The Legendary Golf Instructor, Hank
Haney, Who Coached
Tiger Woods
To 6 Major Championships, 31 PGA
Tour Wins,
And 9 World Golf
Championships Finally Releases His…
1-Shot Slice Fix
That eliminates your slice
after just ONE shot
on the
range… adds 20-30 yards of
distance… and the
consistency to shave
strokes from your scorecard
Are you sick and tired of slicing?
Fed up with not being able to control that nasty left to right ball flight?
Ready to break your driver after taking another penalty shot off the tee?
Well, today, that’s all about to change…
Because on this page…
You’re Going To See A
Amateur Golfers Are Using
Right Now…
… that eliminates those embarrassing slices and distance-stealing fades… and instantly creates a deadly-accurate straight shot… or perfectly shaped draw… that flies an extra 20 to 30 yards farther…
All by immediately locking your club into a slice-preventing, draw-producing position…
… that assures consistent, on-target, flush contact — just like you see on TV…
… and ultimately makes slicing virtually impossible…
I’ve given over 70,000 lessons to amateurs. And for those using this…
It Takes No More Than 5
Minutes Of
Swings… and Then ONE
… to eliminate decades of horrible slicing habits and start crushing ultra-controlled drives down the fairway…
Shot after shot… consistently.
Believe it or not… you use this simple sequence and then you only need to hit ONE SHOT on the range for your slice to be gone forever.
Skeptical? Good… I invite you to question every claim and piece of proof I provide here today…
… starting with the first 50 older golfers I used in my case study who thought the same thing…
… until they saw their slices disappear in 5 minutes — and NEVER come back.
The Results Speak for
Here’s The Cold Hard Truth…

Unfortunately, most people have no idea why they’re slicing the golf ball…
And I know with 100% certainty that it’s not what you think:
- It’s not because you swing too fast…
- It’s not because your takeaway was
too much to the inside or outside… - It’s not because you didn’t keep
your elbow in… - It’s not because you didn’t transfer
your weight… - And it’s for sure NOT because you
didn’t finish through the shot…
Bottom Line: There’s Only
A Slice, Or Fade…
And until you fix this core issue, you’ll constantly struggle with your left to right ball flight…
And you’re NOT going to hear about this from other experts… golf TV… or any tips in magazines…
Because I’m NOT talking just about strengthening your grip… swinging from the inside… or trying to flip your wrists at impact…
And you DON’T have to attempt to remember complex mechanical swing thoughts…
Because on this page:
- You’re going to see how to use
this 5-minute Counter-Slice
Sequence that ELIMINATES all
overthinking… - Automatically gets your club in
the correct position… - And leaves you with more
confidence than ever before.
And the crazy part is…
You’ll also see how…
This Method Of Fixing Your
You’ve Been Told…
Nobody tells you the REAL reason you battle with a round-killing slice…
Or why trying to fix your over-the-top swing is NOT the first place to start…
Because they simply haven’t heard of the slice-fixing Counter-Slice Sequence…
The same 5-minute practice swing sequence I perfected while coaching
Mark O’Meara for 25 years…
… as he jumped up from 125th to 2nd on the PGA money list in just two years…
… and became one of only 20 golfers in history to win 2 majors in ONE year.
The same sequence I mastered while coaching Tiger Woods for 6 years…
The same sequence I dialed in while working with 200 other top Tour Pros…
And the same 5-minute sequence I used when coaching Charles Barkley, Rush Limbaugh, Joe Namath, Herm Edwards, Adam Levine, Ray Romano and Michael Phelps on my show the Haney Project.

Time And Time Again The
Counter-Slice Sequence
Has Proven
To Correct A
Slice At The Source…
So YOU can consistently crush long, straight drives or well-shaped draws…
Gain an extra 20 to 30 yards on average…
And slash 8 to 10 strokes from your scorecard, each and every round.
The best part is…
As easy as I’m making it sound here… it’s even easier in practice.
Even if you think you’re not as strong as you once were…
And even if you’re stiff… battling achy joints… and struggling with injuries that inevitably come with age.
Because it doesn’t require any young-man’s strength… or an insane rotational swing…
This “Counter-Slice
Corrects Your Natural
Don’t worry — those methods that require you spend hours at the range trying to master some kind of complicated new swing experiment…
… well this ISN’T one of them.
With this simple fix, all it takes is 5-minutes following this exact practice swing sequence…
… and then ONE — YES ONE —
… to see your drives fly dead straight… and gain distance that would never be possible as long as you’re still slicing.
Plus it gives you the control needed to draw your ball… at will… even if you’ve never been able to hit a draw before in your life.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve just recently started fading the ball out to the right…
Or if you’ve been dealing with a slice your entire life…
Because the Counter-Slice Sequence you’re about to see has been proven to override — and FIX — decades of bad habits that have been causing you to slice the ball.
And The Results Are
Because it removes the actual SOURCE of your slice-producing errors… and installs this slice-curing sequence into your swing…
So your club drops in the slot, and the face is always square to the path.. effortlessly.
So you’ll be hitting those powerful, straight shots and draws out on the course where it really counts.
And instead of worrying about those triple-bogey-causing slices…
You can finally step up to the tee with full confidence, take aim at the middle of the fairway and…
Let It Rip Knowing Your
Has No Choice But To
Fly Exactly
Where You
Want It To…
So I urge you: pay close attention to everything I’m about to teach you:
- Because it doesn’t matter how
long you’ve been slicing… - It doesn’t matter how old you
are… - It doesn’t matter how flexible or
strong you are… - And it doesn’t matter if you’ve
tried everything and failed…
This revolutionary 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence — that fixes your slice after ONE SHOT on the range — is completely new and unheard of…
And it could have you hitting 10 to 13 fairways a round… driving 20 to 30 yards farther… and erasing 8 to 10 strokes from your scorecard… the next time you step on to the course…

You May Know Me
As The
Swing Coach
Who Worked
Tiger Woods When
He Won 6 Majors…
31 PGA
Tour Events…
And 9 World
Or you may have heard how I worked with Hall of Famer Mark O’Meara for 25 years…
Or about my success with one of the other 200 tour pros I’ve helped…
But what you may not know is that I’ve given over 70,000 lessons to amateur golfers in my 40 plus year career…
And most people come to me for my PROVEN ability to fix any golfer’s BIG MISS…
That means…
I’ve Worked With
of The Worst
Slicers On The Planet
and Spent Decades
Their Slices
… and without dozens of hours on the range.
You see, I started my career working with amateurs…
Then I moved on to tour pros, which led me to Tiger Woods…
The experience I gained inside-in-the-ropes gave me the most well-rounded understanding of the golf swing I could have ever asked for…
But it also made me realize that what I’m most passionate about is helping life-long slicers…
People ask me all the time, “why did you stop coaching on tour?”
The answer is simple: I want my ultimate legacy to be about helping
millions of amateurs play good golf…
And since 90% of amateur golfers slice…
And I know from experience that no good golfer plays with a slice…
I Made It My Life’s Work To
Become The Best
Slice-Fixing Coach
In The

Because when I get golfers to STOP slicing…
they play better golf… and that’s what gives
me the drive to wake up every day and do
what I do.
That’s also why after I stopped working with
Tiger, I decided to do a test with 50 golfers
who claimed their big miss was a nasty
I used this as my research…
… to see if I could fix the average golfer’s
slice in 5 minutes or less… and with only
ONE shot on the range.
I’d Been Perfecting This
1-Shot Slice
Fix For Over
Two Decades
… and wanted to see if it worked for a large group of players at the same time…

Teaching a large group together would prove two things:
FIRST, if I could give simple, fast, and effective instructions to all these players at one time…
… in a way that wouldn’t require me to give individual instructions to each player one-on-one…
… then that means I could teach anyone to do this — without seeing them in person.
And SECOND, it would PROVE that the 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence I use to fix any slice after just ONE SHOT on the range…
… works permanently for every single player with a slice…
… no matter how long they’ve been slicing…
… or how bad their slice currently is.
That was a monumental task to attempt…
If You’re Anything Like The
Thousands Of Slicers I’ve
Worked With…
Then you know how hard it is to erase that nervous feeling of standing over the ball:
- Scared to death that you’re going
to spray one off to the right… - You’ve probably hit hundreds of
balls so far right they get lost in
woods… - Or land in the water…
- Or worse, end up out of bounds,
having to take another penalty
shot… - And I’m sure even on your best
drives that tail off to the right…
… you’ve found your ball buried down in the rough where you have almost no chance of reaching the green in two…
That’s why this 50-person test was so important…
If this worked…
Then I Knew I Could Get
Any Golfer To
Eliminate All
Those Negative,
Counterproductive Swing
Flying Around
Their Head
Before I started the test, I asked every golfer to tell me one way they’ve experimented to fix their slice…
The answers were predictable…
I heard the same responses I’ve been hearing for decades:

And while all these “experiments” can work temporarily…
I knew that none of these would work long term…
They were all trying to overcompensate for the ONE thing they were doing wrong in their swing…
And I’ll tell you what that is in just a moment…
But I can tell you this right now…
NONE Of These Things
Actually Address The
Cause Of Your Slice…
And you’re about to see exactly WHY that is…
First, let me tell you what happened in my test…
I started by showing every player a demonstration of this 5-minute practice swing sequence I’ve been telling you about…
And explained this is the only 1-shot slice fix EVER created in golf…
You should have seen the looks on their faces…
While I’m thankful to have a lot of credibility in the golf industry…
No one believed that I could fix their slice in ONE single shot…
But that’s exactly what I was going to do…
So I Walked Them Through
3 Specific Practice
Swings Within
Counter-Slice Sequence…
Which required them to take no more than 5-minutes, following my exact instructions…
Still, I could tell by the look on their faces…
Every single one was still skeptical as they were performing this sequence…
Not believing the slice that had added countless strokes to their scorecards…
… could be fixed on the very first shot they were about to tee up…
But their doubts quickly turned to shock and amazement…
… when just like that… one by one… they were hitting either powerful straight shots…
Or little baby draws that were rolling out 20 to 30 yards farther than any of their previous drives…
The Results Are Not Just
For One
Shot… They’re
BEFORE Using The
Counter-Slice Sequence…
His Practice Shots Were Flying 37
Yards Right Of His Target On
AFTER Using The
Counter-Slice Sequence…
He Hit 5 Draws In A Row
Here’s A Student Who Has
Seeing Results For
These Results Probably
Make Me Happiest…
Remember, All These
Tried Many
Things To Fix Their Slice
In The Past And Failed…
And I’m sure you’ve tried many of the same conventional so-called “solutions” these guys did…
Which means you already know none of those outdated approaches actually work…
They’re are all just temporary “overcompensations”… masking the REAL root cause of your slice…
That’s why when you think you’ve fixed your slice on the range… you step up to the first tee…
And just like that… POOF… Everything you thought you just figured out is gone…
And once again you’re watching your ball fly so far right you land in the next fairway over…
Or maybe, you’ve really worked hard on something on the range… and it does work… for a few days…
But then, like clockwork, your ball always starts tailing off to the right again…
Does Any of This Sound
And you get in your head, stressing over all the different tweaks and adjustments you have to make to not miss the ball right…
AGAIN… just like that… you’re back to square one — hitting a nasty slice.
Bottom line… you’ll never fully enjoy the game of golf until you fix your slice…
Because let’s be real — how are you actually supposed to play good golf… if you have 10 different swing thoughts… that cause you to overcompensate…
… and have NOTHING to do with fixing the real root cause of your slice, anyway…
In short, you can’t.
And That’s Why 90% Of
Who Have A Slice
With Inconsistency…
… plus scores in the high 80s… 90s… and sometimes 100s…
And that’s also why the average slicer is losing 20 to 30 yards on every tee shot.
The good news is…
When you discover the REAL reason you’re hitting a slice…
You’ll immediately forget everything you’ve ever tried in the past…
And start seeing immediate, game-changing results in just 5 minutes…
The truth is, there’s only ONE reason you’re hitting a slice or fade…
And until you fix this core issue, you’ll constantly struggle with your left to right ball flight…
So here it is:
The ONLY Reason You Ever
Hit The Ball
Right Is
Because Your Clubface Is
Relative To The Path
Of Your Swing…
That’s so important — I’m going to say it again:
The ONLY reason you — or any golfer on the planet — EVER hits a slice… is because your clubface is open relative to the path of your swing… period.
So what does that mean?
It means that even if you swing inside-out…
Yes, the all desired “inside-out” path that’s right of your target…
If Your Clubface Is Even
1 Degree Open To The

…Then You’re Always
To Hit A Slice

And It Gets Even Worse…
If Your Clubface Is 2
Open To The

…Then You’re Going To Hit
Even Farther Right

And 3 Degrees?
…Well, Let’s Just Say That’s
You’ll Be Paying An
Insurance Claim
Bill For
Taking Out Someone’s

The crazy part is…
… being 1, 2, or 3 degrees open to the path is such
a minor adjustment… almost no amateur golfer
can feel the difference…
And the cold hard truth is…
The opposite is also true…
Even Slicers Who Have An
Over-The-Top Swing… Can
Get The Ball To Draw…
Or Even Hook!
Simple: if your clubface is even 1 degree closed to the over-the-top path…
Then you’re ALWAYS going to hit a draw…
Now, I’m NOT trying to say you *should* have an over-the-top swing… INSTEAD…
I’m saying…
The Long-Held
That Fixing
Your Slice Is Only A
Of Squaring Your Clubface
At Impact… Is NOT
Because in my 40 years of high-level coaching experience…
I’ve found that the ONLY way to permanently fix the slice is to get your clubface square to the path…
Not just square to your target…
So you can control your ball flight every single time…
Because the fact is, if you try to fix anything else in your swing…
But You Don’t Get This One
Thing Right… Then You’ll
NEVER Fix Your Slice
Think of those other ineffective adjustments like hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock…
This may turn off the blaring noise temporarily…
But it always comes back on…
On the other hand, getting your clubface square to the path…
… is like pulling the plug on your alarm clock — aka your slice — FOREVER.
So let me show you why the clubface’s relationship to the path is the key to curing your slice…
It All Comes Down To The
Old Versus New “Ball
Flight Laws”…
For decades, conventional golf knowledge believed that the swing path determined which way the ball travels after leaving the face of the club…
And the clubface was simply putting spin on the ball to either make it go left or right…
But as you can see here… that’s just NOT true…
Your Over-The-Top Swing
Can Still Send It Left

With the use of Trackman and other swing analysis technology…
We’ve learned it’s actually the exact opposite…
Your Clubface Angle At
Is Actually What’s
Determining The
Of The Ball…

And your path is what’s putting on the spin…
Why’s that important?
Because that means even if you feel like (and see on camera) that you’re swinging from the inside…
You can still be hitting a HUGE slice…
I’m Sure You Have Tried To
Swing From
The Inside At
Some Point Or Another…
And what happens after you think you’ve made the right change to fix your slice… but you still see your ball flying way out to the right…
I bet you can guess?
Your body’s natural reaction is to overcompensate…
So you start swinging over-the-top WITHOUT changing your clubface in relation to the path…
And that my friend… is making your slice even worse…
It Robs You Of 20… 30…
Even More
Yards of Distance…
And it adds at least 8 to 10 strokes to your scorecard — every round.
But here’s the best news I’ve given you all day…
We CAN fix your clubface in relation to the path…
And eliminate the brutal effects of overcompensation…
All we have to do is get you to counteract your slicing habits…
So you CAN square the clubface in relation to the path…
The Picture-Perfect “Slot”
All Low-Handicappers
High-Level Pros Are
Using To
Square The Clubface
In Relation To The Path…
… so that their angle of attack is consistently locked in…
…. to the most reliable position…
… to hit perfectly-shaped… ultra-controlled… bombed drives — every time they step up to the tee…
All you need is a repeatable sequence to instantly lock YOUR swing into the correct position…
That’s why I call this the Counter-Slice
Once you’ve grooved this into your swing… you’ll have the ultimate defense against your body or hands sliding out of position and spraying the ball right…
… or overcompensating with the over-the-top move to create a pull slice…
This 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence worked in enough of the 70,000 lessons I’ve given…
You Have To Follow Exactly
What I Say, Step-By-Step…
No cutting corners, no skipping steps…
Because if you don’t follow this simple sequence… which doesn’t require you to hit EVEN one ball…
Then it will take you up to 30 sessions on the range to even see a temporary improvement in your slice…
And I say TEMPORARY… because I can’t tell you how many players I’ve watched beat balls on the range for weeks, months, even years and never actually fix their slice…
All of them are making…
The Fatal Error Of Allowing
Body To Try And
Having The Clubface
Square To The Path…
Whether that means they’re trying to take the club way too far inside in the takeaway…
- Or they’re flipping their wrists at
impact… - Or they’re simply aiming way left
to try and play the slice…
As I said a moment ago, NONE of those swing “experiments” work consistently…
Especially, when you try to use them on the course.
The “Counter-Slice
Retrains Your
Mind and Body To
Feel The
Correct Position…
You Even Hit One Ball
… which avoids the risk of ever seeing NEGATIVE results.
I’m sure you’ve seen this before — you try a new technique…
And the first 10 shots you hit are all shanked, duffed, fat or thin…
And you quickly begin to doubt this technique will work for you…
The 5-minute practice swing process in the Counter-Slice Sequence avoids this.
As I’ve proven thousands of times in my career…
And then again with that group of 50 golfers in the study…
You just do this simple sequence
before your next shot on the range…
- Step up to your first ball…
- And hit it dead-straight… or hit an
intentional hook, just to prove you
can do it… - No negative results, no mechanical
swing thoughts, no
overcompensation adjustments… - Just 5-minutes of the
Counter-Slice Sequence and one
practice shot…
and you’ll fix your
That’s Why I Call It
The 1-Shot Slice Fix
Because that’s exactly what it does…
Fixes your slice… literally… in ONE shot.
And it ELIMINATES those counterproductive thoughts and fears bouncing around in your head as you swing the club…
Leaving you with complete confidence…
As it easily, naturally, and effortlessly gets your clubface square to the path…
And you know what that leads to?
I’ll Let My Students Tell You
So, by now…
You Must Be Wondering
The Counter-Slice
Sequence Works…
How on earth can this simple sequence — before you even hit a ball — allow you to fix your slice on your very first shot…
I’ll walk you through how it works…
For the first part of my Counter-Slice Sequence…
You’ll use my “Clockwise Practice Swing” that lets you FEEL exactly where the club needs to be in the backswing…
This automatically gets your swing on the perfect path… without you having to force it.
For most players, if they ONLY do this part of the sequence… they’ll see a dramatic change — or even an END — to their slice.
But like I said…
You Have To Follow This
To Erase Your
Slice Forever…
And that’s why the second part is so important — because…
Next I’m going to have you use my “Reverse Right Move” to trick your brain into squaring the club relative to the path — at all times…
Because now that your swing path is falling into the slot effortlessly…
Your clubface needs to lock into the correct angle of attack… so that your left-to-right ball flight…
… turns into a perfect draw.
At first, this will feel counterintuitive and weird…
But trust me, when you hit that first ball and make perfectly flush, square contact — you’ll wonder how you ever had a slice at all…
At this point, you’re only a few practice swings away from teeing up the first draw of a whole new chapter in your golf game…
All that’s left is using my “Relax and Release Move” that guards against overcompensation…
… and permanently keeps your clubface square to the path.
This is what automates your gains and ensures your slice never comes back…
Most importantly, this third and final step of the Counter-Slice Sequence only takes 30 to 60 seconds max…
And yet installs the “feel” for a square-to-path clubface so deeply into your swing… it’s literally impossible to forget.
Every Step In The
Can Be Done In
5 Minutes
Or Less…
So the only question is: are you willing to spend 5 minutes to fix a slice that has haunted you for years or decades?
Because after you complete this Counter-Slice Sequence… you’re ready to tee up your first shot…
… and watch as your ball screams off the clubface — flying farther and straighter than ever before.
I want you to imagine 6 months from now. You’re stepping up to the first tee in your Sunday group.
For months you’ve been playing better and better golf. You went from not being able to find the fairway… to finding new ways to make birdies.
Your Slice Has Been
Cured. You No
Longer Fear The
Left-To-Right Ball Flight…
Instead, you’re aiming at small targets off the tee, trying to cut corners on dog-leg lefts…
And your handicap has dropped by 6 to 8 strokes. When your buddies ask you if you want in on the action…
It’s a no-brainer — you know you have the swing to keep your ball in play… you know you have the confidence to rip it 20 to 30 yards farther than anyone you play with…
You know you have the secret to good golf… the same secret you learned from Tiger’s former coach…
And you know with 100% certainty that the ONE thing that used to kill your rounds…
Well… that’s a thing of the past…
You’ve completely forgotten you ever had a slice at all.
And all this was possible because you landed on this page…
A page that was never part of the plan…
But you were smart enough to read this page…
Join The Thousands Of
Other Students
Who Are
Using The 5-Minute
“Counter-Slice Sequence”
To Fix
Their Slice In One
I Could Give You Even More
Of How Effective The
“Counter-Slice Sequence”
… and how — over and over again — I’ve seen it fix even the most dramatic slices in one shot…
But instead, I’m going to show you how you can start using this for yourself RIGHT NOW.
In the past, the only way to learn my Counter-Slice Sequence was to be like Tiger, Mark O’Meara, and other pros who pay me not-so-small fortunes for in-person coaching…
… or be lucky enough to be invited into one of my academies to learn this 1-shot slice fix in person.
But I realize that not everyone is able to do that…
And remember, as I said earlier…
My Mission Is To Help As
Amateur Golfers As
Play Better Golf
… something you can NEVER do if you’re stuck with an embarrassing slice.
So I decided to partner with Performance Golf, the industry leader in online golf instructional programs…
They’re well-known in the industry for
producing high-end video training that
not only looks good… but delivers
So we took a professional film crew out
on the course with us in Arizona to
capture all the details of my Counter-Slice Sequence in high-quality
HD video…

Their team spared no expense, using
three $45,000 cameras…
Capturing multiple camera angles, and slow-motion shots…
So you don’t miss a single detail.
These Videos Walk You
Through, Step-By-Step,
How To Use
“Counter-Slice Sequence”
To Completely Reverse
Slicing Habits…
So you can start working the ball right-to-left…
Giving you an extra 20 to 30 yards off the tee…
And lower scores each round..
Even if you’ve been slicing the ball your whole life.
This 1-Shot Slice Fix Video Series has never been released publicly…
And in the next few months, it’s going to change hundreds of thousands of golfers’ lives…
I want YOU to be one of the first… you deserve that for sticking with me here today.
Right Here, Right Now, I’m
Giving You
Instant Online
Access To This
1-Shot Slice Fix
Video Training

You’re going to be one of the first people to say Tiger’s former coach fixed your slice…
And your buddies will be begging to know your secret…
Because in less than one minute from now, from your computer, smartphone, or tablet…
You can sign in to your exclusive online members portal from anywhere in the world…
And see for yourself exactly how the
1-Shot Slice Fix reverses your decades of slicing tendencies…
… giving you the keys to hit perfectly-shaped draws… over and over… on command.
So You Can
Playing Better Golf…
Shooting Lower Scores…
And Taking
Pride In Your
Without feeling anxiety standing over the ball…. without any concern of hitting an ugly looping slice into the trees…
And even without FEAR that your slice could ever return again.
Instead, you can use this Counter-Slice Sequence to start piping draws down the center of the fairway…
- Draws that fly 20-30 yards
farther… - Draws that give you a shot at
reaching par 5s in two… - And draws that put you in
position to make more birdies on
par 4s
than you ever imagined
You’re going to be doing this effortlessly… even naturally after just 5 minutes of practice swings and ONE shot on the range…
Best part?
The results will stay with you for life…
Your consistency will improve at such an incredible rate… you’ll probably never need to watch the video training again…
But if you DO want to go back into the training… getting even more from the 1-Shot Slice Fix….
Well, then you’ll be happy to know…
You Have LIFETIME Access
To This Exclusive Training
So you can watch these video lessons at your convenience… and watch them as many times as you want!
Even while you’re out on the range!
It’s like having me right there by your side… actually it’s better than having me right there…
Because I’m going to walk you through this 1-Shot Slice Fix, step-by-step…
And I’ve covered every possible question you could have…
Questions that we would never have enough time to cover in a lesson…
So you’ll never be let down like an in-person lesson…
Where you think you’ve figured something out…
Then the first time you step out onto the course — you forget everything you learned and your slice returns with a vengeance…
With the 1-Shot Slice Fix Video Training that will never happen…
Your LIFETIME access is always just a couple clicks away…
Rave Review For These
Video Lessons
Already Started Pouring In…
Now, I could just give you 1-Shot Slice Fix Video Training…
And send you on your way with the most beautifully shaped draws you’ve ever hit in your life… 20 to 30 yards more distance…
… and the confidence that you’ll never be haunted by your slice again…
But as a new member of my inner circle, I want to make sure you end up playing the best golf of your life… and master ALL aspects of the game.
Which is why I’m adding a special bonus when you get started today…
And that’s not all…
I’m adding in another extremely valuable — maybe even the MOST valuable — bonus I can…
When you join us TODAY, on this page…
You’re Also Getting
Exclusive Access
Q&A Bonus Chat and
Video Session With Me…

$250.00 value FREE
That’s right…
You’re not done with me after today…
I’m holding this LIVE Q&A Bonus Chat… to be 100% sure you’ve implemented the 1-Shot Slice Fix correctly…
… just like those who were with me in person.
Here’s how it works…

You’ll simply click a link in your
members area at the specified time…

Then you’ll see me live on your screen
(no special technology or app needed,
this works on any device)

You’ll be able to type your questions
into the chat box, and I’ll answer your
questions live on screen…
This is worth as much or more than the price we’re going to ask you to invest in the entire program…
Because you’ll be able to ask me any follow-up questions you want… as we work together to fix or tweak anything — and help you master the Counter-Slice
Sequence taught in my
1-Shot Slice Fix Video Series…
This Will Provide The
That You Have
Cured Your Slice
For Good
Because if there’s one thing I refuse to accept, it’s mediocre results…
That’s also why…
I won’t just be telling you the answers on the LIVE Q&A…
I’ll be SHOWING you anything I reveal, streaming LIVE, over your computer or cell phone.
You’ll get details as soon as you enroll in the 1-Shot Slice Fix…
And you might be thinking…
“Well, Hank, What
If I Can’t Make It to
the LIVE Session?”
I’m glad you asked…
Because there will be a replay if you can’t make it…
And since most people have similar questions and challenges when it comes to their slice…
Even if you can’t make it LIVE — I’m 99.99% sure your question or issue will have been asked and answered on the replay…
I would normally charge up to $250 an hour for a LIVE stream…
But today — when you get started with the 1-Shot Slice Fix — it’s yours FREE…
That’s one full hour (or more) to ask me any questions about the game — LIVE.
The Bonus And Discount
Are Only
Available On This
Page, For A
Very Limited
So you’re not going to want to miss this…
Between that… the incredible program I’ve told you about…
The only questions you probably have at this point are…
- 1 – What do I need to do to get
started… and… - 2 – How much is this going to cost?
Well, fortunately, the process is simple and easy… and…
It’s Not Going To Cost You
Near What You
May Think…
You see, I have famous students who fly in from all over the world to take in-person lessons with me…
These students are paying at least $1,875 an hour and up to $15,000 a day — to learn exactly what I’m going to teach you just moments from now…
When you factor in travel expenses and the hours of lessons these guys take…
Well, let’s just say they are paying a small fortune to work with me…
And while I’ve been very lucky to have such a successful career that allows me to charge these rates…
I know that’s not feasible for everyone…
Plus, those rates don’t help me reach the majority of golfers out there who are slicing…
That’s why you’re not going to pay anything near $1,875 today…
In fact, you’re not even going to pay $1,000…
And While I Think That
Be A Steal For All
The Training
You’re About
To Get Access To…
I still wanted to make it even better…
And that’s why you’re not even going to pay $397…
Which is the price this video training will be listed at on the main website…
Because as a way of saying thank you for reading this page…
I’m handing you the complete 1-Shot
Slice Fix training series…
Everything you need to start hitting draws in less than 5 minutes — after ONLY ONE shot on the range…
For just one payment of $197 $47.
That’s less than 3% of what it costs for a one hour lesson with me…
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
1-Shot Slice Fix Today
Including A FREE bonus
worth $250
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

The 1-Shot Slice Fix Video Training
Discover how to use the 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence to eliminate your slice after just ONE shot on the range, adding 20-30 yards to your drives and brutal accuracy off the tee.
PRICE: $397.00 Only $197 $47

Slice Fix Live Stream Q&A with
Hank Haney
Ask Tiger Woods’ former coach Hank Haney any question LIVE and get immediate feedback designed to help fix your slice even faster. If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay for life.
PRICE: $250.00 FREE

14-Day Pass To Exclusive
“Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $647.00
(Save 93% today with this limited
time special offer)
In ONE Shot Click Here to Lock Into The
Counter-Slice Sequence That Eliminates
Slice In 5 Minutes Or Less (Even If
You’ve Been Slicing Your Entire Life)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

You’ll then be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done — you’ll be given instant access to our special “members only” portal where…
You’ll Be Able To
View The
1-Shot Slice
Fix Training Videos…
Depending on what time of day it is for you…
You could watch the training today…
Head to the range this afternoon…
Tee up your first shot… and hit the first controlled draw of your life…
And it won’t just be one draw… you’ll hit shot after shot….
Perfectly shaped draw after draw… with ultimate consistency…
Because you’ll have used the Counter-Slice Sequence to eliminate your slice once and for all…
And if you’re still thinking…
“What If This Doesn’t Work
For Me?”
Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be an outlier…
But in the extremely unlikely event that occurs…
… know that I’m also going to give you a…
365-Day, Fix Your
Slice Or It’s Free,
100% Money-Back
PLUS, our unconditional
refund policy…
That means you can try this out completely risk-free… and take up to an entire YEAR to decide how much you love it.
This is the most generous unconditional guarantee in the entire industry… and it means there is absolutely zero risk to you.
When you click the button below to get started today…
If you’re not completely happy with the beautiful, consistent, controlled draws you’re hitting…
With the extra distance you’ve gained…
And with how much more fun you’re having playing the game of golf…
Then we’ll give you every single penny of your money back.
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to support@performancegolfzone.com…
And our trained customer support staff will send you a payment for 100% of the amount you paid for the program!
Still, We Take It One Step
Further —
Because We’re
Not Only Committed
To Your Satisfaction…
I want you to MASTER this simple sequence and fix your slice in one shot, just like so many others have.
So if you do run into any issues… all you have to do is let me know on your LIVE training session… and I’ll give you immediate feedback to make sure you’re doing it correctly.
There’s a reason this has worked for 99% of the students I’ve given it to…
Because it’s proven to reverse your bad habits and eliminate the possibility of any overcompensation that has been causing your clubface to be open to the path.
Players — Like These
Below — Are
Already Using
This To Hit Straighter,
Longer Drives… And Their
Are Dropping
Like Flies
Why Would It Be
Any Different For You?
Let’s be honest…
The worst-case scenario is you start letting your bad habits sneak back into your swing… and maybe you start fading the ball a little more than you want…
In the off chance that happens — and trust me, based on my 40 years of experience — it’s VERY unlikely…
Well, all you’d have to do is pull out your phone… follow the Counter-Slice Sequence again… and within 5 minutes… or even less this time, because you’ve already practiced it…
You’re right back on track, hitting long straight drives down the fairway.
The team at Performance Golf and I are so confident about that, we’re willing to bet on it.
And that’s again why we’ve give you a FULL 1 year to test the 1-Shot Slice Fix…
Now, do I think some people will take advantage of this generous offer?
Yes — but I don’t believe you’re one of them…
I’m Fully Confident That
This Program
Eliminate Your Slice The
Very First
Shot You Hit
After Completing The
Counter-Slice Sequence…
And I’m also 100% sure you’ll be hitting longer drives…
That said, if you want to take advantage of this huge discount pricing, and this 365-day no-risk money-back guarantee…
Then you MUST act now.
Because I’m only offering this special discount pricing for a limited time.
If you come back to this presentation tomorrow, or next week, there’s a very real chance you’ll be asked to pay the full price of $397.
So click the button below, and take advantage of this deal before it’s too late.
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
1-Shot Slice Fix Today
Including A FREE bonus
worth $250
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $647.00
(Save 93% today with this limited
time special offer)
In ONE Shot Click Here to Lock Into The
Counter-Slice Sequence That Eliminates
Slice In 5 Minutes Or Less (Even If
You’ve Been Slicing Your Entire Life)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

Because Remember A
Moment Ago
When I Asked You To
Imagine Yourself
6 Months From Now?
Well now let’s imagine an alternate reality…
One where you DON’T decide to take action right now and get the 1-Shot Slice Fix…
Can you see where you’ll be 6 months from now?
You’ll still be showing up on the range… banging balls…
Trying everything to fix your slice…
And when you play with your buddies… you’ll be standing over the ball…
Just hoping and praying that you don’t spray a nasty left to right slice that flies into the woods…
Having to tee up a provisional…
And again… aiming WAY left to try and make sure you don’t flare out another one in the woods…
Because that will mean having to put an X on your scorecard…
And your handicap will be right where it is right now…
So ask yourself…
If your game is exactly the same 6 months from now… are you ok with that?
I sure hope not…
Right Now You Have A
Decision To
Make That Will
Have A Permanent
On Your Golf Game
And when you think about it, you really only have 2 options.
You already know what happens when you choose the first option and do nothing…
Your game — and slice — will be in exactly the same place 6 months from now…
Given that there’s zero risk to you… doesn’t it make sense to at least try
1-Shot Slice Fix?
The same training that has worked in so many of my 70,000 lessons…
The training that was developed while coaching Tiger Woods when he won 33% of all PGA Tour events he played in…
Because When You Invest
In The 1-Shot
Slice Fix —
You Immediately Join A
Whole New League Of
Golfers who have complete control over their tee shots…
And who know — on any given day — that they can go low…
Because they can not only keep the ball on the course…
… they can consistently hit their targets with laser-like accuracy.
And that brings us to the second option, which really makes the most sense…
Because it saves you months or even years of suffering (and still getting nowhere)…
Plus it allows ME to take all the risk for you…
That option is simple:
Click the button below to get access to the 1-Shot Slice Fix training series,
so you can use the Counter-Slice Sequence for immediate results.
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
1-Shot Slice Fix Today
Including A FREE bonus
worth $250
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $647.00
(Save 93% today with this limited
time special offer)
In ONE Shot Click Here to Lock Into The
Counter-Slice Sequence That Eliminates
Slice In 5 Minutes Or Less (Even If
You’ve Been Slicing Your Entire Life)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

Watch the videos… head over to your local driving range… tee up your first ball…
And watch what happens!
Do all that knowing it’s your one and only completely RISK-FREE opportunity to eliminate your slice for good…
Think about it…
I’m Asking You To Take 5
And One Shot To
Reverse Decades Of
Bad Slicing Habits…
Using the most proven slice fix ever developed…
When you use this…
Watch how long it takes before that rush of confidence starts flowing through you…
The confidence where you can swing as hard as you want off the tee…
Because you know that the slice has been erased from your memory…
It’s been ejected from your bag:
- You are no longer a slicer…
- You’re now making solid contact
with a square clubface relative to
the path… - You’re no longer swinging
over-the-top… - You’re now hitting draws on a
consistent basis…
Plus, you have the tools to start
scoring lower than you ever have
With your new ball flight… you’re even able to tackle that dogleg left with ease… and a nice draw that lands on the fairway.
Ultimately The Choice Is
But Whatever You
Decide, You’ve
Got To Choose Now
Our time together is just about done… and if you come back to this page later I can’t guarantee the discounted $197 $47 price… or the bonuses… or the guarantee… will still be here.
Click the button below while you still can.
Here’s the final thing I’ll leave you with…
When I started coaching Tiger…
He asked me what I thought of his game…
And of course, I told him he had a great game… but he wanted to know how he could get better…
So I asked him what his plan was…
Believe it or not, he didn’t have one…
And that’s where you were — before you landed on this page…
But Tiger got a plan with me and went on one of the most prolific winning streaks in the history of golf…
So if the great Tiger Woods benefitted from a clear, step-by-step plan..
There’s Really No Need To
On Struggling With A
For The Rest Of Your
That’s why I’ve worked so hard on this program… so I can literally GIVE YOU the plan for success…
It couldn’t be any more simple…
Click the button below this video to go inside the 1-Shot Slice Fix today…
Practice the Counter-Slice Sequence for 5 minutes…
Head to the range…
Tee up your first ball…
And start your new life as a golfer without a slice…
Once you do that, you’re on the road to playing the best golf of your life…
I guarantee it.
I’m well-known for my candid approach…
So I’ll be frank with you:
Don’t You Think Your
Game, And
Your Slice, Needs A
Plan To
Be Fixed Once And For All?
And there’s no need to guess… by trying to figure it all out yourself through years of trial-and-error.
And there’s definitely no way to play “good golf” if you don’t have a proven plan…
So, I’ve already done all the hard work for you.
- No more spinning your wheels…
- No more making the same
mistakes… - And no more getting the same scores you’ve been getting… round
Grab the 1-Shot Slice Fix training series now by clicking the button below this page…
… and END your slice for life.
To Hitting Longer Straighter Drives,

Hank Haney
Tiger Woods’ Former Coach
15,000+ Happy Amateur Students

Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
1-Shot Slice Fix Today
Including A FREE bonus
worth $250
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

The 1-Shot Slice Fix Video Training
Discover how to use the 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence to eliminate your slice after just ONE shot on the range, adding 20-30 yards to your drives and brutal accuracy off the tee.
PRICE: $397.00 Only $197 $47

Slice Fix Live Stream Q&A with
Hank Haney
Ask Tiger Woods’ former coach Hank Haney any question LIVE and get immediate feedback designed to help fix your slice even faster. If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay for life.
PRICE: $250.00 FREE

14-Day Pass To Exclusive
“Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $647.00
(Save 93% today with this limited
time special offer)
In ONE Shot Click Here to Lock Into The
Counter-Slice Sequence That Eliminates
Slice In 5 Minutes Or Less (Even If
You’ve Been Slicing Your Entire Life)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

Frequently Asked
I understand your slice has probably haunted you for a long time — and you may be skeptical this can work for you with just 5 minutes of using the Counter-Slice Sequence and one single shot.
That’s okay, I like to ask questions before I make a major decision, too.
So here are a handful of the questions I get asked most:
Does this 1-Shot Slice Fix
really eliminate my slice,
push, or fade in only ONE
Yes, it absolutely does!
The reason is that the Counter-Slice Sequence automatically gets your club into the correct position without you even hitting a ball…
And it does this by using a proven sequence that attacks the ROOT cause of your slice…
Which is that your clubface is open relative to the path.
Here’s a reminder of exactly how it works:
For the first part of my Counter-Slice Sequence… you’ll use my “Clockwise Practice Swing” that lets you FEEL exactly where the club needs to be in your backswing…
This automatically gets your swing on the perfect path… without you having to think about it.
For most players, if they ONLY do this part of the sequence… they’ll see a dramatic change, or even an END, to their slice.
But like I said… you have to follow this step-by-step to erase your slice forever…
And that’s why the second part is so important…
Because next, I’m going to have you use my “Reverse Right Move” to trick your brain into squaring the club relative to the path — at all times…
This will feel counterintuitive and frankly weird…
But trust me, when you hit that first ball and make perfectly flush, square contact — you’ll wonder how ever you ever had a slice at all…
All that’s left is implementing my “Relax and Release Move” that guarantees your clubface is never open to the path again…
This third and final step of the Counter-Slice Sequence only takes 30 to 60 seconds max…
And yet gives you such an unforgettable feel for a square-to-path clubface… over and over.
Everything I just described can be done in 5 minutes or less…
Setting you up so that by the time you tee up your first ball, it will be virtually impossible for you to hit a slice.
I’ve seen this work so many times it’s easy for me to say — that’s why we’ve made it 100% risk-free for you to see for yourself.
Here’s the next question I get a lot:
What do I get when I invest in the 1-Shot Slice Fix
Training Series?
As soon as you hit the button below this page, and enter your payment information, you’ll be taken to our special “members only” area.
From inside this private portal, you’ll have immediate access to the step-by-step training videos showing you how to use the Counter-Slice Sequence to start hitting draws the next time you tee up a ball.
You have lifetime access to this training, so you can access the videos any time, day or night… fast forward… rewind… and watch them as many times as you want.
As a free bonus, you’ll also see the 1-Shot Slice Fix LIVE Training Q&A with me…
That means I’m not expecting you to just watch this training and forget about me…
You can come on LIVE and ask me any questions you want…
I’m sure your slice will be completely gone by then… so you may want to ask me something else about your game…
In this LIVE session, I’m all yours.
What happens if I change my mind about this, or if it doesn’t fix my slice?
Like I said before, the 1-Shot Slice Fix worked for many of the students in the 70,000 lessons I’ve given…
So it will work for you…
But in the event that you are the outlier…
I’m backing up your investment with a full 365-day 100% money-back guarantee and an UNCONDITIONAL refund policy.
Simply say, “Maybe” to this training program today… Start watching the videos in the members’ area… and grab a bucket of balls at the range to try it for yourself.
If you’re not completely blown away by how this transforms your inconsistent drives… into more powerful, laser-accurate shots, straight down the center of the fairway…
Then simply send us an email at support@performancegolfzone.com and our support team will politely send you ALL your money back… with no hard feelings.
So you have A FULL YEAR to test it out at your convenience, with absolutely no risk.
But if you want to take advantage of this huge discount pricing, and this 365-day no-risk money-back guarantee…
Then it’s vital that you act now.
Because I’m only offering this special discount pricing for a limited time.
If you come back to this presentation tomorrow, or next week, there’s a very real chance you’ll be asked to pay the full $197 listed on our website.
So here’s the only question you should have at this point…
Okay, so how do I get started?
Hit the button you see below right now.
The checkout page takes about 30 seconds to complete, and you’ll then have access to the step-by-step video training you need to get started…
You’ll have lifetime access to your training, and you can access it anytime you want, 24/7, on any device.
Your desktop computer…
Your laptop…
Your iPhone… Android… or any other smartphone…
Your iPad… or any other tablet…
Plus you’re covered by the full 365-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
Click the button below…
And I’ll see you inside the members’ area in just a few minutes from now.
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
1-Shot Slice Fix Today
Including A FREE bonus
worth $250
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

The 1-Shot Slice Fix Video Training
Discover how to use the 5-minute Counter-Slice Sequence to eliminate your slice after just ONE shot on the range, adding 20-30 yards to your drives and brutal accuracy off the tee.
PRICE: $397.00 Only $197 $47

Slice Fix Live Stream Q&A with
Hank Haney
Ask Tiger Woods’ former coach Hank Haney any question LIVE and get immediate feedback designed to help fix your slice even faster. If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay for life.
PRICE: $250.00 FREE

14-Day Pass To Exclusive
“Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $647.00
(Save 93% today with this limited
time special offer)
In ONE Shot Click Here to Lock Into The
Counter-Slice Sequence That Eliminates
Slice In 5 Minutes Or Less (Even If
You’ve Been Slicing Your Entire Life)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy