World’s Greatest Putting Professor,
Kevin Weeks, Brings You

Discover the Simple 3-Step
Method to 1-Putt Mastery
Eliminates 3-Putts… Cures the
And Gets You to Less Than
30 Putts Per Round
How important is putting?
Just watch this one minute clip…
What makes these putts “better than most”?
These pros “putting GPS” is perfectly calibrated…
… for the ball to go from putter face contact…
… to the center of the cup…
On the other hand…
If you consistently have more than two 3 putts a round…
If you’re asking your buddies to “give you” putts inside 3 feet…
If you miss more than 50% of your putts inside 6 feet…
Then you’re not calibrated correctly!
Hi, I’m Brixton Albert…

As a scratch golfer, I’m always on the hunt for the best putting instructors in the world…
Because as we all know — “you drive for the show, but you putt for the dough…”
Putting accounts for 36… 34… or 30… of your strokes every round…
Yet it’s the least practiced part of the game….
That’s why when I found a PGA “putting professor” with 40,000 hours of scientific research on putting under his belt — I knew I’d struck gold…
Because What This
Putting Professor
Discovered Is an Easy
Method to 1-Putt
That eliminates 3-putts… cures the yips… and gets you to less than 30 putts a around virtually overnight…
You see, the data shows that to break 100 you need to have 36 putts per round on average…
To get below 90 putts, you must drop to 34…
… while to break 80 — takes 32 putts a round.
The best scratch golfers will only take 27 putts…
And that’s when their putter is HOT…
So why are most amateurs playing with an ice-cold putter? Simple:
They’re Following
I’m talking about everything you’ve ever learned about putting…
- “Take the putter straight back
and straight through…” - “Keep your eyes over the ball…”
- “Path is all that matters…”
- “You have to instantly start
rolling the ball to make a pure
And so many more…
That’s why, when Kevin Weeks walked me into his putting laboratory, I quickly realized that he’s made debunking these myths his life’s work…

… and spent the last 20 years finding the fastest way possible to get his students sinking more putts…
…having more confidence over the ball… and…
Eliminate The
Self-Defeating MENTAL
CHATTER That Generates
The Most
Dreaded Aspect
Of Putting: THE YIPS
Because we all know that the worst, most embarrassing, most soul crushing experience on the green is shaking over a putt…
Blading it so far past the hole you have to pray to make the putt coming back…
Or worse — leaving the ball 8 feet short and hearing your buddies call you “Sally”…
With Kevin’s 3-step method to 1-putt mastery…
You’ll never hear this again…
In fact, it will be quite the opposite…
You’ll throw the term “lag putt” out of your vocabulary forever…
Because you’ll be making so many long putts — that’s all you’ll be able to focus on…
Plus, you’ll be so confident in your 10-foot putts that they seem like tap-ins…
And let’s not even think about 3-footers…
You’ll be making them with your eyes closed…
You’ll be stunned by how fast this gives you perfect path, laser-like accuracy, and unbeatable distance control…
- Helping roll perfectly flush, pure
putts… - Shave 8-10 strokes off your
scorecard… - And almost never have another
round with more than 34 putts…
This Simple Method
Breakthroughs Kevin Had
Spending 40,000
Hours In His
Cog Hill
Putting Lab…

Do you see why we call Kevin the “world’s greatest putting professor”?
This guy has single-handedly revolutionized the golf industry with his putting science…
He’s been named in the top 3 best putting instructors in the world by Golf Digest…

But that’s not all…
He’s also been recognized as…
- The PGA Section Teacher of the Year
- A Golf Magazine Top 100 putting instructor
- Golf Digest Top 50 instructor (for
10 consecutive years!) - Golf Digest Best in State
Kevin has worked with nearly 100 PGA Tour players and been the putting coach for 10 PGA tour wins..
Even PGA Magazine agrees, noting, “Weeks… has one of the most state-of-the-art putting laboratories in the country…”
They go on to say that he routinely takes tour veterans through his high-tech analysis — and helps them with a “fairly simple fix.”
But weirdly enough…
Kevin’s not interested in fame or notoriety…
Because His Single Focus
Is To
Help Amateur Players
Get To Less Than
30 Putts
A Round…
“After watching Kevin’s video, I have a completely different view of the dance floor. I love it. I’m literally thinking about making every single putt. I had 29 putts yesterday for the first time in my life.”
“My best round of my life was 34 putts. Then I started using Kevin’s 3-step method and sinking putts left and right. I haven’t had a round over 30 putts in weeks.”
Golf TV personalities and other “experts” are NOT teaching this simple 3-step method to 1-putt mastery…
In fact, it flies in the face of just about everything they say about putting…
They don’t want you to know about this method…
Because it helps you throw away their bad advice…
Step onto the dance floor…
Eliminate your fears of the 3-putt…
And instead, use this one simple 3-step method to virtually “erase” decades of bad putting habits…
Banish any nervous feelings you might have about double or triple bogies…
And roll the ball with more confidence and consistency than you ever have…
Because — let’s face it — putting is the only area of the game that…
… whether you’re 10 years old…
… or 90 years — you can still master it…
It doesn’t require strength…
It doesn’t require more flexibility…
It doesn’t even require more experience…
Once you have Kevin’s counterintuitive and controversial 3-step method…
… even if you’ve never shot a round under a 100 in your life…
… even if you’ve always been a terrible putter…
… and even if you’ve never had a round with less than 36 putts…
You’ll have the secret to ignite a HOT STICK putter with the flip of a switch…
So give me your full and undivided attention for the next 3 minutes, because…
Kevin’s “3-Step Method For
Putting GPS” Will
Quickly Direct Your
Toward The Center Of The
Cup –
Like A Guided
Heat-Seeking Missile…
And it will fix everything preventing you from getting to 30 putts per round right now…
More than that, this scientifically-proven method helps address the real root cause of your 3 putts… inconsistent, ice-cold putter… and dreadful accuracy…
Which has nothing to do with:
- Your putter path…
- Or your putting equipment…
- Or how many lines you have on
your putter…
It also has nothing to do with how many hours you’ve spent on the putting green…
Nothing to do with putting training aids…
Even age or how low your handicap…
The real villain that’s been sabotaging your putting…
Is all the WRONG information you’ve been fed from misinformed experts and authorities…
Which puts your putts on the wrong line… with the incorrect launch angle… and destructive distance control…
This creates what Kevin calls the “putting misconceptions” — and explains why 98% of ALL golfers make MORE THAN 31 PUTTS per round…

And why only 33% of golfers make more than half of their putts inside 6 feet…
These putting misconceptions cripple your ability to sink putts for birdie — before you even have a chance…
On the other hand, the moment you begin using Kevin’s 3-step method for perfect putting GPS…
You’ll begin consistently sinking 8… 12… or even 22 foot plus putts, time and time again…
And become the envy of your golfing buddies when you start shaving 4… 8… up to 12 strokes off your rounds…
Kevin Tested Thousands of
Methods So YOU
Don’t Have To…
And he didn’t just fall into this method by chance…
He was coaching on tour for over 10 years…
…spending weeks away from home…
…hundreds of hours on the putting greens with his pros…
…and watching thousands of hours of putting tapes to find the biggest issues holding his pros back…
While this was great for his students — and it was helping them win big tournaments…
It was creating a big problem for Kevin…
Because he was seeing — first hand — how the whole golf industry was shafting the average golfer…
All golf magazines… TV shows… and “expert” putting instruction was leading players to miss more putts…
It was filling their heads with concepts and theories…
That while these worked for the tour pros who had the time and know-how to implement these tactics…
They were actually destructive for the amateur golfer…
And That’s When Kevin
A Crazy Idea…
He decided to quit coaching on tour…
He chose to leave the comfy life of working with high-paying tour pros behind…
And dedicate the rest of his career to helping average golfers dial in their putting…
To do that — he had to have the technology and world’s greatest putting lab to dispel these destructive misconceptions…
So he started researching the best putting robots…
The best high-tech machines…
And the most effective putting equipment to analyze the putting stroke…
While there was a lot out there — he couldn’t find exactly what he needed…
That’s when he decided to invent the most scientifically advanced combination of technology…
He even patented a high-tech laser system for putting…
Bought a $6,000 SAMS putt lab…
Invested in the tour approved GEARS 3D motion system that captures 8,640 frames per snap…
And he even installed a Putting Robot…

I’m Talking About 27
Studying The
Putting Robot’s Every
Move… Identifying Every
How far inside or outside is the path…
How high or how low is the launch angle…
How far back and through does the putter have to go…
How much pressure and force is applied to the grip…
Kevin was so dedicated to getting to the bottom of these deadly misconceptions about putting…
He became the mad scientist in a putting laboratory…
And that’s not an understatement…
To see just how intense Kevin’s research is…
I want to walk you through three of the greatest discoveries Kevin made while debunking the most common putting myths…
And read this closely…
Because what you’re about to see will probably have you questioning everything anyone has ever told you how to become a better putter.
Breakthrough #1:
Believe It or Not — Path
Doesn’t Matter
Using 3D motion cameras… ultrasound laser detectors… and a putting robot…
Kevin proves why path doesn’t matter…
We’re talking about the path on which you take the putter back and through…
How far inside or outside you take the putter on the takeaway and the follow through past impact…
In this video below, you’ll see Kevin demonstrate an “outside-in” path…
Meaning the robot takes the putter 6 degrees outside the line…
And then after impact comes 6 degrees inside the line…

Now, when you see this…
If you’re anything like me — you’re thinking: “that ball will miss the hole left…”
Well, actually, Kevin showed me 10 balls in a row that sunk in the bottom of the cup… straight in the heart…
The putter never even came close to “straight back, straight through”…
Or even in the near vicinity of the natural arched stroke (slightly inside) we are all taught and told to have…
So how did Kevin drain this put 10 times in a row?
Simple: Hitting Putts
Directly on
Line Has
Nothing to Do With
the Path of the Putter…
And everything to do with the FACE OF THE PUTTER…
That’s why when high handicappers come to Kevin asking questions like:
“Should I take it straight back straight through?”
Or “how do I make that perfect arch with my putter?”
Kevin knows he’s in a prime position to make that student a better putter…
Because as you’ll see in a moment…
Kevin has a simple test for each of his breakthroughs in the 3-step method…
That quickly identifies your unique problem…
And then shows you exactly which part of his training you need to focus on…
Putting has never been a “one size fits all” deal…
And never will be…
Here’s the next breakthrough…
WARNING: If you’ve never seen
this before… it might shock you:
Breakthrough #2:
Overlooking the “Launch
Will Wreck Your
Have you ever been fitted for custom clubs?
If you have, then you may remember the fitting specialist talking a lot about “launch angle”…
Well, while launch angle is discussed a lot with drivers… hybrids… irons and wedges…
It’s rarely discussed in regards to the putter — at least in the average golfer’s world…
Well Kevin set out to prove that launch angle is one of the main factors in any amateur’s putting game…
And what he found is nothing short of mind-blowing…
You’ll see in this quick clip below a putter that is too far forward in the stance — producing a high launch angle…
Take a look at this:

That’s a putter that has 6 degrees of loft on a 25 foot putt…
The ball actually launches off the putter face… back spins… and gets up in the air for a couple inches.
Read that again…
If your putter is making impact with the ball too far forward in your stance… you are actually taking a putter face that is supposed to be at no more than 2 degrees loft…
And giving it nearly as much loft as your driver — causing the putter face to skyrocket the ball into the air…
Which completely blows your chance of ever having any distance control with your putter…
Because the goal with the putter is to keep the ball on the ground for as long as possible with the perfect forward, end-over-end roll that targets the center of the cup…
You Never Want Your Ball to
Backspin and Launch in the Air
for 12-18 Inches With a Putt…
Now here’s the opposite of too much launch:

This video shows how a putter with 0 degrees loft — which is what happens if your ball is too far back in your stance — causes the ball to hit straight into the ground… bounce up… and start forward spinning…
This impact into the ground causes your ball to bounce left and right uncontrollably…
…making even the best player who can read the greens well — a terrible putter…
You see, most players are so focused on the line of their putts…
And the distance of their putts…
They’ve never thought about how the ball is launching off the face of the putter…
But once you access Kevin’s second lesson in the 3-step method…
You’ll have an easy to follow drill that immediately fixes any issues you’ve ever had with launch angle… even if you never knew this was the issue with your putting all along…
Let me show you the last breakthrough from Kevin’s putting lab:
Breakthrough #3:
How To Never Hit A “Lag”
Putt Again
How many times have you heard your golfing buddies say: “Nice lag…”
“Good roll…”
Or how about an instructor who tells you to imagine that the cup is a 4 foot circle on a long putt?
Well, Kevin takes a completely different approach…
You see he NEVER wants to “think” or “focus” on a lag putt…
Instead he wants you to “aim small”….
Which in turn means — you either make it…
Or worst case — you “miss small”…
With Kevin’s long distance putting breakthrough, you’ll be aiming at the dead center of the cup no matter how far away you are — 15… 25… even 45 feet away…
Because there’s a secret to your posture that no one has ever talked about…
Everyone is so focused on “eyes over the ball” and “take the putter back as far as you follow through”…
But the truth is…
If you’re thinking about these pieces of the putt… and trying to lag it up close to the hole…
You’ll never sink long putts like these:
You know why Jack was able to sink that 40 foot putt to force a playoff over Tom Watson in the 1977 British?
He was NEVER thinking about lagging that putt!
He couldn’t…
Because if he did — he would lose…
It’s the same for you…
When you go inside Kevin’s 3 step method you’ll see exactly what you need to do to eliminate the lag putt from your bag…
Here’s an analogy so you can better understand how this works…
Recalibrating Your Putting
Is Just Like
Gps for a
Heat-Seeking Missile — It
Almost Never Misses Its
I want you to think of a “GPS” on a missile…
Just as you’d expect, when the missile is cruising… its GPS is constantly recalibrating to stay perfectly on target…
It’s ever so slightly… changing it’s path… correcting its angles… and repositioning its distance…
So that no matter how close or how far the target zone… it’s always perfectly on line…

The missile’s GPS determines exactly what launch angle it needs for optimal distance…
It also recalibrates its line according to the terrain…
And most importantly — the GPS is programmed to NEVER take its sight off the target…
So what does any of this have to do with your putting?
Well it turns out your putting stroke works much like a missile’s GPS system…
And your ball is a lot like the missile…
When Your Putting GPS Is
Correctly That
Same Accuracy That
Guides The Heat-Seeking
Missile Will
Guide Your
Putts Straight In The
Heart Of The Cup..
Because here’s the best part…
This 3-step method ‘autocorrects’ your putter face contact… launch angle… and distance control…
This is what keeps your GPS always perfectly calibrated and your short stick red hot…
Whether you’ve heard of “putting GPS” or any of these breakthroughs that Kevin is talking about… or not…
It doesn’t matter…
Because you’re about to start sinking more 6 foot putts…
… draining longer putts…
… turning your putter into the hottest club in your bag…
And You Know What A Hot
Putter Means: You Literally
Can’t Miss…
A hot putter can make up for a lot of things.
If you can make the putt, a chip that lands 20 feet away from the hole looks the same as one that stops six inches away.
On the other hand, few things make up for a cold putter.
On tour, it is a very rare occurrence that one of the week’s worst putters contends, let alone wins.
But the great putters?
Well, you know what happens to them:
With that feeling of greatness inside…
I want you to imagine something: think back to that time when you were 30 or more feet away from the hole…
Looking down the pipe at a putt you never believed you could make…
One that was breaking 6 feet left to right…
A putt that you could have only prayed to have it get within 6 feet of the hole…
Can you see it?
Now remember that heart-throbbing feeling when you watched as the ball tracked the hole…
That “holy crap” feeling you had when you thought: “this might go in…”
And that feeling as the ball got within a few feet…
…within a few inches…
And then — that feeling of how the world stopped…
Just before the ball rolled over the edge of the cup and made that glorious sound at the bottom of the cup…
How great was that?
How hot did you feel?
How hot was your putter the rest of the day?
That’s exactly the feeling Kevin wants you to have after you master his 3-step method to 1-putt mastery…
And you can do that by accessing what he calls…

Because that’s exactly what it does — it makes your putting so hot that you no longer have to worry about 35… 38… even 40 putts per round…
From the moment you watch this training and follow the scientifically-proven drills Kevin outlines for you…
The “3-step method” will have you rolling putts like you’ve never seen before…
I’m talking about long putts starting to feel like tap ins…
And short putts — that you used to pray your buddies would say: “That’s good” — are now so effortless…
…so guaranteed…
…so money…
That you can start shooting 8-10 shots lower without ever changing anything else about your game…
- Can you imagine not having to
hit the ball even 1 yard farther… - Not having to hit even 1 more
green in regulation… - Or even not having to pitch and
chip the ball any closer to the hole…
And yet, your scores start dropping like a rock…
That’s how important what you’re going to learn inside HOT STICK PUTTING is…
No matter what your age…
No matter how high or how low your handicap..
No matter your skill level…
Hot Stick Putting is the fastest way to lower your scores.
That’s right…
Using JUST the simple “3-step method” you learn inside Hot Stick Putting…
It Will Immediately
Improve Your
Putting and
Put You on the Road to
Erasing Bogies, Doubles,
and Triples
From Your
This simple 3-step method makes you happier than ever to be on the course…
Because it allows you to focus on the part of your game that matters most for scoring… like course management… picking the right club to hit into the green…
…and just simply getting on the dance floor so you have the chance to putt…
The “3-step method” is THE most effective and effortless shift you can add to your game today…
And that’s why so many of Kevin’s students are praising Hot Stick Putting.
“This method has made putting the strongest part of my game. Kevin is definitely a putting guru. I can’t believe no one has ever taken this simple approach before”
“Like… I just kept thinking, “my god, this guy is like the Einstein of golf”… using Kevin’s 3-step method I haven’t had a round with more than 34 putts in 2 weeks.”
What people love most about Hot Stick Putting is that it’s simple, in-depth…
But most importantly… it is designed to give YOU the exact solution for your personal putting woes…
For each step in the method, Kevin will give you a quick and easy test to identify exactly which putting issues you have…
Then he delivers the exact step-by-step fix to YOUR unique problems…
Yes, you get near-instant results — but you also can go much deeper into the lesson… to gain total understanding of the science behind putting…
Because inside Hot Stick Putting you’ll also find:
- The “6 Putting Misconceptions” debunked and completely flipped on their head.. Because every golfer that watches golf TV and reads golf magazines is conditioned to believe these myths — it’s the #1 source of error in amateur putting. Once you’ve watched Kevin debunk these myths you’ll have an entirely new vision on what it means to be a true short stick master.
- The #1 solution to “fixing the YIPS”. This video will give you a complete and utter understanding of what it means to have that nervous affliction and jerking motion that sends your ball left and right uncontrollably — and then Kevin will show you how to NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN.
- After that, Hot Stick Putting will give you the secret to Short Putt Mastery — an area of putting that can either add or subtract up to 3-5 strokes from your scorecard (And erases the days of you having to ask your buddies to give you a gimmy).
- And you’ll see how Hot Stick Putting dials in your green reading skills to sink putts from any distance… because we all know that no matter how great a putter you are…. if you can’t read the greens — you’re in trouble. Kevin gives you the easiest, most foolproof way to see any line without having to do hundreds of calculations like Bryson DeChambeau.
All of that is honestly just barely scratching the surface of everything Kevin covers in Hot Stick Putting…
It speaks to how many problems this one simple 3-step method helps you fix and transform in your putting almost overnight…
And it’s not just theory…
This is scientifically-proven data giving you the exact formula to master your putting…
Just like these students:
“I wouldn’t be surprised if someone writes a book about his 3-step method… it’s the best putting training I’ve ever seen or heard of. I’m saving 5-7 shots on the green alone”
“This course will revolutionize how players think of putting… it’s the most important aspect of the game… and Kevin helped me master it. Thanks, Kev”
As soon as you have instant access to Hot Stick Putting — you can start experiencing the very same results…
But it gets better…
Because We’re Also Giving You
A Very
Special Bonus When
You Get Started Today:
The “30-Or-Less Putting
Mindset Training”

Here Kevin takes you inside the mindset of some of the greatest putters of all time…
This is where you’ll download all of Kevin’s direct knowledge from working and touring with the pros…
He’ll teach you exactly what it takes to get in the right frame of mind to make 30 or less putts per round…
And this training will force you to completely shift your thinking on the dance floor…
When you dial in your mindset… the rest of the 3-step method becomes that much easier to execute…
Giving you the confidence to make putts from any distance… sink 6 footers with your eyes closed… and read greens like Tiger in his prime.
Kevin usually changes $250 per hour to master the putting mindset…
He makes his students travel to the putting laboratory to do neurological training to get over the putting yips…
And his schedule is booked solid months in advance…
But today — when you access Hot Stick Putting — you’re going to have Kevin’s Putting Mindset Training for FREE…
Now, this probably has you wondering:
How much is Hot Stick
Well, as noted earlier, Kevin normally charges students $250 per one-hour lesson…
But that’s just for a standard lesson…
Students who want to use the SAMS lab pay as much as $1,500 to get into a laboratory like Kevin’s…
And that’s only one of the multiple pieces of advanced, expensive high-tech equipment that Kevin uses to deliver his training…
So, when you get this online video training, you’ll get all the results of someone paying that amount of money…
But from the comfort of your home with no travel expense…
And you can watch this training forever… over and over again…
You just pay once — that’s it.
It’s yours for life.
For JUST $97 $47 you access the most advanced putting training in the world…
You’ll also have direct access to Kevin’s special bonus — The “30-or-Less Putting Mindset Training” — a masterclass on how to take control of your putting with your mind…
But since you’re a valued, loyal customer…
We’ve decided to make this even better…
You’ll Also Get Another FREE
Kevin’s Putting GPS
Practice Plan…
Which Saves You Time and
Accelerates Your Mastery
of His 3-Step Method.

This is the exact practice plan that Kevin gave all his students who want to reduce their handicap by 8-10 strokes…
It’s a step-by-step plan to the perfect practice routine…
If you’re already implementing Kevin’s “3-Step Method” and you add Kevin’s Putting GPS Practice Plan to your sessions on the putting greens…
You may have to find another group on Sunday mornings…
Because your friends will feel ashamed that you are dropping putts on top of them…
…taking all the skins… winning all the games…
And leaving them picking up after you’ve already won the hole by draining your putt!
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Best of all, your investment
in Kevin’s Hot Stick
is 100% RISK FREE…
365-Day 100%
Money-Back Guarantee
Yes — you heard me correctly — you get a 365-day iron-clad money back guarantee.
Put Coach Kevin’s “Hot Stick Putting”, the “30-Or-Less Putting Mindset Training, and the “Putting GPS Practice Plan” through the paces for the next year with ZERO risk!
That means if you haven’t eliminated your 3-putts…
Cured your yips…
If you’re not making 30 (or less) putts per round…
Or if you’re not satisfied for any reason whatsoever…
Then all you have to do is send us an email at…
And your virtual caddy will promptly issue you a FULL 100% refund.
I’ll be honest with you… I’ve been taking private lessons for a long time…
And I’ve never seen a coach tell me, “if what I teach you today doesn’t work… don’t worry, you can have your money back.”
Kevin never gave a guarantee coaching nearly 100 PGA Tour players and when he was the putting instructor for 10 PGA tour wins.
However, I want you to have 100% confidence you’ll see results.
You’ve already seen what a difference this has made for Kevin’s students… and what this method will do for you, if you put it into action.
The only catch?
Well, the huge savings we’ve offered… the two extra bonuses… the money-back guarantee…
All this is part of a one-time, limited special offer we’re making to you — strictly because you’re one of our most valued clients…
This offer will NOT be available for long.
So what are you waiting for?
Take Control Of Your Putting
Start Sinking 10-Footers…
15-Footers… and
Shave Up to 10 Strokes
Your Handicap… Without
Any Other Part
Of Your Game
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
This is a rare opportunity to end years or decades of frustration of whacking 3-putts in just 3 simple steps…
Speaking of frustration, the way we see it — there are two paths you can take…
The first one is what we call the “hard road”… this is the road most golfers are on…
Where you keep aimlessly practicing your putting with no purpose…
Or listening to the deadly misconceptions that are causing you to 3-putt… triggering the nervous affliction of the yips… and multiplying the number of putts on your scorecard…
Which will result in you continuing to want to snap your putter over your knee every time you walk off the green…
And never get over that fear of standing over the golf ball not knowing if you’re going to have a long putt coming back…
Or you can make a decision that has changed the lives of anyone Kevin has taught this to…
Kevin calls this the “easy road”…
Because with this road, you get the ultimate shortcut to perfect putting… dialing in your putting stroke… and getting your game to 30 putts per round…
And you can make this decision knowing that you’re backed by our personal 100%, 365-day money-back guarantee.
All you have to do is take
action now
We can’t force you to make the right choice, but we’re confident you see the value in what Kevin is giving you…
More than anything, we want you to take control of your putting and start draining the putts that will have you carding the lowest scores of your life…
And I’m here to tell you that there’s no need for you to spend thousands on lessons, or buy any training aids to fix your putting…
Because I’ve tried everything there is to offer…
Nothing compares to what Kevin has created… we guarantee it.
This is THE single fastest way to instantly create consistent, effortless, 1-putt mastery…
Click the button below and access “Hot Stick Putting” now…
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Do that… and we’ll see you on the other side.

Founder, Performance Golf Zone
Creator of Hot Stick Putting