impact using video training and a
counter-intuitive swing progression
(All Documented LIVE):
What is it?
It’s a golf lesson from the
world’s #1 training
program to fix poor
It Uses A Technique Used By Multiple Major Winners…
And has fixed over 85,000
amateurs’ contact over the
last 45 years.
What does it
Eliminates the need to focus on positions in the golf swing… and naturally unlocks flush contact
- Simplifies the swing by focusing on the 20% that ACTUALLY matters
Fixes fat shots, thin shots, and a lack of clubface control at
impact… -
Unlike “positional” swing methods that work for some golfers and not for others, this technique is proven to work for any swing type, any
grip, and any swing flaws you THINK you have -
And most importantly, it fixes your impact permanently (without building the “perfect” swing)
So you don’t do this…
#1: Have an “impact
mismatch” and hit fat or
thin shots…
This is when the first move off the ball doesn’t match what happens AFTER you hit the ball.
It’s like trying to throw a football with your right hand and stepping with your right leg at the same time.
Or trying to take a step with your left leg and swinging your left arm forward at the same time.
That’s a mismatch… or in other words an improper sequencing of the hands, arms, and body.
It’s the same in golf.
The impact zone should
look like this
to hit flush
But the problem is…
A lot of golf training focuses on static segments in the swing like the takeaway, top of swing, wrist conditions, and so on.
But this gives you too much to think about… it’s too many positions…
And the 20% of the swing that counts — that Y-to-Y in the impact zone — breaks down.
That’s what causes poor contact.

#2: Release the club too
early and lose clubface
We see this happen when players rush to hit the ball.
And the club gets too far in front of the hands and kills your chances of solid impact.
That’s why great players like Phil don’t hit at the ball…
They hit THROUGH the ball.
I’ve seen it a million times.
Guys who release early and
with contact… are
focusing on the WRONG
parts of the swing:
- The 3 o’clock position…
- The top of swing angles…
- The full turn…
- The inside-out path…
- The big Tiger follow-through.
That’s NOT the 20% of the swing that produces 80% of the results.
And I’m not saying those things aren’t important… but if you don’t get the “Y-to-Y” impact progression right… none of those other segments really matter.
#3: Suffer from the Perfect
Swing Syndrome
Players spend their entire golfing life obsessing over the perfect swing.
But who defines what “perfect” is?
And how many perfect-looking swings do you see… that can’t hit the ocean from the beach?
See… players who drop their scores the quickest focus on “Pure Impact”… NOT a “perfect swing.”
Just look at Furyk’s swing.
Why is that
You Don’t Need A Perfect
Swing To Make Pure
All you need to know is how to…
Dial in the 20% of the swing that determines 80% of your results.
So Rick designed a training that doesn’t work on the entire swing…
It works on the 20% of the swing that matters most… and it does it fast.
That’s how guys who want to shoot maybe 5 shots better… actually shoot 7… maybe even 10 shots better.
How does it
First, you’re going to learn
the Pure Impact
Progression in module 1 of
the training
- The 5 ball Y-to-Y technique that fixes any struggles in the impact zone. This gets you focused on the 20% that’s going to fix your impact faults the fastest.
- A “Right-Hand Release” trick that auto-programs your hands, arms, and body to sync up with your club path in the impact zone… without thinking about path or clubface control.
- The Reverse Impact Swings that get your swing to start moving naturally on the perfect plane in the impact zone… Without focusing on all the segments in the swing you’ve been told to work on.
Then, you learn all the
faults and fixes for the Y-
to-Y technique in module 2
Module Highlights Include:
- Discover the Y-to-Y Faults and Fixes that eject fat and thin shots from your bag
- A “2×4” drill that makes sure you never hit a shank again
- The TRUTH about the takeaway: how to fix the 2 biggest takeaway faults amateurs make that ruin contact AND consistency
- Erase the possibility of a post-impact “chicken wing”, “scoop”, or “flip”
- Why your grip DOESN’T MATTER
- The perfect post-impact match up that every great golfer has (and most amateurs don’t)
After that, you’ll discover
Impact Feels for pure
- How to get instant feedback (for free) that reveals “feels VS reals”
- A power board secret to unlock maximum speed PAST the ball
- The headcover hack that guarantees you’re on the perfect path for flush contact
- How to use your golf glove to lock in your pre and post
impact Y
Then, you’ll learn the
Pure Impact Under
Pressure Protocol
- A little-known trick you can do AT HOME before your round that prepares you to handle any pressure you’ll face on the course with ease…
- The “tee-time warm up” that preps you physically and mentally to play great golf (takes about 5 minutes)
- How all the best golfers recover from BAD shots (and never think about them again)…
Can’t I just
do it on my
Yes, you could…
But most players work
on the wrong parts of
the swings for too long
and never get better…
That’s why according to the USGA stats, amateur golfers get one shot worse every three years.
Rick Smith Figured This Out
The Hard Way… And Used
What He Learned To Help 50
Tour Winners And Over
85,000 Amateurs

You’ve probably heard of Rick Smith as the coach to major champions like Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson, Lee Janzen, Paul Azinger, Vijay Singh, and Rocco Mediate.
Or seen him featured on the cover of Golf Digest.
Or maybe you’ve even been one of the over 200,000 amateur students who’s attended a Rick Smith Golf Academy.
But what you probably don’t know… is that Rick has been staying out of the limelight and teaching behind the scenes for the last 15 YEARS to give amateur students this EXACT program.
Rick Has Fixed Impact
Issues For Over
Amateur Golfers
How can I be
sure it will
work for me?
The Program Has Already
Fixed Impact Issues For
Thousands Of Golfers…

The results speak for
Does it come
Here’s Everything
You’re Getting
To Fix
Your Contact Today


The world’s leading Impact Program based on a Y-to-Y Impact Technique that’s helped multiple major winners AND over 85,000 amateur students in his 45+ year career. It’s a proven technique that gets you to STOP hitting AT the ball… and instead hit THROUGH the ball.
For 15 years, Rick Smith has protected this impact program by never releasing it to the public. But now, to fulfill his life’s mission to help millions of struggling amateur golfers, Rick’s delivering it to the world and giving away everything he’s ever learned about the game.
Unlike other training courses out there, the Pure Impact Program only focuses on the 20% of the swing that really matters when it comes to making flush impact. This approach simplifies the golf swing and makes practicing fun and easy.
This step-by-step contact-fixing program works no matter how old you are, how long you’ve been playing, or how high or low your handicap is. It’s already becoming the most popular impact program on the market today.
Here’s how the Pure Impact Program works:
Step-by-step, interactive video training with Rick Smith walking you through the Pure Impact Progression…
In-depth modular training breaking down ALL faults & fixes that lead to your poor impact right now (Rick’s covered all swing types, grips, and physical limitations possible)
Impact Feels videos that use ordinary golf equipment to make sure you never get off track and always have a point of reference while you’re dialing in your contact…
Pure Impact Under Pressure Protocol reveals the difference between “practice feels” and “on-course reals.” This module gives you the exact protocol to take what you’ve learned and have it work when it counts. No guessing. No overthinking. Just on-course results
And most importantly, you’re getting an up-close and personal experience to work with Rick Smith as he shares everything you’ll ever need to turn your fat shots, thin shots, and mis-hits into perfectly flush, dead straight shots…
This program gives you
Rick’s #1 impact secret…
How to: “stop hitting at the
ball… and start
through the ball!”
Pure IMPACT Driver Series Video Training

This training contains the secret to mastering the pure impact point with your DRIVER… So you can add 25 to 35 laser-accurate yards off the tee… Without swinging out of your shoes or killing your body with a big rotational swing.
Just like with your irons, you want to hit THROUGH the ball, not AT the ball with your driver. But because you tee your drives an inch or more above the ground… This ONE simple tweak is critical.
AND… because I know so many golfers struggle with a slice… I designed this to automatically get you swinging from the inside… even if you can’t make a big turn… Hitting up – and THROUGH – the ball… And launching draws that fly high and roll out forever.
Driving Masterclass
Better Ball-Striking Blueprint
Short Game System
Chipping & Bunker Basics
Perfect Putting Program & Protocol
Mental Game Mastery
Rick Smith Live Training Academy

I’m holding this LIVE Q&A… to give you DIRECT ACCESS to me.
This is worth more than the price we’re going to ask you to invest in the entire program…
Because you’ll be able to ask me any follow-up questions you want… get personalized feedback… And we’ll work together to eliminate your biggest challenges in golf.
I plan on keeping the headcount low on these livestreams… so I can work 1-on-1 with everyone.
You’ll get details as soon as you enroll.
And while I’d love for you to join us and get live coaching…
There will be a replay if you can’t make it.
What if I don’t like

365-Day Money-Back
unconditional refund policy…
The Pure Impact Program
Completely Risk-Free
Here’s the deal:
You’re not making a final decision here today.
You’re simply agreeing to give the Pure Impact Program a CHANCE to see if it works for you, just like it has for so many other amateurs.
Because thanks to Performance Golf’s industry-leading ONE-YEAR, unconditional money-back guarantee… you get 365 days to decide.
It MUST deliver everything we’ve promised here today.
It must get you to simplify your swing… dial in your accuracy… and give you the most flush contact of your life — or you pay nothing.
Because you can literally use this program for 365 days, and then, for ANY reason… even on the LAST DAY… get a full no-questions-asked refund.
It either works or you get your money back. It’s THAT easy.
How much
does it cost?
Here’s Everything
You’re Getting
To Fix
Your Contact Today

Program Video Training
(instant online access)
The world’s leading Impact Program based on a Y-to-Y Impact Technique that Hall of Fame Coach, Rick Smith, has used to help multiple major winners – and over 85,000 amateurs dial in pure impact… in his 45+ year career. It’s a proven technique that gets you to STOP hitting AT the ball… and instead hit THROUGH the ball.
Pure IMPACT Driver Series
Video Training
(instant online access)
This training contains the secret to mastering the pure impact point with your DRIVER… So you can add 25 to 35 laser-accurate yards off the tee… Without swinging out of your shoes or killing your body with a big rotational swing.
BONUS: Rick Smith Live Training Academy
Ask Phil & Jack’s former coach Rick Smith any question LIVE and get immediate feedback designed to help fix your impact even faster. If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay for life.

Money-Back Guarantee

100% Secured
Thank you, Rick.” -Ben M. – 16 Handicap
Program Video Training
(instant online access)
Pure IMPACT Driver Series
Video Training
(instant online access)
BONUS: Rick Smith Live Training Academy

Money-Back Guarantee

100% Secured
Thank you, Rick.” -Ben M. – 16 Handicap