In this video I’m going to help you pure your iron shots.
One of the biggest problems I see in my teaching is the inability for a lot of students to hit down on the golf ball. They’re constantly trying to help the ball in the air.
Well, if you watch all the tour pros, both in the LPGA and on the PGA Tour, they are doing the exact opposite. They’re hitting the ball with a descending blow.
So in today’s video I’m going to give you a few tips and suggestions and a couple drills that might help you compress the golf ball better and hit pure iron shots.
One of the things I see people do all the time is they get up to the top of their swing, and they’ve got a real active right leg and they don’t have any chance at all to make a descending blow.
One of the things that has helped my students, and me too, is to hit some balls where we’re going to angle our right foot. We’re going to flare it out, which is going to soften this right leg and quiet it down. It’s going to help you feel like your upper body can stay more stacked over your lower body.
Watch the video to see how to start hitting down on the golf ball with a nice divot.
Another thing I see with my students is they’re always making practice swings and they’re never hitting the ground, and I think, in this game, we become what we practice.
So, I think it’s important that you start making some practice swings and take a divot out front. Make your practice swings where you’re brushing the grass in front of the golf shaft. That’s really, really important.
Watch this video to see the tips and drills that will help you start compressing the golf ball and get more distance and accuracy.
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