Achieving solid contact and compression with irons is a key goal for golfers who want consistent, powerful shots.
Eric Cogorno shares a valuable technique on the Performance Golf YouTube channel he calls the “Twist Away” trick, designed to improve compression and strike quality. This guide breaks down the key points from this golf drill video to help you master this move and integrate it into your practice routine!
Understanding Compression and Shaft Lean
At impact, skilled and professional players create a shaft lean, with their hands ahead of the clubface. This forward shaft lean effectively reduces the club’s loft, making an eight-iron perform more like a seven-iron. The result? A powerful, compressed shot that feels solid and flies farther. To achieve this same impact position, golfers need to learn how to “close” the clubface earlier in the swing.
Eric Cogorno uses the eight-iron here to provide an example of the proper shaft lean. He says “if there’s one thing you can do to set up good pieces later, it’s get the clubface closed sooner.” That is a common factor in the pros, and how they master ball compression.
The “Twist Away” Drill
The Twist Away drill starts with a simple setup: placing a tee in your glove to monitor clubface position throughout the swing. You can wrap the tee in the corner of the velcro closing of the glove (see photo below) so that it sticks straight out, almost as if the tee was coming out of the top of your hand.
Initially, the tee should point toward the target when in the setup position. Many amateur golfers tend to open the clubface during the swing, which causes poor contact and a loss of compression. When the clubface opens, the tee points up toward the golfer—this is a sign that the clubface is incorrectly twisted open.
By contrast, twisting the club so that the toe of the clubface is slightly in front of the heel is the correct motion. This slight “twist away” closes the clubface, helping you achieve a good shaft lean and solid contact, which is needed for that extra power and distance!
Step-by-Step Drill Execution
- Setup: Insert the tee in the corner of your glove on your lead hand, pointing toward the target. (Watch the video, or reference the above photo for how to place the tee in your glove!)
- Takeaway: As you swing back, aim to keep the tee pointing slightly downward. This keeps the clubface closed and helps flatten the lead wrist.
- Backswing and Downswing: Maintain the downward tee angle as you continue the backswing, then slightly rotate it away from the target in the transition. This keeps the wrist flat and the clubface square.
- Impact and Follow-Through: As you approach impact, focus on keeping the tee down or level with the ground. This position makes it easier to achieve forward shaft lean at impact.
Applying the Twist Away Drill for Flush Contact
Start with small, controlled swings, focusing on the half-swing position with the tee pointing down, then gradually build up to longer swings, maintaining the “down and away” tee position to ensure the clubface remains square throughout. With practice, this movement will become second nature, improving consistency and contact quality.
The “Twist Away” trick is a powerful, hands-on drill that offers immediate feedback on clubface control, giving you confidence and observable improvement in contact! By incorporating this technique into your practice routine, you’ll be on your way to a more solid, controlled, and powerful golf swing.