coaching some of the
world’s most elite golfers.

I’ve not only coached over 200 Tour pros…

Including legends like 6-time major
champion Sir Nick Faldo…

And guys like Justin Rose… Who I helped go
from #125 to #5 in the world…

I’ve also taken 8 amateur golfers to win
National Championships.

And I’ll be honest, helping golfers win trophies is a rush…

But what I find MOST fulfilling is sharing my biggest distance secret with amateur golfers like YOU, because…

I’ve NEVER met an amateur
who’s already
activating this
Power Joint…

…And who doesn’t have the ability to get at LEAST an extra 20 to 30 yards out of their swing… after just ONE short practice session using the technique you’re about to see.

And I’ve taught EVERYONE, from young juniors just learning the game… to guys in their 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s who’ve been swinging the club for decades.

In fact, the distance secret I’m sharing with you here today… is the reason Golf Digest called me:

“The Most Innovative Golf
Instructor In The World”

– Golf Digest

…Because this is NOT something that’s being revealed with the typical golf instruction the general public has access to.

And THAT’S why I’m on a mission to expose this secret to golfers who are sick and tired of being let down by all the “gimmicks”…

All the training aids… overpriced drivers…

And even the in-person lessons that force you into un-natural body positions… and load you up with various tips and confusing instructions that never actually work on the golf course when it counts…

The REAL problem is that
there’s a weak
breaking the kinetic chain
your golf swing…

…Causing a power leak that’s pumping the brakes on your clubhead speed…

And sabotaging your ability to hit the ball as far as you should.

Dr. Paul Morrisey, an Osteopathic
Doctor specializing in golf performance.

And to prove it, let me introduce you to
a man named Dr. Paul.

Dr. Paul Morrisey, an Osteopathic
Doctor specializing in golf performance.

Because if it weren’t for him, I never would
have discovered this Power Joint…

And the simple, proven way any golfer can
activate it for an immediate boost in
clubhead speed and distance.

I first met Dr. Paul at a famous golf
academy we both worked at.

He’s been an Osteopathic Doctor for over
20 years… Which is a doctor who focuses
on relieving pain and tension in the
musculoskeletal system.

In other words…

He knows how the human
body moves
better than

That’s why he’s the guy professional golfers come to when they’ve got an issue with their joints, or the biomechanics of their swing…

And that’s also why he works with top coaches and tour players… Like Ryder Cup player David Howell… and Masters’ champion Trevor Immelman…

Ryder Cup player David Howell, and Masters’ champion Trevor Immelman. Just a
couple of the tour players Dr. Paul coaches.

But what REALLY caught my attention is when he mentioned a unique way he was helping golfers swing without pain…

That was ALSO responsible for adding a significant amount of distance to their drives.

That’s when he told me about
little-known joint in the
body that
golfers are
completely unaware of…

He explained when you activate this ONE joint as you swing the club… It not only takes stress off your elbows, hips, shoulders, knees, and back…

It also serves as a powerful and stable
leverage point to gain effortless
clubhead speed… Resulting in longer

However, when this Power Joint is
INACTIVE, it becomes the “weakest
link” in your golf swing…

Because it breaks the kinetic chain that’s
responsible for distance.

Causing a major power leak…

Slower clubhead speed…

And ultimately shorter, weaker drives.

Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of the
kinetic chain in your golf swing…

All you need to know is…

In the ideal swing, the energy generated by one part of your body is transferred efficiently to the next part of your body…

From the ground… to your feet… to your legs… to your hips… to your torso… to your shoulders… to your arms… to your wrists… to your hands… to the club head… and into the ball…

This energy transfer
throughout the
kinetic chain
is what determines
head speed…

…and the amount of raw power that gets put into the golf ball.

If the kinetic chain is broken… in even one place…

Then your swing is leaking power.

And at that point…

  • It doesn’t matter how strong you are…
  • It doesn’t matter how hard you swing…
  • It doesn’t matter how flexible you are…
  • And it doesn’t matter if you have the perfect rotation…
  • Or the perfect plane…

It’s all for nothing if this ONE joint is leaking power in your swing…

Slowing down your clubhead speed…

Robbing you of the additional 20 to 30 yards you could be getting…

And making it impossible for you to keep your ball in the fairway…

Not to mention getting it close enough on par 4’s to reach the green in regulation.

And I wish I could say that’s where it ends…

But actually, it’s only the
of the problem…

The scary thing is when this
swing-stabilizing Power Joint is left
INACTIVE… your body will naturally try to
compensate for this break in the kinetic

By sending a message to the rest of your
body to overuse your elbows, hips,
shoulders, knees, and back…

Resulting in unnecessary stress on your
smaller, stabilizing muscles…

Leading to discomfort, soreness, and
potential injuries in your joints, muscles,
tendons, and ligaments…

Which leads to even MORE
power loss,
swing flaws,
and inconsistency…

In other words… if left unchecked… it silently cripples your swing.

“A lot of golf injuries are a
chain reaction
from other
parts of the body”

– Dr. Paul Morrissey

Osteopathic Golf Performance Doctor

Think about it like a wheel on a bike…

If one spoke is loose it leads to extra stress being
placed on other spokes in the wheel… which causes
them to break.

And if all that weren’t enough…

There’s one final way your
Power Joint is
causing a power leak

in your swing…

It actually reduces your range of motion in the backswing… And prevents the club from going back far enough in your swing to maximize distance.

This range of motion I’m talking about has nothing to do with your flexibility.

And everything to do with an inactive Power Joint.

Why is this so important?

Because when your clubhead doesn’t get back far enough in your backswing… it shortens the amount of distance you have available to gain momentum and speed in your downswing.

This means less clubhead speed when your clubface comes in contact with the ball.

Think of it like a fighter jet taking off from a runway…

The longer the runway, the more momentum the jet is able to build to gain speed before it takes off.

In the same way… The shorter the “runway” your CLUB has available to gain momentum in your swing…

The less clubhead speed you’re able to generate…

And the less distance you’re able to get.

So you can see why an inactive Power Joint isn’t just some small issue that golfers with minor aches and pains need to worry about…

It’s actually a hidden cause of
power loss
in your swing…

And many other swing flaws you may not even know you have.

That’s why… when I heard what this Power Joint is truly capable of…

How ACTIVATING this joint repairs the kinetic chain of your swing, fixing a major power leak that’s been silently crippling your power…

How it takes stress off your elbows, hips, shoulders, knees, and back…

How it gives you a longer backswing… which loads your swing with increased momentum… giving you an automatic boost in clubhead speed…

And doing it all WITHOUT swinging the club any harder than you are right now…

I knew I had to try this for myself…

So Dr. Paul walked me through
his protocol
for activating
this Power Joint

But there was one problem:

His protocol was geared more towards pain reduction for his patients…

Because after all, he’s not a golf instructor…

So it didn’t take full advantage of the distance benefits we BOTH knew were possible.

But what If I could take the knowledge I learned from Dr. Paul…

And come up with a different way to activate this Power Joint…

One that fully maximizes clubhead speed and distance…

While still maintaining the same swing-stabilizing benefits that protect your elbows, hips, shoulders, knees, and back from unnecessary stress.

I was hopeful… but still with
a healthy
amount of

After all… at 5 foot 7 inches tall… 50 years old… and working on improving my swing for the past 32 years…

I couldn’t help but think… Maybe I’ve already maxed out my drives at 275 yards…

Maybe I’ve already reached my peak…

Maybe it’s all downhill from here and I’ll actually end up LOSING distance in the coming years as I get older… like so many other golfers.

But luckily I wasn’t willing to accept that…

Because I’ve seen too many Tour pros hitting the ball farther in their 60’s than they were in their 30’s… like my student, and six-time Major Champion Sir Nick Faldo.

So over the next few weeks, I went to the range almost every day…

…Determined to squeeze every
ounce of
clubhead speed out
of my swing, using
what I
learned about the Power

I found that activating this joint — believe it or not — was effortless, and required no extra strength, flexibility, or skill on my part.

It was just 1 simple move.

And without even trying to swing any
harder than I normally do, I took a swing
and smashed the ball 290 yards.

Considering I normally averaged 275
yards… THAT got my attention.

But I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just a

AND I wanted to see how much MORE
extra distance was possible…

So I kept hitting drives… and making small
adjustments… activating my Power Joint in
different ways…

The more balls I hit, the
easier it felt…

The Trackman showed I was generating more clubhead speed… And I felt more balanced in my follow through.

My drives were consistent… and over the next few weeks, they got longer… as I kept finding easier and more effective ways to activate my Power Joint.

And I was stunned when I was finally able to break the 300-yard barrier for the first time in my life.

I even sent one a whopping 305 yards.

After 30 years of coaching, it takes a lot to surprise me… but I couldn’t believe how easy this was.

After weeks on the range… lots of testing… and hitting thousands of balls…

I was fully satisfied that I’ve found the most effective way to activate my Power Joint.

I ended up with a simple
Power Joint
Technique any golfer can
to maximize distance…

Every time I used it, my swing felt natural and effortless… And the ball was flying an extra 30 yards farther, consistently.

Now, I’m used to helping my students make breakthroughs… but it’s been a VERY long time since I’VE made a breakthrough like this in my own swing.

So I knew I had to share this Power Joint Activation technique with my students…

And when I did, the results were incredible…




In fact, each student I showed this to saw an immediate boost in distance.

The reason this Power Joint
technique works so
is because it
plugs all of
the power leaks we talked

about earlier:

First, it “closes the loop” in the kinetic
chain of your golf swing…

Ensuring a smooth and powerful transfer
of energy…

From your feet… all the way into the ball…

So instead of leaking power every time you
swing the club…

You now experience an uninterrupted
transfer of energy throughout your entire

Giving you an automatic boost in
clubhead speed…

WITHOUT having to try and FORCE more
power by swinging the club harder.

And when you unlock this power you’re currently losing… you’ll feel the difference immediately… as every swing feels like it’s on rails… your clubface is exploding into the ball… and you hear that pure contact that sends the ball flying down the center of the fairway.

This Power Joint Activation
Technique ALSO
your swing length…

Because when your Power Joint is activated, it provides effortless range of motion that naturally gets the clubhead farther back in your swing.

This gives your clubhead a longer “runway” to gain momentum and speed in your downswing… pushing more power into the ball automatically…

  • WITHOUT adding more hip rotation…
  • WITHOUT adding more shoulder turn…
  • And WITHOUT trying to “muscle” more speed into your swing.

That means MORE power… with LESS effort and stress.

BEFORE Using The Power Joint

Activation Technique

This student’s INACTIVE Power Joint is SHORTENING his swing length…

So the clubhead has less time to build momentum and speed before impact.

AFTER Using The Power Joint

Activation Technique

The INCREASED swing length gives the clubhead more time to build momentum and accelerate before impact…

Providing an automatic increase in
clubhead speed…

I tested this over-and-over again…
on HUNDREDS of students…

The player in this video below is a 59-year-old who was dealing with soreness and joint pain every time he played…

After using the Power Joint Activation Technique, it plugged the power leak in his kinetic chain… increased his swing length… gave him an extra 9 MPH of clubhead speed… and increased his drives by 27 yards… all without aggravating his joints, or leaving him sore:

This student of mine just started playing golf this year… and for him, this technique added 11 MPH of swing speed… giving him an extra 31 yards:

This player has been at it for decades, and just like me, he thought he might not be able to squeeze any extra distance out of his swing…

But after applying the Power Joint Activation Technique he saw an immediate 8 MPH boost in clubhead speed and picked up 24 extra yards off the tee:

And while it’s great this is working for other golfers…

I want YOU to experience
same thing…

The longer backswing it gives you… loading your swing with increased momentum and clubhead speed…

And the fast and easy distance it gives you when this power leak in your kinetic chain is plugged…

Giving you an extra 20 to 30 yards off the tee…

All WITHOUT swinging the club any harder than you are right now…

Which is why I’m going to show YOU how to begin using this Power Joint Activation Technique right now…

In the past, the only way to learn this was to book a half-day lesson with me, which would cost you $2,500.

And my students happily pay that amount because of the YEARS of wasted time and effort it saves them trying to figure everything out themselves.

But listen, I live in the real world. I realize that’s a big financial and time commitment for most golfers to make.

Plus my training calendar is always booked months in advance.

So I’ve come up with a way for you to learn this Power Joint Activation Technique RIGHT NOW… that works even BETTER than in-person lessons… AND costs a whole lot less.

I rented out a beautiful golf course in
Scottsdale, Arizona…

Hired a professional film crew…

And created a simple, step-by-step video
training lesson that not only reveals
WHERE this hidden Power Joint is
located in your body…

But also HOW to activate it… using the
Power Joint Activation Technique…

So you can start using it right now to gain automatic clubhead speed…

And unleash an extra 20 to 30 yards of distance…

Giving you shorter approach shots… more greens in regulation… more birdie opportunities…

And ultimately having you shooting the lowest rounds of your career.

I call it…

“The Power Joint Secret”

How to activate the ONE joint that
adds an
extra 20-30 yards off the tee

…And my students are telling me they’re loving this video training EVEN BETTER than my in-person lessons…

Because you can access these HD videos right now… instantly… from any computer, smartphone, or tablet with an Internet connection…

And you have lifetime access to these training videos… so you can pause, rewind, and watch them as many times as you like… whenever you like.

So you never have to worry about forgetting how to use this simple Power Joint Activation Technique.

Here’s what I’ll be handing you
today inside
The Power Joint

The first thing you want to do is watch the
8-minute video that reveals WHERE the
Power Joint is located… and HOW to
activate it.

And it’s so simple you’ll laugh…

Because you’ll be able to FULLY activate
your Power Joint within minutes… the very
first time you do it.

And you’ll feel the extra power immediately… with your new clubhead speed smashing into the ball with flush contact…

And watching in awe as the ball soars higher and farther than you’ve ever hit it before…

So instead of worrying about short, mishit drives… and feeling that silent judgement from your golf buddies…

You’re now crushing every shot consistently farther and straighter down the fairway…

And as everyone is watching that ball fly… they’re giving you the utmost respect for what they just saw you do.

And you’re able to do it over… and over again… consistently.

So how much is it?

The Power Joint Secret normally sells for just $197…

And considering my students regularly pay $2,500 to learn this technique from me in-person, I think you’ll agree, $197 is an absolute steal.

But today I’m NOT even going to ask you to invest $197 to get access to it…

MUCH less, in fact.

I’ll show you how much in a moment, but before I do, I want to tell you about a few valuable bonuses I’m including absolutely free… on this page only.

Because after you’ve activated your Power Joint, and you’re seeing that extra 20 to 30 yards on every drive…

With your kinetic chain no longer leaking power in your swing…

And with the increased swing length giving you new automatic clubhead speed…

You’re now primed to add even MORE power and distance to your drives.

Which is why I’m ALSO giving you my Power Multipliers… Absolutely free.

Power Multipliers

$5,000 FREE

This is a collection of the most effective distance techniques I use with my in-person students… that can’t be found anywhere else online.

Inside, you’ll discover…

The “Ground Force Dynamics” technique that
primes your body for more clubhead speed,
and leverages the ground for maximum power.

You’ll also see the SECOND most important joint
in your golf swing that compounds power through
your arms… and how to leverage it for more
distance, even if you can’t turn your shoulders
past 90 degrees… and even if you have limited
body rotation. For many golfers this alone
unlocks ANOTHER 10-15 yards.

I’ll show you the forgotten “Power Release” move
Jack Nicklaus used back in 1963 to win the
long-drive contest at the PGA Championship with
a 341-yard bomb. Use THIS to deliver MORE
power into the ball… even without a full

You’ll get my 8-Minute Launch Levers for
generating insane lag… My students are using
this to add another 5-10 miles per hour to their
swing on average.

And finally… you’ll have access to my Instant
Rotation Hack… which reveals how the biggest
hitters and most consistent ball strikers master
the art of rotation… This training gives you the
tour secrets to mastering your pivot… and
unlocking kinetic energy pulled from the ground…
And it works using a ground-force activation
technique you won’t find anywhere else.

Each of these Power Multipliers are waiting for you inside the members area right now.

Use one of these… Or use them all.

It’s up to you how quickly you want to add even MORE distance.

You won’t find these Power Multipliers anywhere else online for any price.

I normally only teach these techniques to my in-person students, which would run you upwards of $5,000 for everything I reveal inside…

But these Power Multipliers are yours FREE today… as my way of saying thank you for investing in the Power Joint Secret.

Everything is waiting for you
inside your
online members
area right now…

But because you’re watching this video… I know you’re serious about gaining distance.

So I want to make sure there’s absolutely nothing standing in the way of getting the extra 20-30 yards of distance you deserve.

And for that reason, I’m handing you everything we talked about here…

Not for the $5,194 that it’s worth…

And not even for the $197 it’s currently selling for on our main website…

But for just $97 $47.

That’s THOUSANDS of dollars less than you’d pay to learn everything from me in-person…

And a generous $150 OFF what everyone else has paid for this game-changing technique.

Click the button below to get instant online access to the Power Joint Secret… including the free bonus training…

So you can experience the increased clubhead speed… the effortless power and stability in your swing… and the extra 20 to 30 yards of distance it gives you.


Get Instant Access To

The Power Joint Secret

Including a FREE bonus
worth $5,000

PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back Guarantee
and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $5,197.00


(Save $5,100.00 today with this limited
time special offer)


Click Here To Activate Your Power Joint And Instantly Hit Longer, Straighter
Drives More Consistently Than Ever Before (Without Swinging Any Harder)

365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

And just to show you how serious I am, here’s why you can’t lose:

You’re covered by my:


“Gain 20 Yards Or It’s Free”
365-Day 100% Money-Back

Here’s how it works:

Just say “maybe” to the Power Joint Secret program today…

If you’ve ever watched a short video and followed simple instructions, then you already have all you need to activate your Power Joint… and gain an extra 20-30 yards of distance.

I’ve made it extremely easy for you.

Just watch the short and simple video on your computer, tablet, or smartphone…

Go to the driving range and grab a bucket of balls…

Use the Power Joint Activation technique, and watch what happens.

If you’re not absolutely thrilled by what you see…

If you’re not bombing drives 20-30 yards farther down the center of the fairway… And doing it consistently…

Then simply send an email to our support team at…

ANY time in the next 365-days…

And you’ll receive a full refund,
hassle-free, no questions asked.

And on top of all that…

When you click the button below, and get started today…

I’m ALSO giving you exclusive
access to a
LIVE Q&A Bonus
Chat + Video Training

Session with me…

$500 FREE

That’s one full hour (or more) to ask me any questions about your game… LIVE.

There’s no software to install… You’ll simply get a link to an interactive webpage you can access on any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

So you can type your questions into the chat box and I’ll answer them for you LIVE on streaming video…

This way, instead of just TELLING you my answers… I can demonstrate and show you what you need to see to improve.

And if you can’t make it to the LIVE stream, there will be a replay you can access to watch it.

I would normally charge $500 an hour for an interactive LIVE stream training like this…

But today, it’s yours FREE when you click the button below to get started right now.

And there’s one last thing…

I’m also including a FREE
digital copy of
bestselling book: The 7
Laws Of
The Golf Swing.

$34.99 FREE

Inside, you’ll see the 7 core “laws” of golf I used to help Jusin Rose go from number 125… to the number 5 ranked golfer in the world.

