Use This “Power Loading” Formula
For A Boost In Natural Yardage
…In Less Than 40 Practice Balls
Today, I’m going to show you how to add an extra 20 to 30 yards to your drives with just 3 simple things:

The swing you’re currently playing with right now (no matter how bad you think it is)

40 range balls (that’s a small bucket at most places)

A deck of regular
playing cards
I know, you’re probably thinking, “What the heck?” But trust me on this…
You’ve never seen anything like what I’m about to show you…
All you have to do is follow my simple formula with these 3 things and…
You’ll start bombing drives
down the fairway
And unlike other golf tips and tricks… this won’t be short lived. You’ll be able to do this consistently for as long as you play.
If you’re thinking this sounds impossible, it’s not.
To make this work…
- You don’t need to be an expert golfer. In fact, the less you know, the
better since you won’t have confusing swing thoughts in your head… and you won’t have to undo years of bad habits. - You don’t need to run out and buy new clubs. You don’t need to start
a workout routine or do painful stretches every morning to regain flexibility. - You don’t need to be young and in great shape. And you don’t need
to spend hours on the driving range.
You only need 40 balls to make permanent changes for a more powerful swing
You just need to know how to harness your body’s natural energy. And that’s where I can help you.
My name is Brian Mogg.
For the last twenty years, I’ve coached tour pros and elite amateur golfers.
My students include PGA tour winners John Cook, Brad Faxon, Skip Kendall, and D.A. Points to name a few.
And remember back in 2009 when Y.E. Yang beat Tiger Woods for the PGA Championship? Well, I was Yang’s coach at the time.
Since 2000, my academy has produced more tour winners than any other on the planet.
So it’s no surprise that I was named one of the Top 50 Teachers in America by Golf Digest every year for the last decade.
And Golf Magazine ranked me in the Top 100 Teachers for the last 15 years.
You certainly pick up a lot of things working with the best golfers in the
world… things that other instructors never learn.
I’ve been able to use this knowledge to help regular weekend golfers.
I have countless others like this, but I don’t want to spend the next two hours going through them all. That would just be self indulgent.
But I want to make a point:
The reason I’ve helped all these golfers in such a short amount of time is simple
I’ve given over 50,000 lessons…
That works out to five times more than the 10,000 hours you need to become a true master at something.
Much like a doctor can take a glimpse at an X-ray and figure out what’s broken…I can take one look at a swing and see what’s holding them back.
And when it comes to gaining more distance, I can see where you’re leaking power.
And I can do it right here without even seeing your swing. Because…
I have a simple diagnostic test you can
do right at home
You’ll see which of the 3 main culprits are robbing you of distance. Then you can start using my Power Loading technique.
This is my #1 secret for adding more distance to your drives.
Especially if you’re over the age of 45. At that age, you can’t move like you used to. And if you’re busy with work and family, you probably don’t have the time to devote to overhauling your entire swing.
Believe me. I’ve been there… I know. That’s what makes this Power Loading technique so revolutionary.
All it takes is 40 balls to learn.
Then you can start harnessing the power of your body’s natural energy through the club and into the ball.
Don’t worry I’m going to walk you through everything step by step here shortly, but first…
Here’s what most golf instructors don’t realize about adding distance
It’s NOT about trying to wrench your body into positions that are bad for it, or difficult to achieve.
This is why most golf tuition is harmful if you’re over a certain age. They teach everybody to model that same big rotational swing that Rory or DJ has.
The truth is, unless you’re an elite athlete, you’re in your 20’s, or you’re unusually flexible… 1 of 2 things will happen when you’re trying to use a big rotational swing:
1) A whole lot of disappointment. Or…
2) A new injury that makes your swing even less effective
Because you’re trying to FORCE yourself to swing a certain way, when your body wants to do it differently.
The REAL way to build distance is to work with what your body WANTS to do, and enhance THAT…
Instead of trying to FORCE your body to do something it can’t.
“Power Loading” allows you to swing
with your body, not against it
So let me explain how this Power Loading technique works…
I’ll start by asking you a strange question:

Have you ever played poker?
Hear me out, because what I’m about to say holds the key to you playing the best golf of your life.
You know how some poker players have a “tell?” Like when they’re bluffing, or they have good cards and they just can’t hide their excitement?
Maybe they raise their eyebrows, or you see a little smirk on their face. Know what I mean?
Well, after working with thousands of amateur golfers… not to mention the pros on the tour… I realized there are tells in golf too.
There are only 3 that matter. And they apply to everybody.
They’re just small motions as you go into your set up, but…
These 3 “TELLS” reveal exactly where your body naturally loads the power you need to get to your best swing
And that’s important, because once you know where your body is NATURALLY producing the most power, you can unleash all hell on the ball every time you swing a club.
This is what makes it possible to outdrive your 30-year-old self. This is also what makes it possible for “geezers” like us to hand out butt whoopings to the young guys on the course day in and day out.
And take it from me – that’s a pretty fun feeling. Doesn’t matter how old you are, doesn’t matter how long you’ve been playing, and it doesn’t matter what your handicap is.
When you set up and get ready to swing, your body does 1 of 3 things. These are your tells.

One of those things is with your feet…

One is with your hips…

One involves your shoulders…
You’re doing one of them every time you play. Everybody is.
One of those 3 options is your “power tell.”
Knowing which one YOU do is the key to
maximizing your distance and control
Understanding your personal “power tell” is what gives you the power you need to instantly get those longer distances from every club.
It’s also what allows you to have more consistent accuracy all the time, because you’re no longer so tense when you wind up into your swing.
Learning your own “power tell” is essential, and it’s what gives you an advantage over the average guy who uses a cookie cutter swing – even if he’s 20 years younger!
Cookie cutter stuff never works. Because we’re all unique as golfers. Your forearms may be longer than your buddy’s. You have more motion in your right shoulder than your left. Or vice versa.
You’ve got naturally flexible wrists… or they’re not very flexible at all… or maybe you’ve got great balance… or terrible balance.
You’re unique, and that means your power comes from a unique place. Chances are, almost everything you’ve learned about golf at this point has been forcing your body to do what it’s not supposed to.
You’ve got stores of power in your body that are untapped…
…You just need to know how to let them out.
Your body wants to swing a certain way, and it’s giving you signals. Once you can read those signals, you’re ready to be unleashed.
This is the basis of what I teach golfers over 45 at my academies, and in private lessons. And the results have been pretty astonishing.

“I can’t believe the difference…”
– Joe Nappi

“Power Loading has helped me get back on my game”
– Blake McGibbon

“It was like an epiphany…”
– Hugh O’Reilly

“Took 4 swings maybe… and I was able to see the extra distance…”
– Kevin Seroski

“Probably helped me add about 30 yards… and really helped me straighten out my drive”
– Jim Para

“Helped me regain distance quite quickly…”
– Marcelo Llerena
Now, listen closely because this is important. What I’m revealing here is the difference between you losing 5-6 yards a year from age 60 to 90, like the average golfer…
Or actually GAINING yardage as you age… and getting a good deal more accurate and consistent too.
For the first time ever, I’m making this Power Loading technique available to people who aren’t paying me for personal coaching.
I’ve packaged everything into an online video course that
you can get instant access to right now.
It’s called The Power Loading Formula…

Because it unlocks the natural power and yardage that’s been hiding inside your body this whole time.
The Power Loading Formula not only gives a permanent boost to your natural yardage, but also increases your longevity, and allows you to get the maximum fun and enjoyment out of the game.
There are three easy parts to the Power Loading Formula, and they’re all ESSENTIAL for you to get the most out of your game without damaging your body.
If you want to play into your later years – and play well – you NEED this.
Step 1: Identify Your Power Tell

The first thing you’ll get is a simple drill that identifies your Power Tell within 5 minutes, so that you know exactly where your body’s maximum natural power comes from.
Then you’ll see how to apply that hidden power to your swing immediately. Trust me, when you know where you’re loading your maximum power and you can tap into it… you’ll be struggling NOT to have a big goofy grin on your face every time you swing!
You’ll also discover the #1 mistake every golfer over the age of 45 is making that leaks power and drastically reduces accuracy.
Every student who comes to me, I see them doing this… and you’re probably doing it too. So I’ll also show you how to plug that common power leak for another extra boost in yardage.
Step 2: Power Loading Feedback

Next up you’ll experience Power Loading Feedback… This dials-in your Power Loaded swing even more by giving you direct feedback to make sure you’re practicing correctly.
Because it allows you to FEEL when you’re swinging the right way, and generating your maximum power. You know how when you type something on a smartphone or computer it can automatically correct any typos or mis-spelled words?
Well, Power Loading Feedback is like having “autocorrect” for your golf swing. This ensures that you IMPROVE each time you play a round or go to the range.
Step 3: 40-Ball Perfect Practice Routine

And just to engrain your new Power Loaded swing even more… You’re also getting my “40-Ball Perfect Practice Routine.” This is the same powerful practice routine I teach at my golf academies around the world, which students pay $3,000 to attend.
Here’s how it works: You go to the range. You get 40 balls. You run through the drills I give you. Then you watch your scores plummet. It’s not called the “Perfect Practice Routine” for nothing.
Because you also get the tools to self-diagnose. This means that once you’ve been through the course, you’ll be able to recognize and correct any flaws in your swing.
This is yet another way to ensure you’re ALWAYS improving with age…Every single time you touch a club.
Which means no more wasted days at the range…No more terrible rounds… And you get to watch your scores DROP as you age, instead of increasing.
I’ll tell you personally – that’s just plain ol’ fun. It’s fun to see yourself improving, constantly chipping away at the game and getting better and better…
Beating your buddies… and suddenly outdriving people who used to have more distance than you…
So how can you get your hands on this?
Well, until recently you had to be a personal student of mine to learn this Power Loading technique… In which case you’d be spending thousands of dollars… and that’s after waiting to get a spot on my calendar.
So you might think I’m going to ask you to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for this Power Loading Formula.
After all, it’s clearly worth it, since this technique adds 20+ yards to your drive, lowers your scores, and makes the game more fun. But it’s NOT going to cost you thousands… and it’s NOT even going to cost you hundreds…
As my way of saying thanks for listening, I’m going to show you in a minute how you can access the Power Loading Formula in a way that you don’t have to risk a single dime.
So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.
How much money do you think you’ve spent on golf over the years? Tens of thousands of dollars, most likely. Because you love the game.
You’d also LOVE to be able to play it BETTER, and get lower scores, right? Think about it logically, how much did you spend on your putter?
$200? $300?
And why did you spend that much? Because you wanted it to help you get lower scores, right?
Well, that’s exactly what the Power Loading Formula does for you. It gets you WAY lower scores. And it’s not going to cost you as much as that fancy putter.
I’ll get to the exact price in just a second. First, I want you to know there’s absolutely no risk in giving the Power Loading Formula a shot today…
Because your purchase is covered by my bulletproof…
365-Day No-Questions-Asked
100% Money-Back Guarantee
And that works exactly how it sounds.
When you decide to try the Power Loading Formula today, you’ve got an entire YEAR to put it through its paces at your own convenience. That’s a year to put the drills to work for you…
A year to see how much extra distance it gives you…
But in my experience, it won’t take even CLOSE to a year to see your game improve so much it’s unrecognizable to you.
But either way… If you’re not completely impressed with how much further you’re smashing the ball… With how much accuracy you’ve gained…Then just let us know within a year and I’ll personally see to it that you receive a quick and painless refund of every red cent.
So now you know you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose by giving this a try.
The price for all this knowledge, and to continue golfing at a high level even as you age, is just $97.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
That’s all it is to get the extra yardage, the extra accuracy, and everything you need.
Now, it’s an OBVIOUS bargain at that price…
But there’s something that makes it even more valuable…
You get lifetime access to this entire package online instantly…
That means you can watch the training videos from your computer… on your phone… on your tablet… or even through your TV if it’s connected to the internet.
And that’s great, because it means you can go through everything at your own convenience… and you can watch the training videos over and over again, on demand, whenever you want.
And THAT’S how you get the real major improvements in your game.
You could literally be watching these videos on your phone while you’re at the range, just to make sure you get the technique down.
You’re looking at just $97 to completely overhaul your golf game and get you to where you want to be – no matter if you’re 45 or 85.
Let’s say you play for another ten years.
$97 bucks over ten years… that comes out to 81 cents a month. Would you pay 81 cents a month to get HUGE improvements in your game?
Of course you would! That’s a no-brainer. And that means you should probably take this offer while it’s still available, wouldn’t you say?
When you get started today, I’m also giving you my “Power Longevity” course… FREE!

This reveals the techniques that are being used before a round… by the longest hitters on the Champions Tour… to prime their bodies for power.
It equips you with a handful of what I call “pro warmups”, that most amateur golfers don’t know a thing about.
This pre-round power warmup routine only takes 4 minutes, and it helps activate your muscles for Power Loading, especially on the days you feel stiff as a board.
Not only does this make gaining distance even easier… It also protects you from injuries, soreness, and extends your golfing years even further.
This course sells separately for $47.00 but I’m including it for FREE as my way of saying thank you for getting started today.
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
Believe it or not, this is one of those “crossroads” moments in life. That means you have two options.
On the one hand, you can close this page and forget you ever saw it. You can go back to slowly watching your game ebb away. Slowly watching the power drain from your swings. Slowly watching that yardage drop, round by round.
Each time you play a round and get a decent score, there’ll be a little voice in your head telling you it’s the last time you’ll ever play that well.
Aging is no joke, and I know exactly how it feels to have your game slipping away year by year…
But that’s exactly what you’re facing if you don’t do something to preserve and increase your abilities right now. But let’s be honest – how much worse off will you be if you DON’T take action today?
What does your game look like 5 years from now? How about in 10 years?
How many more yards will you lose? How many more rounds will you hate playing?
How much will you regret not doing something to sneak back the power and vitality that Father Time is trying to steal from you?
And that brings me to your other option – where you recognize this for the opportunity it is, and SEIZE it. Right now. With both hands.
With these techniques you could be quickly dominating your buddies, your regular foursome… and you can probably give the course pro a run for his money too.
You’ll have the tools to turn the clock back, regain your flexibility, avoid the aches and pains that have started to creep in after each round…
And of course become a much better golfer. If you’d like to break 80, or even get down to scratch, THIS is your option.
When you invest in this course now, you get instant access to the videos, no matter what time of the day or night it is. And if it takes just a handful of practice balls to see this technique start working for you…

“20 yards further than I’ve been getting in about 2 years! It was crazy”
– Chuck Bower

“I was a bogey golfer until I started using the Power Loading Formula…”
– Ed Gross

“The Power Loading Formula is outstanding…”
– Jim Vernon

“A consistent increase in length on all of my drives…”
– Noah Lightman

“It has created an extra 20 yards on my drive…”
– Doug Heaman

“He has you work with the swing you have naturally…”
– Michael Langlois
It could mean you get instant extra yardage TODAY! In fact, one thing I’ve learned over the years is that people are capable of more than they think they are.
So you may well be surprised by how fast you see improvements from the Power Loading Formula.
BUT… This can only happen if you take action right now.
Click the button below to get immediate instant online access!
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
We’ve been on a journey together today, and I’ve shown you a lot.
- You’ve seen how what you’re being taught is not only harming your
game, but your body too… - You’ve seen why the modern golf swing is just downright bad for you…
- You’ve seen how aging really doesn’t mean you have to get worse at
golf… And you’ve seen how you’ve got yardage stored inside you that
you can INSTANTLY unleash, no matter what your age. - You’ve seen exactly how many yards you’re losing each year – and it’s
not pretty. Aside from that, you’ve seen how there’s a simple way for
you to access that extra distance, each and every swing… So you can
experience dramatic improvements in your game at any age…. - And you’ve seen just how quickly and easily my students are able to
take this technique and get GREAT results, no matter how old they
And lastly, you’ve seen the two most important things:
- 1)you can begin changing YOUR game, and getting all those
improvements we talked about, for just 81 cents a month. - 2)If you’re not completely thrilled with the Power Loading Formula –
for ANY reason – you’ll get every penny refunded. So you have no risk…
and a new and improved golf game to gain!
And if you’re wondering whether it’s safe to order online, then you’ll be happy to know this website uses 128-bit military-grade encryption.
What does that mean? It means your credit card information is protected and secured with the same technology the military uses to protect national secrets.
The bottom line is, everything is fully encrypted so you know you’re completely safe when you place your order.
Now, it’s time for you to make a decision. We’ve come on this journey together, so far. But I can’t take this next step for you.
It’s up to you to make the decision to hit it longer, straighter, and truer, every time.
So hit the button below and place your order right now.
As soon as you fill out your details on the next page, you’ll be given immediate access to your training videos! Do it now – you’ll be so glad you did!
365-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee
See you inside,

Brian Mogg
Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher