20,000 Lessons Don’t Lie
Discover the Secret to Creating
- Cures inconsistency
- Maximizes flush contact
- Adds 15-30 yards of distance
(In JUST ONE session on the range)

Hi, I’m Eric Cogorno…

If you feel like the older you get, the shorter you hit the ball…
If you’ve tried lessons and training aids… yet nothing works permanently…
Or if your handicap is higher than ever before…
Then listen closely.
As a teaching pro with 20,000 lessons under my belt — and an injury that almost ended my career…
I discovered an easy technique for generating picture-perfect lag… flush contact… 15-30 yards more distance… and consistency you’ve never had before…
It works by eliminating ALL mechanical swing thoughts and naturally putting you in the right position, every single time…
You’ll be stunned by how fast this gives you pro-level lag…
- Helping you stripe the sweet spot…
- Drive further…
- And shave strokes off your scorecard…
This simple technique
leverages a
secret I
discovered while studying
Ben Hogan’s infamous lag…
It has caught the attention of reporters at Forbes Magazine and other top publications…
But weirdly enough…

But weirdly enough…
Golf TV personalities and other “experts” are NOT teaching this simple technique…
In fact, it flies in the face of just about everything they say about lag…
They don’t want you to know this move…
Because it helps you throw away their bad advice…
Step up to the ball…
Eliminate your fears of the shank…
And instead, use this one simple technique to virtually “erase” decades of bad habits…
Banish any nervous feelings you might have standing over the ball…
And strike the ball with more confidence and consistency than you ever have…
This technique is so counterintuitive and controversial… even Sergio Garcia and other PGA tour pros who use it… have almost ZERO understanding of how it actually works…
I call it the
“Lag Lock Technique”…
Because it quickly locks you into
the correct position — and fixes
everything preventing you from
creating effortless lag right now…
More than that, this technique helps address the real root cause of your poor contact… inconsistent, short drives… and spotty accuracy…
Which has nothing to do with:
- How you release the club…
- How you rotate your hips…
- Or how you set up to the ball…
It also has nothing to do with how many lessons you have taken…
Nothing to do with training aids…
Even age or God-given ability…
The real villain that’s been sabotaging your lag…
Is all the WRONG information you’ve been fed from misinformed experts and authorities…
Which puts your wrists in the worst possible position for creating maximum lag…
This creates what I call “the 1 most dangerous lag lie” — and explains why 98% of amateur golfers lack that speed-generating lag…
And why even fewer make flush contact more than 20% of the time…
These wrong swing thoughts and incorrect wrist action cripple your lag before you even have a chance…
On the other hand, the moment you begin using this technique…
You’ll begin hitting pure golf shots, time and time again…
And become the envy of your golfing buddies when you start shaving 4… 8… even up to 12 strokes off your rounds…
So give me your full and undivided attention for the next 3 minutes, because…
This discovery flies in the
face of
everything so-called
“experts” say
about lag and
flush contact…
And if you leverage what I’ve learned in 20,000 lessons, it will change your game forever…
You may know my story, but this is a part of it I almost never share…
Back when I was in college I had big plans to play on the PGA Tour…
I practiced every day…
Took lessons from the best teaching pros in the country…
And spent hours every week on the range.
But there was one big
I had three major accidents in my life…
In one of them, I fell off a roof and broke my left arm…
The injury left me with a left arm that wouldn’t bend properly…
This came to haunt me later on…
Because even though I hit thousands of balls trying to get my accuracy, consistency, and distance to a level I needed to play on tour…
Nothing seemed to work.
I was absolutely crushed…
I quickly realized that my dream of playing on tour was just that — a dream…
As sad as I was to give up my hopes of playing on tour, I couldn’t take my mind off this problem…
I refused to believe it was my injuries alone…
I knew there was something bigger at play, and I refused to quit until I found out…
So I started obsessing over the mechanics of the golf swing.
I read Homer Kelley’s book “The Golfing Machine” hundreds of times and looked for ways I could simplify the hundreds of moving parts to find my swing again…
I desperately wanted to
generate the
lag I needed to
hit flush golf shots with
more distance and
So I invested in all the training aids available to help drop my club in the slot… stop me from casting… coming over the top… and flipping my wrists through impact.
But every piece of information seemed to add another layer to the problem…
I was more inconsistent than ever…
I was hitting the ball shorter than before…
And I couldn’t flush the ball consistently for the life of me.
It was infuriating. There were times I felt like quitting the game all together.
That is, until…
One day I was watching a
video of Ben
And it clicked

His lag was so extreme… and he generated such incredible swing velocity… with pretty much perfectly flush contact every single time…
There was something magic in his swing…
And how he “locked in” his lag using a technique no one else was teaching…
Plus I marveled at how he created mind-bending swing speeds for his very small frame…
I couldn’t wait to wake up the next morning and go to the range…
I started testing the “aha” I had while watching him…
I stopped thinking about my grip…
I didn’t worry about the swing path…
I just concentrated on this one simple technique…
What happened next turned out to be the biggest breakthrough in my golfing career…
Even though my injury still kept me from ever becoming a tour pro…
It didn’t stop me from creating speed-generating lag… and hitting the ball further and straighter than ever…
Plus having a LOT more fun every time I stepped up to the ball…
Think about how FUN golf is when you’re hitting every fairway and more greens in regulation…
This brought back joy to my game…
Because I knew — with total
confidence — that I was
going to make
contact… and place the ball
wherever I wanted…
It felt so good, I wanted others to feel that same rush…
So I started teaching my friends and family this same simple technique…
And they all had the same results…
In just a few practice swings… thinking only about this one simple technique… they were hitting it longer, straighter, and most importantly — with perfect, flush contact…
You know the kind of contact where you just nip the ball off the grass… leaving the perfectly thin divot pointing directly at your target…
The contact that leaves the most beautiful dimple imprint in the center of the face?

It was unbelievable.
I was so impressed with the impact this was having on others’ games, I started offering lessons focused JUST ON THIS ONE simple technique, to the locals at my golf club…
And everyone I taught was
shaving strokes off
their scorecard…
…Playing the best golf of their lives… and sending me more clients than I could handle.
Fast forward to 15 years later, I’ve given over 20,000 lessons… been featured in Forbes magazine for having tens of thousands of followers…
And top students who fly in from all over the world to learn this technique from me…
In fact, the demand to know this technique recently became so great — I realized I couldn’t just keep it a secret for my private students…
So I decided to make it
available for
the first time,
starting right here…
Now, before I tell you more about this technique…
You need to know it won’t work unless you FIRST address what is already sabotaging your lag…
Specifically, I’m talking about the 1 most dangerous “lag lie” that ruins any chance of increasing your swing speed… prevents you from building consistency… and kills your accuracy…
Because over and over again I’ve heard my students say things like:
- “I want to create more lag…”
- “I can’t seem to make consistent contact…”
- “I need to stop casting my hands…”
This is all connected to the
…There is a magazine article featuring Sergio Garcia, where he said he feels like he’s yanking the handle of the club downward like “pulling a chain”…

That may be what Sergio FEELS…
However, there’s a big problem with this…
Because it’s this sort of commentary that creates a major misconception around what your wrists are actually doing to create lag…
You see, most of the “gospel” around lag unintentionally teaches people that their wrists have to either move vertically or “hold the angle”…
Because they incorrectly believe this will keep the club behind the arms and wrists during the swing…
Just like you see here…

But again, that is wrong… DEAD WRONG.
And you wouldn’t be able to spot this mistake by looking at any image…
Because it’s nearly impossible to discern the true angle and action of the wrists just by studying an image or watching a video…
The real truth is, your wrists shouldn’t move vertically like you just saw — but rather more like this…

Now, you probably don’t have this motion or angle dialed into your swing right now…
Fortunately, this is exactly what
the “Lag Lock Technique” gives
you, automatically…
It helps you naturally hold
off the
release of the club…
just like tour pros
do… to
create maximum velocity
ball crushing lag…
It’s also why the “lag lock technique” you’re about to learn is so important…
It instantly increases speed through the contact zone… boosts distance… and transforms your ability to do that, over and over again…
It’s so simple you’ve probably been so close to finding the solution many times — in fact, much of the “lag lock” is already IN your swing right now…
That’s why — when I hear my peers on TV saying, “lag can’t be learned… you’ve either got it or you don’t”…
I get frustrated…
Because those lucky enough to have gotten this lesson from me, say things like this:
And look at how Andree used this simple technique to create amazing lag…
So many of my students come to me with training aids to try and force the clubhead to stay behind their arms and body..
Or they try to change their setup…
Or increase the flexibility of their hips…
And I’m here to tell you — just as I tell them…
Creating the perfect lag that produces flush contact, more distance, and consistent accuracy…
Does NOT come from changing your grip at setup… or your stance… or your ball placement…
And it has NOTHING to do with the false idea that you need ‘young-man strength’ to create lag…
You see there’s a fundamental problem with all these changes…
None of these mechanical adjustments actually address the root cause of your inconsistent ball striking…
Because the truth is… the “Lag Lock Technique” DOESN’T require…
- Any crippling rotation…
- Extra strength…
- Or even years of experience…
And you don’t have to learn a new swing…
You can use exactly the same swing you use today…
But just add this one simple technique…
Eliminate your other swing thoughts…
Yes… do that… and you’re
on your way to creating
what I call “lethal lag”
So even if the most consistent thing about your game is your inconsistency…
With this one scientifically-proven “Lag Lock Technique”… I bet you’ll be repeatedly flushing the ball like never before.
So how does the
“lag lock technique” work?
I could show it to you with a complex math formula like this…
But it’s much more powerful for you to SEE the science visually — and connect everything to your swing…
You see, in physics, there’s something called a “gravitational swing-by” — which is the law of physics that NASA leverages to launch a spacecraft around a planet with gravity-defying velocity…

In this phenomenon, the sum of kinetic energies between the spacecraft and the Sun activates a “gravitational swing-by” (or slingshot) effect…
This explosive action changes the spacecraft’s trajectory and speed relative to the Sun…
Lag works in exactly the
same way…
Your clubhead orbits around the body…
Your feet, legs, body and arms are what create the intense gravitational pull…
And then this is what drives the clubhead down and through impact with maximum velocity…
When your kinetic energy shifts from your body… to your wrists… then your clubhead…
… maximum velocity is created and the ball goes further, straighter and more on target…
This is precisely how Ben Hogan generated such incredible velocity for his small frame…
And it’s why lag leads to “satellite-level control” over your contact and ability to stick it on the flag, every time…
And that’s why…
When you add this to your
using the “Lag Lock
The difference
is mind-blowing
Just look at this before-and-after. The difference in lag is massive:

So how can YOU create this explosive “gravitational swing-by” velocity in your swing?
Well, it all comes back to using the “lag lock technique” that fixes the incorrect action of your wrists…
And it can be learned in
one single session on the range
This is the ONLY way to destroy the swing flaws that cause you to cast the club, flip your wrists, or hit the ball off the toe or hosel.
Most importantly, all of this creates a NEW type of action that skyrockets your velocity and “locks in” all the other correct pieces of your swing…
So you execute an effortlessly powerful swing on cruise control — no extra thoughts, no stress…
No changing your current swing…
And definitely no forced techniques that leave you shaking over the ball on the first tee.
And students like Josh in the video above are not alone…
Each of my students follows a quick-and-easy set of drills for mastering this technique… which unlocks their ball striking potential… while giving them maximum lag…
Until now, I’ve reserved this technique exclusively for my $300 per hour 1-on-1 students and $1,500-a-day academy attendees…
But I hated the idea of putting people on a waiting list for 4 months (that is, IF I could even see them at all)…
Especially while all of this misinformation has been spreading and doing so much damage…
I just couldn’t sit back any longer.
So I made what I believe to be one of the best decisions of my 20,000-plus lesson career…
I decided to work with our elite production team to create the ultimate video breakdown of this technique and drill…
We filmed every aspect of this process in high definition… so that you can watch from home, the range… or anywhere you want…
…and get near-instant mastery over the stunningly effective “Lag Lock Technique.”
This step-by-step training is designed so that
anyone can master it remotely — no need to
see me in person…
I call it the “Lethal Lag”

Because that’s exactly what it does — it makes your lag so much more effortless and explosive through the contact zone… it will truly feel lethal…
From the moment you watch this training and follow the brief drills I outline for you…
The “Lag Lock Technique” will have you sniping the ball at your target and leaving a perfectly clean divot behind…
Your new contact point will be in the center of the clubface every shot you hit… and your distance will automatically start increasing…
And it will even start to correct your casting club without you even thinking about it…
And naturally the club will fall in the slot for perfect ball striking that gives you complete control over your shots…
That’s right…
Using JUST the one “Lag Lock Technique” you learn inside the Lethal Lag Masterclass…
It will immediately improve
stroke and put you on
the road to
erasing bogies,
doubles and triples
your scorecard…
This simple technique makes you happier than ever to be on the course…
Because it allows you to focus on the parts of the game that matter most for scoring… like course management… picking the right club to hit into the green… and getting to the point where we have a chance to make more birdie putts…
The “Lag Lock Technique” is THE most effective and effortless shift you can add to your golf swing today…
And that’s why so many of my students are praising the Lethal Lag Masterclass.
What people love most about this masterclass is that it’s both simple and in-depth…
Yes, you get near-instant results — but you also can go much deeper into the lesson… to gain total control over your lag (and everything having lethal lag gives you), for life…
But that’s not all — the Lethal Lag training will also teach you things like:
…Another big benefit of the “Lag Lock Technique” is how it transforms your downswing…
This is where everything can fall apart — and if you listen to conventional wisdom — IT WILL.
But in a matter of seconds, this technique puts the club in exactly the right location for striking the sweet spot and hitting your target, shot after shot…
The Lethal Lag training even breaks down how this simple technique works with EVERY club in your bag (except your putter)…
Whether it’s your driver or a short iron… you’ll see how effortlessly adding this simple technique to your swing mechanics gives you the ability to control the ball…
And land it anywhere, as though you had a remote control…
All of that is honestly just barely scratching the surface of everything we cover in the Lethal Lag Masterclass…
It speaks to how many problems this one simple technique helps you fix and transform in your game.
As soon as you have instant access to your “Lethal Lag” Masterclass — you can start experiencing the very same results…
Now, this probably has you wondering:
How much is the Lethal Lag
Well, as noted earlier, I normally charge students $300 dollars per one-hour lesson…
Or $1,500 a day — if you’re one of the lucky individuals accepted into my private golf academy…
That’s why I was already reluctant to offer Lethal Lag for the $1500.00 price it just listed for on our website…
Because I know it’s at least 10 times more valuable than that…
But still, because you’re a valued client and loyal member of this community…
I’ve gotten permission to do even better:
Join me in the Lethal Lag Masterclass by clicking the button below — and you’ll get everything I’ve outlined here today — for just one payment of $97 $47.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
For roughly the price of a modest dinner out for two… YOU TOO can start creating lag that produces perfect, flush contact…
And gives you the confidence to let it go standing over any ball…
From there, you’ll be able to immediately view the step-by-step “Lethal Lag” Masterclass video series.
Plus, you’ll get another FREE GIFT:
My 30/30 Practice Plan that
will have
you practicing like
a pro in just 30 days

This is the exact practice plan that I give all my students who want to reduce their handicap by 10 strokes in the next 30 days…
It’s a step-by-step plan to the perfect practice routine…
If you’re already implementing my “Lethal Lag” techniques and you add my 30/30 Practice Plan to your session on the range…
You may have to find a new group on Sunday mornings…
Because your friends will feel ashamed that you are hitting it 30 yards past them… while you’re waiting for them on the green while they chase their balls around the course… and walking into the club house, oozing with pride from your low score.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Best of all, your investment in
creating lag and
your contact, consistency and
accuracy is
Yes, for a whole 365 days your investment in the “Lethal Lag” Masterclass and the two bonuses is protected by our 100% money-back guarantee.
I’m so confident you’ll love the “lag lock technique” taught in the Lethal Lag Masterclass…
That I’m letting you test-drive everything completely risk-free for a full 365 days…
And if for any reason you’re not absolutely thrilled with your results, you can get ALL your money back…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to support@performancegolfzone.com and customer support will get it processed for you, no questions asked.
You’ve already seen what a difference this has made for my students… and what this technique will do for you, if you put it into action.
The only catch?
Well, the 50% savings I’ve offered… the two extra bonuses… the 365-Day 100% money-back guarantee…
All this is part of a one-time, limited special offer I’m making to you — strictly because you’re one of our most valued clients…
This offer will NOT be available for long.
So what are you waiting for?
Take control of your swing today…
Start boosting your lag…
hitting pure
golf shots… and
shave up to 12 strokes
your handicap…
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
This is a rare opportunity to end years or decades of frustration in 30 minutes or less…
Speaking of frustration, the way I see it — there are two paths you can take…
Path #1
The first one is what I call the “hard road”… this is the road most golfers are on…
Where you keep trying to find the perfect training aids that produce lag…
Or listening to talking heads on TV and the hundreds of misleading videos online that are all unknowingly teaching the 1 most dangerous “Lag Lie…”
Which will result in you continuing to hit inconsistent shots…
Shank short drives…
And never get over that fear of standing over the golf ball not knowing what you’re going to do…
Path #2
Or you can make a decision that has changed the lives of anyone I’ve taught this to…
I call this the “easy road”...
Because with this road, you get the ultimate shortcut to creating lag… making consistent flush contact… and dialing in your swing-speed to hit it longer and straighter…
And you can make this decision knowing that you’re backed by my personal 100%, 365-day money-back guarantee.
All you have to do is take
action now
I can’t force you to make the right choice, but I’m confident you see the value in what I’m giving you…
More than anything, I want you to take control of your ball striking and start creating lag that will have you playing the best golf of your life…
And I’m here to tell you that there’s no need for you to spend thousands on lessons, or buy any lag-producing training aids to fix your lag…
Because I’ve tried everything there is to offer…
This is THE single fastest way to instantly create smooth, effortless, speed-generating lag in your swing…
Click the button below and access your “Lethal Lag” Masterclass now…
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Do that… and I’ll see you on the other side.

Eric Cogorno
Performance Golf Zone