After selling over 115,000 copies of this book… the feedback and response I’ve received from readers is unbelievable…

Inside, you’ll find detailed images that can transform your game, and lower your handicap overnight…

And you’ll see why Justin Rose says…

“At the PGA Tour events Nick attended with me, there was rarely a time when I didn’t see a golf fan shaking his hand to thank him for the birth of the 7 laws… and tell him how it has benefitted or saved their game.”

The 7 Laws Of The Golf Swing sells for $34.99 for the paperback version…

But today, I’m throwing in your digital copy FREE.

And you’re getting instant online access to everything right now:


Here’s Everything
Getting When
You Access the

Power Joint Secret

Including 3 FREE bonuses
worth $5,534.99

PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back Guarantee
and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

The Power Joint Secret Video Training

How to activate the ONE joint that adds an extra 20-30 yards off the tee.

PRICE: $97.00 Only $47

Power Multipliers

Insider-techniques that add even MORE power and distance to your drives.

PRICE: $5000.00 FREE

Live Q&A Chat & Video Training Session

Ask Nick ANY question about your game… LIVE… and get answers designed to boost distance and accuracy.

PRICE: $500.00 FREE

The 7 Laws Of The Golf Swing

A digital copy of Nick Bradley’s best-selling book, revealing the 7 core “laws” of golf you can use to lower your handicap even more.

PRICE: $34.99 FREE

TOTAL VALUE: $5,197.00


(Save $5,634.99 today with this limited
time special offer)


Click Here To Activate Your Power Joint And Instantly Hit Longer, Straighter
Drives More Consistently Than Ever Before (Without Swinging Any Harder)

365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

Here’s What Happens When
You Order:


Secure Checkout

When you get started now, you’ll be

taken to the secure order page where

you’ll enter your basic information.


Access Members Area

Complete your order and you’ll gain
immediate access to the online
members area.


Enjoy Your New Course

Enjoy lifetime access to the Power Joint
Secret videos… and all of the bonus

So there you have it:

You’ve seen how activating your Power Joint plugs a huge power leak in your swing… gives you automatic clubhead speed… and a huge boost in distance…

You saw how regular golfers who are using my Power Joint Activation technique have already gained 24 yards… 27 yards… and even 31 yards consistently on their drives…

And right now you have the chance to get access to that same technique… at a huge discount…

Including $5,631 worth of power-multiplying bonus training…

With a 100% money-back guarantee that covers you for a full 365-days, so you risk nothing.

So now it’s time for a decision…

Because this offer will not be available forever…

…And neither will your chance to get my Power Joint Secret at the discounted price.

The way I see it, you have 3

Option number 1 is to do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

You could play your next round of golf… and continue feeling the same uncertainty when you step up to the first tee and everyone is watching…

And keep dealing with the short, mishit drives that are ruining your rounds.

But if you’d like to gain an extra 20 to 30 yards of distance…

That leaves you with 2 other options.

Option number 2 is doing it yourself.

You could do your own research on human anatomy, biomechanics, and the kinetic chain of your golf swing… And hope you discover this Power Joint yourself…

And then you could try figuring out the right way to activate it to fully maximize your clubhead speed, distance, and accuracy.

If you’re willing to work hard and spend hours to make that happen, you might be able to pull it off.


Option number 3 is to take advantage of all MY hard work, knowledge, and experience…

And do what thousands of my students have already done…

By getting access to my Power Joint Secret

And watching the simple video training that activates your Power Joint… giving you an extra 20 to 30 yards of accurate distance…

So next time you tee up on that first hole, you experience the unshakable confidence that comes with knowing you’re about to stripe it down the center of the fairway…

Crushing it past your friends…

And carding your lowest round this year.

Of these 3 options, ask yourself…

What’s going to be easier for you?

I’m ready to give you instant access to my Power Joint Secret right now.

All you have to do is click the button below, and you can begin using it within minutes…

So you can see that extra 20 to 30 yards show up your very next round.

Only you can decide.

With that said, I’m Nick Bradley… I want to thank you for watching… and I hope to see you inside in just a few minutes from now… When you click here to get started.

See you inside,

Nick Bradley
Coach to elite golfers on the PGA Tour


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