As you might expect, the golf ball position for short game shots like chipping and pitching, is different than the long game.
The short game requires quite a bit more precision when it comes to golf ball position because rather than just trying to hit the ball as far as you can for the approach, the goal of these shots is to get it in the hole.
We’re going to be sharing the best golf swing tips to get the right ball position for the short game. Keeping these strategies and techniques in mind when setting up your golf swing will help you make clean and consistent contact more often.
Golf Ball Position Technique for Short Game Shots
Each of these golf ball position techniques for the short game can be used regardless of your golf handicap level. As you practice various short game shots, try to vary the club you use to develop a more well-rounded short game.
Let’s get into the ball position tips!
Don’t Let The Ball Get Too Far From You
When setting up for short game shots, you don’t want the ball position too far away from you. As you can see in the image above, the ball is closer to the player’s feet than it would be in a typical drive.
When the ball is too far, you’ll struggle to get the proper angle of attack. The further you get from it, the shallower the angle of attack and the harder it is to hit the ball in the air.
To find the right spot, let your arms hang naturally from your shoulders. You’ll feel almost as if they drop down, and your club will be closer to your lead thigh than it is in the full-swing stance.
Play around with the ball position being a little closer or further away and see how it impacts the flight of your golf shots. Most players find that the closer they are, the more control they have.
Chipping vs. Pitching Ball Position
A chip is a lower shot that hits the green and then rolls toward the hole. A pitch is a higher, lofted shot that gets up in the air, comes down on the ground, and stays in the same general area where it landed.
Pitching the golf ball requires a golf ball position closer to the center of your stance. This position can help you increase the height of your shot.
For chipping, the best position is to place the ball closer to the back of your stance. This position promotes a lower shot, keeping the flight more controlled and closer to the ground.
You can watch this YouTube video for more visuals on how to master chipping:
Move The Ball Up In The Bunker
For bunker shots, it’s best to play the ball slightly forward in your stance and closer to your lead foot. Your stance should also be a bit open when hitting out of the bunker.
The slightly forward ball position ensures you strike the sand and then the golf ball. When the golf club hits sand first, it glides through the sand and allows you to hit a higher-lofted shot that will spin and stop when it hits the greens.
If you have been playing the ball too far back in the stance, it could be the culprit that is causing shot after shot to stay in the bunker.
Keep Your Feet Close Together
When setting up ball position in the short game, your feet should be closer together than the wider stance you’d typically use for a long drive. When you set up to hit short game shots, your feet should be almost all the way together.
This position allows for just the right amount of body turn, shoulder rotation, and distance in your golf shots.
With the feet being so close together, the majority of short game shots will be played from the center of your stance. For more loft you can move it a half a ball forward, for less loft push it slightly back.
However, you won’t want the ball in front of the lead foot or behind the trail foot at any time, as this makes it too difficult to make clean contact.
Always Make Sure Your Hands Can Be Ahead of the Ball
To strike the golf ball with a square clubface on your short shots you’ll want to have your hands slightly ahead of the ball at setup.
If pushing your hands slightly ahead of the ball causes your hands to be awkwardly out in front or well in front of the lead leg, your ball position is likely too far forward.
Move the ball position back a little, get the hands in line with your lead leg, and then see if you can get the correct trajectory for your short game shots.
Ball Position for Different Lies
Play the ball just a little further back in your stance on a tight lie. This will help promote a more downward strike and ensure you get the ball off the ground. You can move the ball slightly forward for a fluffy lie to prevent digging into the turf.
When practicing your short game, don’t give yourself a perfect lie every time. Try different situations to know how to play them on the course when the time comes.
The Right Ball Position Is Crucial
Give these short game tricks a try and see what they can do for you.
Ball position may seem like a very basic part of the short game, but it’s one that most amateur golfers struggle with. Once you have these positions down, repeat them each time you play a shot and you’ll be mastering the bunkers in no time!