As Featured In:

After Coaching 1,000+ Novice Golf
Academies, Legendary Swing
Coach Martin Chuck
Swears He Will
Eliminate The #1 Problem With
Your Golf Game Now, So You…
(In 10 Shots Or Less)
Using His “Simple Strike
Sequence”, You’ll Make Perfectly
Flush Contact And:

- Eliminate Fat Shots…
- Never Hit Thin Shots…
- And Avoid ANY Mishits…
Even If You’re Picking Up A Club For
The First Time — Or If You’ve Been
For Decades — And Just
Can’t Make Consistently Pure
No Matter What You Try…
Here’s a FACT: contact is everything in golf…
And if you struggle to make consistently flush contact with the ball… you’ll NEVER play good golf… or be able to TRULY enjoy this great game.
But here’s the good news… it doesn’t matter whether you just picked up a club for the first time…
Or you’ve been playing for 10, 20, or even 30 years and just can’t make consistent contact…
All Your Contact Issues
In Just 10 Shots On The Range
Hi, my name is Martin Chuck …

And right here, right now I’m going to teach
you a simple sequence for turning your
fat shots…
… thin shots… and even whiffs… into
perfectly flushed shots…
That consistently hit the dead center of the
Fly 15 to 25 yards farther…
And instantly give you the confidence to
play respectably well — even when
paired with low handicap ringers…
Time and time again.
So listen . . .
I know that’s a big promise . . .
And if you’re thinking…
“But Martin, I’ve Tried
Everything To Hit The
Well, I understand . . .
But let me ask you a question…
How many ball striking techniques have you tried… were pioneered by a guy Tiger Woods considered to be one of the purest ball-strikers of all time…?
I’d be willing to bet the answer is ZERO…
Beyond that, how many of the ball striking techniques you’ve tried were proven — not only in 50,000 lessons given to amateur golfers over 35 years…
… but also proven in LIVE, documented transformations in over 1,000 novice golf academies…
Where lifelong beginners…
Go From Barely Being Able To
Make Contact
With The Ball…
To Hitting It Perfectly Flush —
10 Shots Or Less
Again… pretty sure it’s ZERO.
That means what you’re about to discover is unlike anything you’ve ever been taught before…
Because my 10-shot “simple strike sequence” gives you perfect, flush contact…
… so you have the accuracy and consistency to shoot lower scores…
Even if you’ve struggled to hit the ball flush your entire life.
And that’s why I urge you to give me your undivided attention for the next few minutes…
So I can walk you through this 10-shot sequence — right here on this page…
Because I’m committed to making sure — that…
After Today — You NEVER
Miss The Golf Ball Again…
So next time you step up to the ball… you no longer have to HOPE that you make solid contact.
Instead, you’ll have the confidence and skill to flush it every single time…
No more overthinking…
No more having to sneak out for a quick 9 when no one is watching…
No more having to play by yourself because you’re embarrassed to play with your buddies…
Bottom line: you’re about to discover the real root cause of your inconsistent contact — and exactly what it takes to fix it forever…
Because the truth is, everything you’ve been told about how to fix your contact issues — is DEAD WRONG…
Things like…
- “Keep your head down”…
- “Make sure your left arm is straight”…
- “Shift your weight…”
- Or “keep the clubface closed”…
All These Swing Thoughts… Are
Like Putting
Bandaids On Bullet
Because they don’t fix the REAL reason you or anyone else on the planet has contact issues…
And unless you address this one root cause…
It doesn’t matter if you spend a thousand hours on the range… pay a fortune in lessons… or watch weeks’ worth of YouTube videos…
NOTHING will ever change.
Just look at these players who’ve tried everything you’ve probably seen in magazines, websites and YouTube…
And if it were just these two players, it would be one thing… but…
This 10-Shot “Simple Strike
Sequence” Works
For Even The
Most Struggling Golfers…
Including guys who’ve never broken 100… 120… and even those who’ve never
stepped onto a REAL golf course in their life.
And these golfers ALL had similar doubts…
… until they felt the addictive feeling of striping a golf ball — and having the confidence to never hit another fat, thin, or shanked shot again.
After completing my 10-shot sequence… these guys realized what you’re about to discover…
That ALL you need to do is… go to the range… follow my “simple strike sequence” to a “T”…
Then… in 10 shots or less…
You’ll Make The Most Insanely
Flush Contact
You’ve Ever Seen!
So there’s only one thing to do right now…
Turn off all distractions… silence all notifications… and give this page your undivided attention for the next several minutes…
Because I promise you…
Your search for a solution to fix your contact issues… is OVER.
And the beginning of your better golf journey…
- As a golfer who can pure your irons with laser-like control…
- Sending every shot 15 to 25 yards farther than you’re used to…
- And find the center of the fairway and greens more than you’ve ever imagined…
It All Begins Right Now

But before I give you the sequence…
I have to tell you how I discovered this breakthrough in the first place…
You see, long before I coached Major winners
like Darren Clark and Mike Weir…

And before I was known as the “peoples’ coach”
after hosting more than 1,000 golf academies…
I used to shag balls on the range for the great
Moe Norman…
You could say he was my first real mentor…
And Moe would hit the ball so flush and
I could literally sit in a chair out on the range…
And every ball landed within FEET of the previous
That’s Why Tiger Woods Claims
My Mentor Was One Of The
Purest Ball
Strikers To Ever
Play The Game…

Experiencing Moe’s ball-striking up close taught me a priceless lesson – which I’m going to share with you here today.
You see… as my career progressed… I ended up playing on the Canadian Tour…
And while grinding on Tour was great. What I’m MOST passionate about is working with amateur players as a PGA teaching professional…
But here’s the thing…
That’s where I started seeing amateurs making the same mistakes over and over…
- Players hitting behind the ball…
causing fat shots… - Others hitting on top of the ball…
causing thin shots… - And some of them couldn’t even get
the ball into the air…
So while everyone wanted a lesson to gain distance… fix their slices… or just lower their scores…
What they didn’t realize is that…
Without Solid Contact You Can
Fix Any Of Those Issues!
To see what I mean, just look at this…

Distance… slicing… lag… and the list goes on…
ALL of these issues require solid contact!
That means, it doesn’t matter if you gain 15 miles per hour of swing speed…
If you don’t make solid contact, then that extra speed will go to WASTE…
It means if you’re trying to fix your slice… It doesn’t matter if you dial in an inside-out swing…
If you don’t make solid contact, then you’ll STILL struggle with a slice…
And it doesn’t matter if you’re doing everything imaginable to gain distance…
If you don’t make solid contact… then you’ll actually LOSE yards off the tee.
Are You Starting To See Why
Most Golfers

Because if you’re not making solid contact, then NOTHING else matters!
It’s your ball contact that’s responsible for improving ALL areas of your game.
That’s why… the #1 lesson I learned from Moe is…
Contact Is
Everything In Golf!
And look… Moe didn’t have a
“picture-perfect” swing…
But his ball contact?
It was flawless.
Which is why he STILL landed every ball within feet of the previous shot.
Alright, so by now YOU KNOW contact is king…
But the problem is, when I ask my students…
“What Have You Tried Doing…
To Make Solid Contact?…”
…I always get the same answers.
They’ll say…
“I’ve watched a few Youtube videos on ball striking…”
… And I’ve been trying really hard to hit ball first…”
Or “I’ve put all my concentration on keeping my head down in the swing…”
Or “I focus all my attention on just hitting the ball.”
And while all these things can help temporarily…
None Of These Swing Thoughts
Actually Address The Root
Of Your Inconsistent
Let me show you why…

In this image, it looks like the ball is going to be contacted at the bottom of the swing, right?
Actually… that’s WRONG.
And THIS misconception is the REAL reason you can’t make solid contact…
Because the ball is absolutely NOT the bottom of the swing…
That’s so important — I’m going to say it again:
The ONLY reason you — or any golfer on the planet — EVER makes poor contact… is because…
Your Ball Is NOT Supposed To
Be The Bottom Of Your Swing
That’s a fact.
So what does that mean?
Well as you probably know, in the golf swing, your body is rotating and relocating…
Or turning and shifting as some people say…
And that means that the bottom of your swing at address…
… is NOT the bottom of your swing at impact.
Look At This “Secret Science Of
3D Animation…

As you can see here, the bottom of your swing at address is the golf ball…
Which makes sense, right?
Okay… now watch what happens in slow motion as the golfer starts to move off the ball…
Can you see how the bottom of the swing is shifting in the backswing?
Now watch what happens as it moves through impact…
The low point… or, in other words, the bottom of the swing… is shifting and moving in FRONT of the golf ball…
And that’s exactly why… unless you plan on swinging without moving any parts of your body except your arms — which I HIGHLY advise against…
The Golf Ball Will NEVER Be
At The Bottom Of Your Swing
And that also means that if right now… you’re TRYING to hit the ball at the bottom of your swing…
You’ll always make poor contact…
- Like fat shots…
- Thin shots…
- And shanks.
For example:
Here’s How Trying To Hit The
Ball At The
Bottom Of The
Swing Results In A Fat Shot
You see, if you’re intentionally — or unintentionally — focusing on HITTING the ball at the bottom of your swing…
Your club will hit the ground — the low point of your swing — BEFORE you make contact with the ball…
Which is going to make you come up short of the green…
Every. Single. Time.
Pretty bad, right?
Well, that’s just the beginning…
Here’s How Trying To Hit The
Ball At The
Bottom Of The
Swing Results In A Thin Shot
Which is why you’re hitting low warm burners that barely get off the ground…
And scream across the green leaving you in a worse position than where you started.
And while fat shots and thin shots are probably the two most common contact problems…
That’s not where it ends…
Let’s look at what happens in this example:
Here’s What It Looks Like When
You Try To
Hit The Ball At The
Bottom Of Your Swing
With An
Open Clubface
Yes, that’s what it looks like when you shank one off the hosel…
Most of us know that horrible feeling… where you have to quickly look up to see if anyone saw it — before you hit your next shot.
Is it clear why trying to hit the ball at the bottom of your swing is NOT what you want?
I hope so…
Because until you get that… nothing else will ever matter.
Think about it like the wheels on a car…
Without wheels… the car can’t go anywhere.
It’s the same in golf…
Ball contact is the foundation of everything…
So Unless You Make Great
Contact… You
Anywhere With Your Game
You’ll remain stuck.
That’s why learning to make contact at the perfect strike point in your swing is so important.
So you’re probably wondering…
“Well Martin, what IS the perfect strike point in my swing?”
The answer is simple actually…
With your irons the perfect strike point looks like this:
As you can see here, your clubface hits the ball FIRST…
And THEN reaches the bottom of the swing…
This Creates A Perfect Divot In
Front Of Where
Your Ball Was
In other words…
You’re able to fully USE your clubface angle to send the ball higher and farther in the air…
And guys, this is key…
Because when your clubface hits the ball on the WAY to the bottom of your swing…
You’re Able To Hit The “Perfect
Strike Point”
On Your Iron…
… without any grass, dirt, or obstructions
between the club and the ball.
The bottom line is:
This kind of solid CONTACT… creates that
perfectly flush sound…
As the ball screams off the clubface…
Launching 15 to 25 yards farther and straighter down the fairway — or at the
And this is exactly why I spent the first two decades of my career… perfecting a swing sequence that makes it easy for amateur golfers to hit the perfect strike point…
Because as long as you’re using this sequence…
You’ll Make Flush Contact…
EVEN With An
Imperfect Swing!
How do I know?
Because I hosted an experimental group lesson for amateur golfers…
To put my “simple strike sequence” to the test.
I had over a dozen students show up…
From absolute beginners… to players who’d been playing for decades without getting any better…
Players with all different types of swings…
And I only had an hour…
So I didn’t have time to work with each student one-on-one…
Which Is Why I Showed This
Simple Strike
Sequence To The
Entire Group All At Once…
Check out what happened…
This guy’s been playing for over 20 years…
When he came to me, he was hitting WAY behind the ball consistently… taking a huge divot and chunking virtually every shot…
Then, after 2 minutes using the “simple strike sequence”…
He flushed 5 shots in a row.
I mean… look at this divot pattern:
That’s Pure Ball Striking If I’ve
Ever Seen It…
And look at this student’s results…
He’s played for 10 years and taken over 100 hours of in-person lessons…
But was still hitting at least 7 to 9 thinned shots a round…
And while it’s great to get fast results for experienced golfers…
Here’s a student who just picked up the game last year:
The bottom line is…
The Simple Strike Sequence… Fixes The Root Cause Of Your Inconsistent Contact…
And when you use it, you find yourself
Immediately overriding all other bad habits…
Eliminating fat, thin, and shanked shots…
So you start seeing game-changing results… after your next 10 shots on
the range…
Even if you have an IMPERFECT swing…
Just like you see here…
From poor contact… to flush contact…
Over and over…
This Is How You Go From
Playing BAD Golf…
To Playing
GOOD Golf, Virtually Overnight
And here’s the best news I’ve given you today…
Just like the students in my group lesson…
My “simple strike sequence” makes YOU hit the perfect strike point…
After no more than 10 shots on the range…
And you’ll not only be striping it in the dead-center of the clubface…
Making perfect dollar-bill shaped divots…
You’ll ALSO be hitting it 15 to 25 yards farther — than you ever have in your life…
Leaving you with complete confidence as you stand over the ball.
So By Now, You Have To Be
Wondering How
The Simple
Strike Sequence Works…
I’ll walk you through it…
For your first 5 shots… you’ll use my “no-turn backswing” technique that lets you FEEL exactly where the club needs to be in the backswing…
… without having to think about the takeaway… clubface angle… or any other confusing parts of the swing.
It’s so simple… if you can chop wood, then you can do the No-Turn Backswing…
… and it automatically gets your swing on the correct path for perfect contact…
… dials in your angle of attack…
… and gets you to finally STOP focusing on HITTING the ball at the bottom of the swing.
If you’re like most players…
If You ONLY Do This Part Of The
Sequence… You’ll See A
Change In Your Ball
Eliminating fat shots… thin shots… and definitely NEVER whiffing the ball again.
And that’s already a big win…
But like I said earlier… you have to follow this sequence to a “t”…
And that’s why the second part is so important…
Because next, I’m going to have you use my “low point control drill” to automatically trick your body and arms into taking 5 surgical divots with your irons…

And You’ll Do This — Without
To Hit Ball
First… Then Turf
That’s going to happen naturally when you do this part of the sequence.
Because now that you have the club attacking the ball from the perfect angle…
And you won’t be focusing on “hitting the ball”…
You’ll start collecting the ball on the way down…
… and nipping the ground at the EXACT low point needed for flush contact.
… which might seem impossible at first…
But once this part of the sequence gets your club hitting the ball at the perfect strike point…
EVERYTHING will fall into place… and…
You’ll Experience That Highly Addictive Feeling Of Puring
The Ball In The Center
Of The Clubface

Think about it…
How good is it going to feel if you’ve been consistently making horrible contact…
Slamming your club into the ground before the ball…
Or thinning low worm burners barely reaching the fairway…
To now… finally flushing it…
… watching your ball sail higher and farther than you ever hit it before?
It’s the best feeling in golf…
And you’re about to be able to do that on command.
Because after you’ve finished this “simple strike sequence”…
You’ll have the confidence to hit the perfect strike point every time… and…
You’ll Be Ready To Take Your
Pure Contact Out Onto The
Where you’ll be able to respectably compete with your buddies… any day of the week.
The entire sequence I just described can be done in minutes…
But I’m not asking you to rush.
Follow the sequence step-by-step… and make every swing count.
That’s what makes this transformation stick…
So you can go from beginner…
Or an experienced golfer who’s stuck right now…
… to a player who’s mastered the foundation of a good golf game — CONTACT.
So the only question is…
Are You Willing To Spend 10
Shots To
Fix Your Contact
Contact issues that — if they aren’t fixed now — will haunt you for the rest of your golfing career?
Because guys… I can’t say this enough…
I believe it and I mean it:
contact is everything in golf.
So let me show you how you can start using this Simple Strike Sequence for yourself RIGHT NOW.
In the past… the only way to learn it was to get 1-on-1 attention from me… like pros I’ve worked with — such as Darren Clarke or Mike Weir…
Or to book a spot at one of my exclusive academies, which can have a waiting list of up to one year.
But I realize that not everyone is able to do that.
And remember, as I said earlier…
My mission is to help as many amateur golfers as possible…
Go From Playing
Embarrassingly Bad Golf…
Confident, Good Golf…
… something you can NEVER do if you’re stuck making poor contact.
So I decided to partner with Performance Golf, the industry leader in online golf instructional programs.
They’re well-known for producing high-end video training that not only looks good… but delivers results.
So we took a professional film crew… out on the course with us at the Raven Golf Course in Arizona… to capture all the details of my Simple Strike Sequence in
high-quality HD video…
Their team spared no expense, using three $45,000 cameras…
Capturing multiple camera angles, and slow-motion shots…
So you don’t miss a single detail.
These videos walk you through, step-by-step, how to use the Simple Strike Sequence to start flushing the perfect strike point…

So You Can Confidently Play
Good Golf Any
Hitting it an extra 15 to 25 yards farther…
And shooting lower scores each round — even if you’ve been battling poor contact from the moment you first picked up a club.
This Simple Strike Sequence Video Series has never been released publicly…
And in the next few months, it’s going to change hundreds of thousands of golfers’ lives…
I want YOU to be one of the first… you deserve that for sticking with me today.
So right here, right now…
You’re Getting Instant Online
Access To
The Simple Strike
Sequence Video

You’re going to be one of the first people to say Martin Chuck gave me the secret for flawless ball striking…
And your buddies will be begging to know what you did…
Because in less than a minute from now…
You can watch this exclusive online video training… from any computer, smartphone, or tablet…
And you can watch it at your convenience… anytime… as many times as you want…
Even while you’re out on the range!
It’s like having me right there by your side… actually it’s better than having me right there… because…
I’m Going To Personally Walk
You Through This Simple Strike
And I’ve covered every possible question you could have…
Questions that we would never have enough time to cover in person…
So you won’t be let down like many lessons you’ve had in the past…
Where you think you’ve figured something out…
Then the first time you step out onto the course — you forget everything you learned…
And those fat, thin or mishit shots… suddenly return with a vengeance.
With the Simple Strike Sequence Video Training that will never happen, because…
You’ll Always Have LIFETIME
Access To Everything… And It’s
Just A Couple Clicks Away
Feedback on these video lessons has already started pouring in…
Pretty amazing, right?
Now, I could just give you the Simple Strike Sequence Video Training and send you on your way with the most consistently flush contact you’ve ever hit in your life…
But as a new member of my inner circle, I not only want you striking your irons flush…
I ALSO want you to be dialed off the tee…
That’s why I’m adding a special bonus when you get started today…
That’s right…
I’m handing you the secret to mastering the perfect strike point with your DRIVER…
… so you can add 25 to 35 more yards off the tee…
I call this…
Simple Strike Driver Series

This video series walks you through
step-by-step how to implement the Simple Strike Sequence with the longest club in your bag.
See, after you finish hitting your first 10 shots with the Simple Strike Sequence…
You’ll be puring your irons so well…
You’ll want to know exactly what to do with your driver.
And this series shows you exactly what
to do with the NEXT 10 shots you hit
on the range.
Because just like with the irons…
The ball is NOT the bottom of the
swing with the DRIVER either…
And that’s why inside this Simple Strike
Driver Series..
I’ll Show You ONE Simple Tweak
You Can
Make To Your Setup…
… that will automatically have you hitting up on the ball…
… sending your drives higher and farther than you’ve ever seen before.
I’m talking about 25 to 35 yards
And that’s not all…
I’m also giving you the fastest way to
fix a slice off the tee… without changing
anything about the Simple Strike
Once You’re Hitting The Ball
Farther And
MUCH Straighter…
You’ll have everything you need to feel 100% confident to step out onto the course.
And here’s the thing…
The Simple Strike Driver Series will soon sell for $97 on our main website…
But today…
I’m throwing it in absolutely FREE…
That’s right…
Since you’ve shown so much dedication to fixing your contact issues today…
I want to be absolutely certain you’re also making perfect contact with your driver…
Smashing the center of your club’s sweet spot, time and time again.
And actually… I’m only just getting started…
Because like I said…
I’m fully committed to making sure that after today…
You have everything you need to end up playing the best golf of your life… and mastering all aspects of the game…
That’s why I’m throwing in ANOTHER extremely valuable bonus…
You’re Getting Access To A
Simple Strike
Training Academy with Me

That’s right…
You’re not done with me after today…
Because I’m holding this LIVESTREAM Academy-Style Bonus Lesson… to be 100% sure you’ve implemented the Simple Strike Sequence correctly…
… just like those who were with me in person.
This is worth far more than the price I’m going to ask you to invest in the entire program…
Because you’ll be able to ask me any follow-up questions you want… as we work together to fix or tweak anything — and help you master the 10-shot sequence taught in my Simple Strike Sequence Video Series…
This Will Provide The
Confidence Boosting
That You Have Indeed Cured
Poor Contact For Good
Because if there’s one thing I refuse to accept, it’s mediocre results…
That’s also why…
I won’t just be TELLING you the answers on the LIVE Training Academy…
I’ll be SHOWING you anything I reveal, streaming LIVE, over your computer or cell phone.
You’ll get details as soon as you enroll in the Simple Strike Sequence…
And you might be thinking…
“Well, Martin, what if I can’t
make it
to the LIVE session?”
I’m glad you asked…
Because there will be a replay if you can’t make it…
And since most people have similar questions and challenges when it comes to their contact…
Even if you can’t make it LIVE — I’m 99% sure your question or issue will have been asked and answered on the replay…
I would normally charge $300 for a LIVE stream…
But today — when you get started with the Simple Strike Sequence — it’s yours FREE…
That’s one full hour (or more) to ask me any questions about your game — LIVE.
But that’s not all…
Because as much as I like to LIVESTREAM… the one thing I LOVE even more is being able to help you 1-on-1 at my Tour Striker Academies…
That’s why I’m really excited to give you this next bonus…
Because when you say YES to the Simple Strike Sequence today…
You’ll Automatically Be
Submitted Into
Our Drawing For
Tour Striker

That’s right, you have a chance to win an ALL EXPENSES PAID trip to Arizona…
where you’ll join me for a 3 day LIVE Tour Striker Academy.
That means you get to WORK with me and my incredible team IN PERSON… and we
can take your ball striking… distance… and accuracy… to ANOTHER level.
In just 3 days of working with me LIVE IN PERSON… I’ll give you more of my secret weapons for playing your best golf that will NEVER be released publicly…
And it won’t cost you ANYTHING!
All you have to do is… once you’ve completed the Simple Strike Sequence and you’re making the most pure contact of your life…
Just send a video testimonial to… and you’ll be in the running…
Then, twice each year… we’ll pick a student to hop a plane and come see me here at
the Raven Golf and Country.

And as if that weren’t enough…
I’ve got ONE more extremely valuable bonus for you…
You’re ALSO getting The
Confidential Guide
To Ball
Striking Equipment

When I say “confidential”… I really mean it.
You must agree not to share the contents of this guide with ANYONE…
See, after using the Simple Strike Sequence… you’re going to be flushing the ball so well…
That you may end up like many of my other students…
Asking: “Martin, how do I get the best equipment to improve my game even more?”
I can’t tell you how many times I hear this…
And rightfully so… because a lot of players I see coming into my academy DON’T have the most dialed equipment to maximize their ball striking and distance…
I’m always handing out advice on how to get the best equipment on the market today…
And at a much better rate than you’ll find in stores…
You see, everyone thinks golf is an expensive game… but buying the right equipment for YOU…doesn’t have to be complicated. But…
What Makes Golf Costly Is
Actually Buying
Mismatched clubs… unproven training aids… glitchy technology… it’s endless.
But buying the right equipment for YOU… doesn’t have to be complicated… Or expensive.
That’s why I created The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment…
It’s based on years of research and surveys from members, who’ve helped us pick the BEST PERFORMING gear for amateurs.
Want to know the right set of clubs for you?
Or the best training aid to fix a specific problem with your game?
Or even the right shoes… or swing technology tool… or anything else?
It’s all in here.
Not only will it help you avoid making bad purchases — which all by itself could save you thousands of dollars…
… but we’ve used our inside connections to…
Secure Significant Discounts,
Exclusively For
New Members
Of The Simple Strike Sequence
The total savings from coupons available within this guide exceeds $1,000.
Which means this is literally worth WAY more than your entire investment in the program…
But again, you won’t pay a single penny for The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment… because it’s yours, absolutely free when you join us today.
These bonuses and discounts are only available on this page, for a very limited time.
So you’re not going to want to miss this…
Because I’m Handing You…
The Simple Strike Driver Series… that
increases your distance off the tee by
to 35 yards…
$97.00 value FREE

The LIVESTREAM Simple Strike Training
Academy… where you can ask me
anything live…
$300.00 value FREE

The chance to win an IN PERSON Tour
Striker Experience… where you fly out to
Arizona and spend 3 days working with me…

And The Confidential Guide To Ball
Striking Equipment… with coupons worth
over $1,000…
$250.00 value FREE

That’s $647 Worth Of Bonuses
You’re Getting Absolutely FREE
… when you invest in the Simple Strike Sequence Video Training today.
Given all that…
The only questions you probably have at this point are…
- What do I need to do to get started?
- How much is this going to cost?
Well, Fortunately, The Process
Is Simple And Easy…
And it’s not going to cost you anywhere near what you may think…
You see, I have students who fly in from all over the world to participate in my Tour Striker Golf Academies…
These students are paying at least $3,500 — to learn exactly what I’m going to teach you just moments from now…
When you factor in travel expenses and hotel costs…
Well, let’s just say they are paying a small fortune to work with me in-person…
And while I’ve been very lucky to have created one of the top golf academies in the world — one that’s booked solid at premium prices…
I know that attending an academy in-person is not feasible for everyone. Yet I know…
This Is One Of The Fastest,
Effective Ways To Fix Your
And Transform Your
That said, I’ve come to realize those rates don’t help me reach the majority of golfers out there who are struggling with contact issues…
That’s why you’re not going to pay anything near $3,500 today…
In fact, you’re not even going to pay the $744 it would cost for all of the bonuses you’re getting…
And while I think that would be a steal for all the training you’re about to get access to…
I still wanted to make it even better…
Because As A Way Of Saying
Thank You
I’m handing you the complete Simple Strike Sequence training series…
That gives you perfect contact in 10 shots or less…
Plus $647 in FREE bonuses…
For just one payment of $197.
That’s less than 3% of what it costs to attend an academy with me…
To get started and put an end to your poor contact issues today…
Simply click the button that’s directly below.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting
When You
Access the Simple
Strike Sequence Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $647
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, This
Works Or It’s Free, 100% Money
Guarantee and Our Unconditional
Refund Policy

The Simple Strike Sequence Video Training
Discover how to use Martin Chuck’s Simple Strike Sequence to fix your contact forever… eliminating fat shots, thin shots, slices, and mishits of all kinds… IN JUST 10 SHOTS (or less). This is the single fastest way to go from the embarrassment of not being able to finish holes or rounds, to confidently scoring lower and playing great golf.
PRICE: $397.00 ONLY $197 $47

The Simple Strike Driver Series
Because the Simple Strike Sequence doesn’t just work for your irons. It helps you make the most flush contact of your life with your driver, too. The trick is, you have to modify the sequence since the perfect strike point on your driver is different. Martin shows you how to do that here and instantly add 20-30 yards to your drives, end slices and hooks, and tee up with confidence, every time you play.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE

LIVESTREAM Simple Strike Training Academy
Get a taste of what it’s like to attend Martin’s elite academies… from the comfort of your own home. Ask him any questions about your contact or any area of your game LIVE. And watch one of the best coaches in the world demonstrate the quickest fixes for playing much better golf. (If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay video.)
PRICE: $300.00 FREE

IN PERSON Tour Striker Experience
Part of how Martin developed a solution as effective as the Simple Strike Sequence was mentoring thousands of lucky golfers at his award-winning academies. It’s absolutely
game-changing for anyone who attends. And now, you have the opportunity to win a spot at one of his LIVE academies, which are often sold out months in advance. All expenses PAID, including travel and lodging.

The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment
As you begin making the purest contact of your life, your entire game is going to get better — and you’ll be wondering if you’re using the best gear for your swing and overall performance. Sadly, so many golfers waste thousands of dollars on the WRONG equipment. But not you, not anymore. This guide will walk you through the best clubs, training aids, and other gear — plus give you coupons worth over $1,000. This alone is worth the entire package.
PRICE: $250.00 FREE

14-Day Pass To Exclusive “Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $1044.00
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
Eliminates Fat, Thin, Or Shanked Shots In 10 Shots Or Less
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Contact For Decades)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
You’ll then be taken to our secure checkout page…
Trusted By Over 259,000
Happy Customers…
… where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done — you’ll be given instant access to our special “members only” portal…
Where you’ll be able to immediately view the step-by-step Simple Strike Sequence training videos…
- Plus the Simple Strike Driving Series…
- Have access to the LIVE Simple Strike Training Academy…
- Get a chance to win an IN PERSON Tour Striker Experience with me…
- And start using The Confidential Ball Striking Equipment Guide…
Depending on what time of day it is for you…
You could watch the training today…
Head to the range this afternoon..
Hit The 10 Shots Required In
This Sequence…
Immediately Make The Purest,
Flush Contact Of Your
Entire Life
And it won’t just be once… you’ll hit shot after shot….
Perfectly flush… over and over with ultimate consistency…
Because you’ll have used the Simple Strike Sequence to eliminate your poor contact once and for all…
And if you’re still thinking…
“What if this doesn’t work for me?”
Well, first of all, if that happens you’ll be an outlier…
But in the extremely unlikely event that occurs… know that…
You’re Also Getting A
Flush It Or It’s Free,
100% Money Back Guarantee
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy.
That means you can try this out completely risk-free… and take up to an entire YEAR to decide how much you love it.
This is the most generous unconditional guarantee in the entire industry… so there’s absolutely zero risk to you.
When you click the button below to get started today…
If you’re not completely happy with how you’re puring the ball with both your irons and driver…
With the extra distance you’ve gained…
And with how much more fun you’re having playing the game of golf…
Then we’ll give you every single penny of your money back.
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will send you a payment for 100% of the amount you paid for the program!
But I don’t expect that to happen…
Because Players Are Already
Using The
Simple Strike
Sequence To Make The Purest
Contact Of Their Lives
So if you want to play just like this… then take advantage of this huge discount pricing, and this 365-day no-risk money-back guarantee…
And act now.
I’m Only Offering This Special
Discount Pricing For A Limited
If you come back to this page tomorrow, or next week, there’s a very real chance you’ll be asked to pay the full $197 listed on our main website.
So click the button below and take advantage of this deal before it’s too late.
Because right now you have a decision to make that will have a permanent effect on your golf game.
Like I said before, and I’ll say once more… contact is EVERYTHING in golf.
Without the ability to make solid contact, nothing else matters… and the game will never be fun.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting
When You
Access the Simple
Strike Sequence Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $647
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, This
Works Or It’s Free, 100% Money
Guarantee and Our Unconditional
Refund Policy

The Simple Strike Sequence Video Training
Discover how to use Martin Chuck’s Simple Strike Sequence to fix your contact forever… eliminating fat shots, thin shots, slices, and mishits of all kinds… IN JUST 10 SHOTS (or less). This is the single fastest way to go from the embarrassment of not being able to finish holes or rounds, to confidently scoring lower and playing great golf.
PRICE: $397.00 ONLY $197 $47

The Simple Strike Driver Series
Because the Simple Strike Sequence doesn’t just work for your irons. It helps you make the most flush contact of your life with your driver, too. The trick is, you have to modify the sequence since the perfect strike point on your driver is different. Martin shows you how to do that here and instantly add 20-30 yards to your drives, end slices and hooks, and tee up with confidence, every time you play.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE

LIVESTREAM Simple Strike Training Academy
Get a taste of what it’s like to attend Martin’s elite academies… from the comfort of your own home. Ask him any questions about your contact or any area of your game LIVE. And watch one of the best coaches in the world demonstrate the quickest fixes for playing much better golf. (If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay video.)
PRICE: $300.00 FREE

IN PERSON Tour Striker Experience
Part of how Martin developed a solution as effective as the Simple Strike Sequence was mentoring thousands of lucky golfers at his award-winning academies. It’s absolutely
game-changing for anyone who attends. And now, you have the opportunity to win a spot at one of his LIVE academies, which are often sold out months in advance. All expenses PAID, including travel and lodging.

The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment
As you begin making the purest contact of your life, your entire game is going to get better — and you’ll be wondering if you’re using the best gear for your swing and overall performance. Sadly, so many golfers waste thousands of dollars on the WRONG equipment. But not you, not anymore. This guide will walk you through the best clubs, training aids, and other gear — plus give you coupons worth over $1,000. This alone is worth the entire package.
PRICE: $250.00 FREE

14-Day Pass To Exclusive “Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $1044.00
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
Eliminates Fat, Thin, Or Shanked Shots In 10 Shots Or Less
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Contact For Decades)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
So When You Think About It,
You Really Only Have 2 Options

You already know what happens when you choose the first option and do nothing…
Your contact — and ability to play respectable golf — will be in exactly the same place 6 months from now…
And I don’t want that for you…
So given that there’s zero risk to you… doesn’t it make sense to at least TRY this Simple Strike Sequence?
This same training has worked in my 1,000 plus academies — and it’s changed the golfing lives of over 10s of thousands students who I’ve worked with over the years…
Because when you invest in the Simple Strike Sequence…
… even if you consider yourself a terrible golfer…
You’ll immediately go from wherever you are now…
To A Respectably Good… Or
Great Golfer… Who Can
Finish Holes
And Entire Rounds
Play with groups that previously would have terrified you…
And maybe even start taking money off your buddies…
… who’ve told you to “get some lessons before you’re ready to tee it up with us”.
Because guys, this is the first — and LAST — ball-striking lesson you’ll ever need…
After today, you’ll be a golfer completely in control of your game…
You’ll be completely addicted to that sound of pure contact…
While hitting it more accurately (and farther) than you ever thought possible…
And That Brings Us To The
Second Option,
Which Really
Makes The Most Sense
Because when you join me as a member of the Simple Strike Sequence Video Training…
It saves you months or even years of suffering (and still getting nowhere)…
Plus it allows ME to take all the risk for you…
With my 365-Day, Flush It Or It’s Free, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
So to get started with option two, your next action is simple:
Click the button below and complete the secure checkout page to get access to the entire training series, so you can use the Simple Strike Sequence for immediate results.
Watch the videos… head over to your local driving range… follow the sequence…
And watch what happens!
Do that knowing…
It’s Your One And Only
Opportunity To Eliminate
Poor Contact For Good
Think about it…
I’m asking you to spend 10 shots to finally start making perfectly flush contact…
Using the most proven ball striking sequence ever developed…
And when you use the Simple Strike Sequence…
Watch how long it takes before that rush of confidence starts flowing through you…
The type of confidence where you can swing as hard as you want…
Because you know that…
Mishits, Including Fat Shots…
Thin Shots…
And Even Outright
Have Been Ejected
From Your Bag
You are no longer a struggling golfer stuck on the range…
You’re now making solid contact on every shot…
You’re no longer taking mulligans or having to pick up because it gets so bad…
You’re now flushing dollar bill divots that send your ball directly on target…
Hitting more greens in regulation…
And shooting the scores you’ve always dreamed of.
With your contact dialed in…
You’ll Have Everything You
To Start Playing GREAT
And you know what’s more fun than great golf?
You guessed it…
Ultimately the choice is yours, but whatever you decide, you’ve got to choose now.
This page is ending as I speak… and if you come back later I can’t guarantee the discounted $197 $47 price… or the bonuses… or the guarantee… will still be here.
Click The Button Below Or
To Get Instant Access To
Simple Strike Sequence
Practice the 10 shots…
Then head out to the course…
And start playing the best golf of your life… guaranteed.
There’s really no need to go on struggling with poor contact for the rest of your life…
There’s no need to guess… by trying to figure it all out yourself through years of
And there’s definitely no way to play “good golf” if you don’t have a proven plan for transforming your contact…
Because I’ve Already Done All
Hard Work For You
No more spinning your wheels…
No more thinking that this game is too hard…
And no more suffering from embarrassment… avoiding your buddies because you don’t think you have what it takes.
Grab the Simple Strike Sequence
training series now by clicking the button below…
… so you can start making pure contact… for life.
Thank you for reading…
And I can’t wait to hear your success story!
To Making Perfectly Flush Contact,

Martin Chuck
Top 25 Golf Instructor
50,000+ Happy Amateur Students

Here’s Everything You’re Getting
When You
Access the Simple
Strike Sequence Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $647
PLUS our no-risk 365-Day, This
Works Or It’s Free, 100% Money
Guarantee and Our Unconditional
Refund Policy

The Simple Strike Sequence Video Training
Discover how to use Martin Chuck’s Simple Strike Sequence to fix your contact forever… eliminating fat shots, thin shots, slices, and mishits of all kinds… IN JUST 10 SHOTS (or less). This is the single fastest way to go from the embarrassment of not being able to finish holes or rounds, to confidently scoring lower and playing great golf.
PRICE: $397.00 ONLY $197 $47

The Simple Strike Driver Series
Because the Simple Strike Sequence doesn’t just work for your irons. It helps you make the most flush contact of your life with your driver, too. The trick is, you have to modify the sequence since the perfect strike point on your driver is different. Martin shows you how to do that here and instantly add 20-30 yards to your drives, end slices and hooks, and tee up with confidence, every time you play.
PRICE: $97.00 FREE

LIVESTREAM Simple Strike Training Academy
Get a taste of what it’s like to attend Martin’s elite academies… from the comfort of your own home. Ask him any questions about your contact or any area of your game LIVE. And watch one of the best coaches in the world demonstrate the quickest fixes for playing much better golf. (If you miss the live stream, you’ll have access to the replay video.)
PRICE: $300.00 FREE

IN PERSON Tour Striker Experience
Part of how Martin developed a solution as effective as the Simple Strike Sequence was mentoring thousands of lucky golfers at his award-winning academies. It’s absolutely
game-changing for anyone who attends. And now, you have the opportunity to win a spot at one of his LIVE academies, which are often sold out months in advance. All expenses PAID, including travel and lodging.

The Confidential Guide To Ball Striking Equipment
As you begin making the purest contact of your life, your entire game is going to get better — and you’ll be wondering if you’re using the best gear for your swing and overall performance. Sadly, so many golfers waste thousands of dollars on the WRONG equipment. But not you, not anymore. This guide will walk you through the best clubs, training aids, and other gear — plus give you coupons worth over $1,000. This alone is worth the entire package.
PRICE: $250.00 FREE

14-Day Pass To Exclusive “Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $29/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $1044.00
(Save 77% today with this limited
time special offer)
Eliminates Fat, Thin, Or Shanked Shots In 10 Shots Or Less
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Contact For Decades)
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy