The Man Ernie Els Claims Is “The
Best Player-Coach
On The
Champions Tour” Finally Breaks
His Code Of Silence Saying:
“If You’re Over 50,
Steal This
To Immediately Hit
250+ Yard Drives“
In 3 minutes or less, the “Speed
Quadrant Sequence”
20-40 laser-accurate yards to
your drives…
No matter what
your size, strength, or age
Remember how great it felt the first time?
When you crushed the longest drive you’ve ever hit…
… dead straight down the center of the fairway…
You didn’t think… you didn’t force it… it was all effortless.
Just the feeling of the club speeding through the impact zone…
The crisp sound of perfectly flush contact…
And the confident feeling of holding your finish as you watched…
The Ball Exploding Off Your
And Flying
Farther And Straighter
You’d Ever Hit It
If a part of you has ever wondered, “Why can’t I do that every time?”
You’re not alone.
As we get older and our drives get shorter…
The dream of hitting a long drive becomes a distant memory…
But not today.
Because on this page, you’re about to discover…
A Little-Known Distance
Secret I
Uncovered While
Coaching Some Of
Longest Drivers On The
LPGA Tour…
Yes, I said the
L-P-G-A tour…
Don’t worry — we won’t tell anybody.
But we both know if you had the rhythm, power, and effortless distance of an LPGA tour player…
… you’d be happy as a pig in you-know-what…
Because the truth is…
We also know that you’re stronger than the average LPGA tour player…
You definitely weigh more than the typical 135-lb female…
And you’re probably at least a few inches taller, too…
And Yet — The Average
Player Outdrives
You By 20… 30…
Even 50 Yards…
And it doesn’t have to be that way…
Because when you learn the “speed secret” that lies within one of these 4 swing quadrants…

You quickly realize that…
- Adding 10 to 15 miles per hour of swing speed is possible…
- Gaining 20… 30… sometimes even 40 yards more distance off the tee
is possible… - … and eliminating those consistency-destroying mishits?
It’s ALL possible…
As you’re about to see on this page, this secret works by “tricking” your body into swinging faster…
… through the most important quadrant of the swing for maximum speed and distance… and…
It Fixes The One And Only
Older Golfers
Struggle To Gain
As They Age…
That’s why it’s perfect for aging players who want to hit 230, 250, maybe even 270 yard drives without “gripping and ripping” it.
Because even if you feel like you can’t make a big rotational swing…
Even if your hips, shoulders, or knees feel achy or stiff…
And even if your swing is not as long as it once was…
In a moment, you’ll see undeniable proof…
… that failing to activate this
little-known “speed quadrant”…
… is the REAL ROOT CAUSE of losing distance as you age.
I can say that with 100% confidence because when I was a rookie on the PGA tour, I averaged 260 yards off the tee which was only average in distance…
And Now, At Nearly 60 On
Champion’s Tour… I’m
Over 280

That’s in the top 20%…
And as you’ll see in a moment, that’s NOT all due to technology…
Because I’ve shown thousands of golfers over 50 how to do the same… effortlessly.
In fact, that may be the best part…
You don’t need to hit the gym and do any painful exercises…
Learn any confusing drills or swing thoughts…
Or spend hours on the range and big money completely overhauling – and
over-complicating – your swing.
Because in my 35-plus-year career…
and the 50,000 lessons I’ve given to amateurs and pros alike…
I’ve never seen a discovery quite like this…
It took 20 years before it clicked and…
I Finally Saw How All Of My
Students Were Doing
Differently To
Consistently Hit
250+ Yard Drives…
… without size or strength on their side.
They were all hitting longer drives than the average amateur player…
And that realization led me to analyze my own swing…
Champions Tour swings…
And more LPGA tour swings…
To Pinpoint The ONE
Of The Swing
Where Speed Is Most
Often Gained Or Lost…

… especially in players over the age of 50.
That’s why — today — I’m going to show you what I call the “speed quadrant sequence”…
Which is a simple 3-minute drill that you practice once a week…
… and is proven to add at least 20 to 40 dead straight yards to your tee shots…
… WITHOUT swinging any harder…
… even if you’re over 60 years old.
You won’t hear about this on YouTube…
You won’t hear about this on the Golf Channel or any magazine…
In Fact, You Won’t Hear
About This
From Any Of The
So-Called Experts…
Because frankly…
NONE of them have
given over 50,000 lessons
and produced as many
tour winners as my
academies have…

NONE of them coached
Bart Bryant when he
went from 200 thousand
dollars in PGA earnings to
over $14 MILLION in
his late 40s…
And for sure, NOT A
SINGLE ONE can claim to
have helped Y.E. Yang
beat Tiger Woods in the
PGA Championship…
(The first time that Tiger
was EVER beaten with a
ad going into Sunday.)

But most importantly, how many other instructors do you know have played on the PGA and Champions tour — while coaching at the same time?
Again, I’m pretty sure the answer is… NONE.
Those are just a few of the reasons why
Golf Magazine has ranked me one of
their Top 100 teachers 17 years straight…

And why I’ve been named a Top 50
teacher in America by Golf Digest for
the better part of the last 15 years.
But this isn’t about me, it’s about YOU.
And how…
YOU TOO Can Lock Into The
Quadrant To Add 20
To 40 Yards Of
Laser-Accurate Distance To
Your Drives… Using Brian Mogg’s Power Loading Formula Secrets
… without overworking your body or risking injury.
So if you’re sick and tired of short, mishit drives…
Drives that land shorter with each passing year…
And if you’re ready to throw away all of the bad swing advice you’ve ever been given about how to gain distance…
And instead you want to discover how guys over 50 are hitting 250 yard drives…
… activating the one and only quadrant in your swing responsible for adding speed and distance…
Then I urge you… turn off all distractions…
Put your phone on silent…
And give me your undivided attention for the next several minutes — because…
I’m Only Teaching This
Secret To A
Limited Number
Of Golfers For
A Limited
And I want to be 100% sure you get access to it — before the next round you play…
Hi, I’m Brian Mogg.

And, to show you how this speed
quadrant sequence works…
And why it’s BY FAR the easiest, most
effective way for golfers over 50 to add
effortless distance…
I have to tell you about an LPGA legend,
Se-ri Pak….
Because if it weren’t for her, I never
would have discovered this secret…
You see, in the last 10 years, I was forced to confront the cold hard truth… that
I was losing distance as I got older…
And that’s WITH advances in technology…
So as an active Champions Tour player, you can imagine my frustration…
I Knew It Would Take A
Miracle For Me
Consistently Hit Drives As
(Or Farther) Than I
Once Did…

But in 2016, I coached Pak for a year…
At the time, Pak was wrapping up her hall of fame career…
And yet, at 39 years old and only 5’6″, she was still consistently hitting her drives 260 yards…
But it wasn’t just how far she was hitting the ball…
It was HOW she was hitting these drives…
Watching her in our first lesson…
I noticed she was doing something different…
Something That Was
Allowing Her
To Create
Effortless Swing Speed
And Distance…
But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it…
Then one day, right after working with her, I gave a lesson to a 53-year-old student who was badly struggling with distance off the tee…
His takeaway seemed fine… he rotated well enough for a man his age… he had a balanced follow through…
But for some reason, he wasn’t hitting the ball even close to as far as Pak was…
Even when he made “good contact”, he was still maxing out around 220 yards with his drives.
That’s when I put their swings in slow motion side by side…
Then it hit me:
This Older Golfer Was NOT
His Speed In
The Second Quadrant
Of The Swing:

As I zoomed in on the four quadrants of each of these players’ swings…
Despite the fact that they looked similar… the takeaway, the top of the swing, the transition, the impact zone, even the follow through…
When I went frame by frame, something jumped out at me about the second quadrant of the swing.
This is what I was looking at:

And that’s when I realized that…
Almost Everything That Is
Taught About
Speed In The
Golf Swing… Is All Wrong
Because in all my years of playing and coaching, I’d always focused on…
… swing length…
… rotation…
… coil…
… clubface angle…
… and follow through…
These are all areas of the swing that are in quadrant 1, 3, and 4…

NOT quadrant 2… what I
now call…
The Speed
So that’s when I went back into the swing lab…
I started taking hundreds of swings on the Trackman and analyzing my own swing in slow motion… frame by frame… comparing the footage side by side with the best LPGA players’ swings…

And even though there are a lot of
differences between these LPGA players
and my 58 year old swing…
When I started mimicking what they
were doing in the speed quadrant…
everything changed.
Suddenly, I was driving it farther than I
was in my 30s…
And when I looked at the swings of some
of the best Champions Tour players…
I Saw These Older “Long
Hitters” Were
All Doing The
Exact Same Thing

I Even Went Back To Look
At The Great Ben Hogan’s

Widely regarded as one of the best ball strikers of all time.
And guess what?
The truth was undeniable:
These guys were all doing the same thing as Pak in the speed quadrant,
So if like me, you ever wondered how female golfers can hit it much farther
than amateur male golfers who are taller and stronger…
Well, it’s the same reason that skinny boxers often punch harder than more muscular ones…
Muscle isn’t always your friend in the golf swing…
Here’s why that is:
A Powerful Golf Swing Relies
A Constant “Pulling
Throughout The
Speed Quadrant…

The problem is, if you… like most older golfers… are “throwing away” this force before the club makes contact with the ball…
You lose much of your swing speed at the critical moment when it needs to accelerate the most…

In fact, we know from dozens of golf studies that every 1 mile per hour of clubhead speed adds — or subtracts — 2.9 yards of distance…
From what I’ve seen, this issue can cost you 7… 10… sometimes even 15 miles per hour of swing speed…
And When You Do The Math,
That Means Losing 20… 29…
Even 44
Yards Of Distance
Off The Tee
It’s easy to see how this makes you lose confidence in your swing…
This also causes your body to try and “get the ball in the air”… and results in pushing or “steering” the club through impact…
And ultimately ruining your chance of ever gaining power in the speed quadrant…
But as you’re about to see — that can easily change — in 3 minutes or less.
Because the more I analyzed the greatest swings — especially of those who didn’t have a size or strength advantage…
The more I realized that maximum speed through the impact zone…
Speed that takes full advantage of the momentum and weight of the club itself…
… is simply a matter of no longer throwing away power in the speed quadrant.
And it has nothing to do with muscle or brute force.
The bottom line is…
All Swing Speed — And
Distance — Is
Either Gained Or Lost In
The Speed Quadrant…

To understand how it works, think of a whip…
According to Scientific American, the force of
the whip is caused by a sudden change in

The quicker and larger the change in
momentum, the greater the force…
Just like it doesn’t take a big body or strong
arm to crack a whip…
When you learn how to use momentum in
the speed quadrant…
… you too can generate explosive power —
even if you’re not as strong or flexible as
you once were.
To be clear, none of this means you need a faster takeaway…
Rather, creating a “whipping effect” with your club…
… and literally getting it to bend, creating maximum acceleration…
… even if you’ve never been able to do this before…
It’s Simply A Matter Of
Tricking Your Body
Maintaining The Angle For
A Split
Second Longer In
The Speed Quadrant
That’s right — I’m not asking you to change your angle of attack…
… or swing from the inside… or stay behind the ball…
I’m simply saying that holding on for a split second longer in the speed quadrant…
… is all you need to increase your swing speed by up to 15 miles per hour.

When this happens, your natural swing energy is automatically increased…
… gaining massive velocity — right up to the point of contact…
And that addictive “whooshing sound” that you hear when you strike the ball perfectly?
That’s Produced When Your
Moves Faster Than
The Speed Of Sound
Creating What Scientists
Refer To
As “A Small Sonic
THAT is what my best drives felt and sounded like…
And it’s exactly what you’re about to learn how to do with the speed quadrant sequence…
Because the truth is…
The ONE and ONLY way to hit the ball farther without more strength or flexibility…
… is to leverage the whipping force through the speed quadrant.
But how could I get amateur players like you to do this consistently?
As I became obsessed with that question…
I realized there was ONE BIG
I had to find an easy way to help players unlearn the habit of “throwing away” natural power — or “steering” the club through the speed quadrant…
If I could do this, I would be able to help ANY golfer over 50 maximize distance with age.
So I began experimenting with my
53-year-old student on ways to quickly break the habit of throwing away power in this section of the swing…
I had to find a way to trick him into maintaining the angle for a split second longer through the speed quadrant — without changing his swing…
The only way to do that was to create a drill that would simulate the whip factor…
That’s When I Had Him Do
That Seems
The best way I can describe it is when I’d seen runners training with resistance…
You know when you see a runner with a parachute behind him on the track…
He’s training his body to hold the correct angle — so that when there is no parachute… he’s going at a much faster speed…
That’s essentially what I got this older golfer to do…
Without the need for a parachute… training aids… or an ounce of extra strength.
Instead… the only thing he needed was his driver.
And it was so easy he didn’t even break a sweat…
At That Moment, It All Came
And He Started
Hitting Drives Like This:
As you can see, his drives were now flying 15 yards farther… 25 yards farther… sometimes even 40 yards farther…
In that moment, the “speed quadrant sequence” was born…
But since I had only tried it myself and on one student…
I needed to be sure it worked for ANY older golfer with any swing issues…
So I began testing it out on students over 50 at my 5 academies around the world.
The results exceeded even my highest expectations…
The first player was a bogey golfer who couldn’t get it past the 200 yard marker…
I Had Him Follow The
“Speed Quadrant
Sequence” And This Is What

Here’s what he had to say after following this simple sequence:
If you think his results were good… check out what happened with the next player I showed this to…
This guy was hitting 180 yard drives… never any farther…
I Showed Him The “Speed
Sequence”… And
The Instant
Change Was

And this is what he had to say:
By now, you’re probably wondering how the speed quadrant sequence is going to work for you…
The two steps it requires couldn’t be any easier…
FIRST, all you have to do is make this one change in your setup… which will feel more natural and easier than what you’re currently doing…
The First Step Takes No
More Than
60 Seconds To

This is the same setup secret that all top Champions Tour players and
long-hitting LPGA players are using right now…
Because it instantly eliminates the first block to maximizing speed in quadrant two…
When you do this, you’ll feel more balanced… and your swing will be loaded for the second part of this sequence…
The Second Step Only Takes
90 Seconds… It’s Called
“Whip Factor Drill”
… you’ll perform this drill to trick your body into maintaining the angle in the speed quadrant.

This second step will immediately and permanently retrain your muscle memory to STOP throwing away power like no other drill you’ve ever seen before.
In Less Than 3 Minutes In
You’ll Have Broken All
Speed-Killing Habits…

Yes, that includes “throwing away” and “steering” the club…
And you’ll have ingrained a new habit of exploding through the speed quadrant for maximum distance and power…
… without adding strength… without adding flexibility… without even making any major changes to your natural swing…
Best of all, you won’t have added even one single mechanical swing thought… it’s natural, easy, and automatic.
And that’s why I say this is the BEST sequence for golfers over 50 to gain speed — and most importantly — distance…
But heck… if you want, you can even test out an optional third step — to
VERIFY you’re doing it correctly…
This Is Going To Be A Little
Because It
Involves Throwing Your
Club Head Cover Straight
Out Like This:

Because the real purpose of this exercise is to SEE and FEEL that you’re maximizing energy through the speed quadrant…
If you’re not, then your club head cover will either hit the ground before you let it go…
… or it will fly straight up in the air — instead of forward and at your target.
I know that sounds a little bit crazy…
But whether you do this or not, the main 2-steps in the speed quadrant sequence will only take 3 minutes or less…
And really, if you practice it just ONCE a week…
I guarantee you’ll consistently experience that…
“Whoosh” Sound Of
Perfectly Flush
Contact That
Adds At Least 20 To 40
Dead-Straight Yards To
Your Drives…
… plus confidently shave strokes from your scorecard…
And ultimately enjoy many more years of pain-free golf.
Just like these students:
That’s how YOU can be sure the speed quadrant sequence will add power and distance to your current, natural swing…
So the only question is:
Are You Willing To Spend As
Little As
3 Minutes A Week
To Add Up
To 40 Yards To
Your Drives?
Plus activate the power that’s hidden in YOUR natural swing…
And stroke the ball longer and straighter with confidence and consistency…?
I sure hope the answer is YES.
Because now, I’m going to show you how thousands of guys over 50 are activating the speed quadrant in their swings and adding 20 to 40 yards off the tee…
Simply by accessing what I call…
The Distance
Video Training Program

Up until recently… to learn how to use the speed quadrant sequence from me…
You’d have come to one of my academies and work with me in person…
But since my schedule is fully booked… that means waiting up to a year to learn it…
And that means another year of short, mishit drives… search and rescue missions into the woods…
… and scratching Xs on your scorecard, with your buddies telling you to “just pick it up”…
So I made a decision that would allow me to help many more golfers over
50 finally add the distance they so desperately needed…
I partnered with the premier golf education company in the world – Performance Golf…
We’re Bringing The Distance
Breakthrough To
You — From The
Of Your Own Home
Performance Golf is the best in the industry at producing high-end video courses that look good…
And more importantly – deliver results.
So we took a professional film crew out on the course with us in sunny Florida…
To capture all the details of my Distance Quadrant training in
high-quality HD video.
Their team spared no expense, using three $45,000 cameras…
Capturing multiple camera angles and slow-motion shots…
So you can literally see everything…
And get every question answered without missing a single detail.
These Videos Walk You
Step-By-Step, How
To Use The Exact
To Instantly Maximize Your
Speed In The Second
… to add power and supercharge your distance…
… so you can start smashing the longest, straightest drives of your life… no matter your age.
This is the first time I’m releasing it outside of my worldwide academies…
And I want you to get this leg-up on the competition.
You deserve as much for taking the time and sharing your trust in me by reading this page.
So right here, right now, I’m giving you INSTANT online access to The
Distance Quadrant…
It’s straight to the point with no fluff…
It’s Designed To Do One
And One Thing Only:
Add 20 To 40
Yards To Your
Tee Shots
Before you know it…
You’ll be the big hitter in your foursome and your buddies will be begging to know your secret.
Because in less than one minute from now, from your computer, smartphone,
or tablet…
You can sign in to your exclusive online members’ portal from anywhere in the world.
We’re also giving you LIFETIME access to this exclusive training.
So you can watch these video lessons at your convenience as many times as
you want.
It’s like having me right there by your side, but even better…
Because in the Distance Quadrant…
I’ve covered every possible question you could have from every angle.
Questions we’d never have enough time to cover in person…
And you can watch these videos as many times as you want, forever.
That’s Why Incredible
On The Distance
Quadrant Has
Started Pouring In…
Now, I could just give you the Distance Quadrant and send you on your way with everything you need to add up to 40 yards of effortless distance…
And enjoy the confidence of knowing you’re no longer throwing away power in the second quadrant…
But as a new member of my inner circle, I want to make sure you end up playing the best golf of your life…
And master ALL aspects of the game.
That’s why I’m adding a special bonus when you get started today…
And that’s not all…
I’m including two more
extremely valuable
bonuses when
you get
access to The Distance
Quadrant today:
You’ll Get Instant Access To My
Ultimate Distance Warmup

$97.00 Included FREE
This pre-round power secret amplifies the results of the speed quadrant sequence…
And primes your body for power in just 4 minutes without using any extra equipment.
Most amateurs have never even heard of these “pro warmups”…
But they’re proven to help activate your muscles, especially on days you feel stiff as a board.
This makes it even easier to gain distance…
And it also protects you from injuries and soreness, extending your golfing
years even further.
This course sells separately for $97 but I’m including it for FREE as my way of saying thank you for getting started today.
But that’s not all…
I’m also giving you access to another game-changing bonus…
You’ll Get Instant Access To My
Par Saving Secrets Program

$97.00 Included FREE
In these never-before-seen videos, I’ll take you out onto the course with me…
And show you how to save par from anywhere — yes, literally anywhere…
Even if you blasted your drive into the right woods…
Or wound up in the bunker in front of the green with the pin hugging the edge of the dance floor.
You’ll get the same secrets I gave to Y.E. Yang right before he beat Tiger in the 2009 PGA Championship…
The same secrets you’ll use to always know what shot to hit — no matter what the course throws at you…
This course also normally sells for $97 dollars, but today you get it for free.
And if you think about it…
The peace of mind that comes from knowing there’s no situation you can’t handle — is priceless.
The only catch is…
These Bonuses And The
Huge Discount
Available Only This Page,
For A Limited Time
So you’re not going to want to miss this…
Between the Distance Quadrant…
The Ultimate Distance Warmup…
And Par Saving Secrets…
The only questions you probably have at this point are…
#1 – What do I need to do to get started?
#2 – How much is this gonna cost?
Well, fortunately…
Getting Started Is Quick
And Easy
And it’s not going to cost you anywhere near what you may think.
You see, to work with a certified instructor at one of my 5 golf academies
around the US starts around $5,000.
And if you want to learn from me personally, my rates start at $500 per hour, and you need to sign up for at least 10 lessons.
So you’re talking a minimum investment of $5,000 to work with me or attend
an academy…
It might seem like a lot, but when you consider Y.E Yang won over 2 million beating Tiger…
Or Se-ri Pak shaved 5 strokes from her average at age 39 while working with me — adding to her Hall of Fame career…
And the $12.5 million dollars in prize money she’d already won…
… well, it’s easy to see how these rates are a bargain — and why I’m booked up a year in advance.
The problem is… if I only worked 1-on-1 with golfers…
I wouldn’t be able to make the impact and leave the legacy I want to as a golf educator.
So I’m NOT Going To Make
You Pay
A Small Fortune To
The Distance
And I’m not gonna force you to meet me in person either.
Because as a way of saying thank you for reading this page…
I’m handing you the complete Distance Quadrant Video Training…
Everything you need to use the speed quadrant sequence and all the bonuses…
… to start adding 20 to 40 yards off the tee – no matter your age, handicap, or experience level…
For just one payment of $197 $47.
That’s Less Than It Costs To
Play 18 Holes
On A Cheap
Public Course…
And Thousands Of Dollars
Than Working
With Me Personally
And in a lot of ways, your unlimited access to this course is even MORE valuable than working with me one on one.
Because you can use the speed quadrant sequence… over and over… FOR LIFE.
To get started and END your battle with short, embarrassing drives that make you want to tomahawk your driver into the woods or break it over your knee…
Simply scroll down and click the button below:
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access
Distance Quadrant Training
Including 2 FREE bonuses
worth $194
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, “Hit It
250 Or It’s Free”
100% Money Back

The Distance Quadrant
Video Training
Discover how you can use the Speed Quadrant Sequence to add 40 yards off the tee and the most consistent ball-striking of your life. This is the first time this breakthrough is being revealed publicly. Get Lifetime access to all of Brian Mogg’s most exclusive power loading formula techniques and strategies.
PRICE: Only $197

The Ultimate Distance Warmup
Get Brian’s ultimate distance warmup for golfers over 50. These behind-the-scenes videos walk you through step-by-step the most powerful warm ups that Champions Tour players are using right now to prime their bodies for more distance. Plus, these are the exact stretches and moves Brian uses to maximize his large golf muscles and get the most out of the speed quadrant. Watch this series to gain even more distance off the tee.
PRICE: $97.00 Included FREE

Par Saving Secrets Program
In these never-before-seen videos, Brian takes you out onto the course…and shows you how to save par from anywhere — yes, literally anywhere…Even if you blasted your drive into the right woods. These are the same secrets Brian gave to Y.E. Yang right before he beat Tiger in the 2009 PGA Championship… are now YOURS.
PRICE: $97.00 Included FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $391.00
(Save 76% today with this limited
time special offer)
You The Secret To Add An Extra 40 Yards Off The Tee
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Distance For Decades)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

That’ll take you to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done…
You’ll get instant instant lifetime access to our special “members only” portal.
Inside This Area You Can
Watch The
Step-By-Step Distance
Quadrant Training
The Ultimate Distance Warmup that’ll prime your body to get more distance out of every drive…
And Par Saving Secrets that’ll give you the confidence to know you can always get outta trouble.
And depending on what time of day it is for you…
You could watch the training today…
Head to the range this afternoon…
And go through the entire speed quadrant sequence.
That means, by the time next time you tee it up…
You’ll Have Accessed Up To
40 Yards Of
Effortless Power From The
Swing You’ve Got
Right Now
And you’ll hit shot after shot, farther and straighter…
More consistently…
… with less effort.
And if you’re still thinking…
“What if this doesn’t work for me?”
Well, in the extremely unlikely event that occurs Performance Golf is including a…
365-Day “Hit It 250
Or It’s Free”
PLUS, our unconditional
refund policy…
That means you can try out the Distance Quadrant completely risk-free… and take up to an entire YEAR to decide how much
you love it.
This is the most generous guarantee I can offer… the best in the industry.
And I’m happy to provide it because I know how big of an impact this’ll have on your golf game. When you click the button below and get started today…
If you’re not completely happy with the pure, flush shots you’re hitting…
With the extra yards you’ve gained…
And with how much more fun you’re having playing the game of golf…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next
YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will give you a FULL
100% refund, no questions asked.
Still, we don’t think that’ll happen. Instead…
I Fully Expect You To Get
Results Like All
My Other
Scroll down and click the button below to take advantage of this deal today:
Get Instant Access To
The Distance Quadrant Training
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access
Distance Quadrant
Including 2 FREE bonuses
worth $194

TOTAL VALUE: $391.00
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
You The Secret To Add An Extra 40 Yards Off The Tee
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Distance For Decades)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

Because this is your chance…
Right now you have a decision to make that’ll have a permanent effect on your distance off the tee.
When You Think About It,
Really Only Have 2
You already know what happens when you choose the first option and do nothing.
Your game — and driving distance — will be in exactly the same place 6 months from now.
Or you can choose the second option, which really makes the most sense…
Invest in the Distance Quadrant…
And save yourself months or even years of suffering and frustration…
Plus all the wasted time and money…
… and ultimately, allow ME to take all the risk for you.
All you have to do is click here to get instant access to The Distance Quadrant.
Watch the videos.
Practice and master the speed quadrant sequence.
Then head over to your range, tee up your first ball…
And watch what happens.
And do all that knowing this is your one and only completely RISK-FREE opportunity to reverse your declining distance…
And add 20 to 40 yards to your tee shots.
Once you start to get results like thousands of other older golfers…
It won’t take long before that rush of confidence flows through you.
Ultimately The Choice Is
But whatever you decide, you’ve got to choose now.
This presentation is ending as I speak.
And if you come back later, I can’t guarantee the special $197 $47 price…
Or the bonuses…
Or the guarantee…
Will still be here.
Click here to go inside the Distance Quadrant today.
There’s really no need to go on struggling with a lack of distance off the tee.
And there’s no need to guess…
Or try to figure it all out yourself through years of trial-and-error.
Because I’ve already done all the hard work for you…
I’ve Made Adding Distance
For Players
Over 50 EASY…
Because I’ve distilled decades of distance-increasing knowledge into my Distance Quadrant video training…
So you don’t have to go through the pain and struggle of spinning your wheels…
Making the same mistakes every time you step up to the tee.
And you don’t need to keep getting the same scores you’ve been getting – round after round – either.
Grab the Distance Quadrant now by clicking here.
And ADD 20 to 40 yards to your drives TODAY.
And I’ll see you inside the training.
To Hitting Longer Drives and Making Flush Contact,

Brian Mogg
Champions Tour Pro
Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access
Distance Quadrant Training
Including 2 FREE bonuses
worth $194
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, “Hit It
250 Or It’s Free”
100% Money Back

The Distance Quadrant
Video Training
Discover how you can use the Speed Quadrant Sequence to add 40 yards off the tee and the most consistent ball-striking of your life. This is the first time this breakthrough is being revealed publicly. Get Lifetime access to all of Brian Mogg’s most exclusive power loading formula techniques and strategies.
PRICE: Only $197

The Ultimate Distance Warmup
Get Brian’s ultimate distance warmup for golfers over 50. These behind-the-scenes videos walk you through step-by-step the most powerful warm ups that Champions Tour players are using right now to prime their bodies for more distance. Plus, these are the exact stretches and moves Brian uses to maximize his large golf muscles and get the most out of the speed quadrant. Watch this series to gain even more distance off the tee.
PRICE: $97.00 Included FREE

Par Saving Secrets Program
In these never-before-seen videos, Brian takes you out onto the course…and shows you how to save par from anywhere — yes, literally anywhere…Even if you blasted your drive into the right woods. These are the same secrets Brian gave to Y.E. Yang right before he beat Tiger in the 2009 PGA Championship… are now YOURS.
PRICE: $97.00 Included FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $391.00
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
You The Secret To Add An Extra 40 Yards Off The Tee
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Distance For Decades)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy