The PGA “Spin Doctor” Who Helped
Slash 31 Strokes
From One
Student’s Scorecard Brings You…
That Get You Up-and-Down
— and Within
5 Feet — From
Anywhere Inside 30 Yards
(Without Changing ANY Other Part of
Your Game And
Even if You Have
Bricks for Hands)
Have you ever stood over a chip inside 30 yards…
…thinking you were going to stick it next to the cup…
…only to cold chunk it — and end up slamming your club into the dirt?
Have you ever had that ball that was sitting up perfectly…
…lined up for what seemed like an easy up-and-down…
That is… until you hot-skulled it over the green — and finished the hole with a triple?
If any of that sounds like you…
Or if you have any fears standing over chip shots…
I’m about to break down the most brutally honest, yet exciting piece of golf math you’ve ever seen in your life.
Because it’s not only going to fix your chipping, virtually overnight…
…and start generating the most wicked spin of any player at your club…
…you’re also about to discover what’s really causing you to be a 15… 20… even 25+ handicap…
And a simple way to get that number down… FAST.
First, I have a question for you:
How Many Greens In
Regulation Do You Hit A
Be honest…
2…3… maybe 4.
Because here’s what the numbers say:

Golfers with a 25 handicap… all the way down to a 10…
… hit roughly 2 to 5 greens a round, respectively.
This means… depending on where you fall within that handicap range…
There are between 13-16 holes where you’re MISSING the greens — and relying on your short chips to get up and down…
But let’s be honest:
How Many of Those Missed
Greens Do
You Actually Get
Up and Down?
I already know the answer… (and your handicap tells the story.)
But what if I could give you a guaranteed way to get the ball within 5 feet from anywhere inside 30 yards?
And what if that meant you could get up and down 40 to 50% of the time?
That would mean you could automatically slash 8 to 15 strokes from your scorecard, virtually overnight…
You see, there’s a reason the tour pros get up and down 64% of the time…
They’re all using something my friend — and PGA professional — Derek Deminsky calls, “cut spin factor”…
This is a wildly powerful and effective technique…
But it’s rarely talked about on golf TV…
And it’s almost never mentioned in any golf magazine…
Yet, so many of the top players in the world are using it to zip balls next to the hole from anywhere inside 30 yards:
When the conditions are right… the ball is sitting up perfectly… and there’s an opportunity to get it close…
…if you don’t have this “cut spin factor” in your bag — it’s nearly impossible to get up and down.
Without This “Cut Spin
Factor”… Your Ball
Never Stop Next to
the Hole
…it will always roll 10… 15… 20 feet past the hole…
…and you’ll continue praying to make the next putt coming back…
…a putt… which as you know… only drops every once in a while…
But the second you integrate the “cut spin factor” into your short wedge game…
You’ll instantly be:
- Nipping balls off the grass…
- Creating the most dialed back
spin you’ve ever seen… - And your ball will check-up on a
dime… and pull back in reverse
a Ferrari racing out of a
parking lot…
The spin secret you’re about to discover is the most coveted spin action in the whole golf industry…
And you can only learn the secret from one man — Derek Deminsky.
So for the next few minutes…
I want you to stop what you’re doing….
Turn off all distractions…
Give me your undivided attention…
And prepare to witness the most game-changing lesson in your entire golf career…
If you do that, you’ll never have to worry about missing a green again…
Because this “cut spin factor” will have you so dialed inside 30 yards that your buddies will be begging to know your secret…
And Yes, This Is A Secret!
As you know, I’m always on the hunt for ways to shore up weaknesses in your game…
And find “the best of the best” for improving that area…
I knew from our research and surveys of over 400,000 golfers…
… that hitting greens in regulation and getting up and down is a MAJOR
source of pain.
So I set out to find the best teacher
for short chip shots…
That’s when I found Derek…

While I thought I was looking for a
great short game coach… Derek
quickly showed me what ALL our
members really need…
And that is… the ability to control
the ball.
To Do That,
You NEED Spin…
You see, Derek was a #1 ranked player in high school… then he went on to play collegiate golf…
In my early discussions with him, he told me a story…
When Derek was in college, he wasn’t the best ball striker… and didn’t hit the ball long off the tee…
Which meant he was missing a lot of greens in regulation…
To keep his spot on the roster, he had to become a short game master… he had to have the skill to get up and down from anywhere…
And to do that, he needed to conquer the art of spin…
So that’s what he did — Derek spent years — and thousands of hours — studying the best spin players in the game…
Phil Mickelson… Tiger Woods… Brett Rumford… and many more that you and I have probably never heard of…
Derek’s Knowledge Of Spin
Quickly Became An
…and he realized almost every amateur player was doing it incorrectly…
So he decided to dedicate his life to teaching it…
He enrolled in the Golf Academy of Arizona and began his journey to PGA professional status…
At the academy he averaged 69 strokes a round… playing 4-5 times a week…
And while that was impressive…
There was something else that was even more amazing…
Derek started teaching high-handicap amateurs his spin secrets…
And his peers couldn’t believe what was happening…
His first student, who previously had a career best of 103…
Shot a 72…
That’s A Shocking
31 Stroke Improvement!
And in case you’re wondering if that was a one-time fluke… NO, it wasn’t.
This student started with a 30 handicap… and ended up with a 3 handicap.
He credits Derek with his transformation:
Amazing, right?
So how did Derek help shave 27 strokes from his handicap?
While teaching Adam and others, he realized the power of the “cut spin factor”…
Because Any Player, At Any
Skill Level…
Can Use It To
Stop The Ball On A Dime
Within 5 Feet Of The Hole
So it can rapidly shave strokes from their scorecard…
Without changing any other part of their game…
I’m talking about…
- NOT changing your driving
distance… - NOT changing hybrid game…
- NOT changing your putting…
Instead, simply use this “cut spin factor”… which doesn’t require a single lesson with a pro…
Requires no training aids…
No new fancy equipment…
NOTHING except Derek’s three simple steps you’ll see in just a moment…
The problem is, most short game experts teach you about how to set up to the ball…
…or how to push your hands forward to get the ball to check up…
…or how to use the bounce for maximum control…
And while all this can work…
“Experts” Are Missing ONE
Huge Part
Of The
A piece so important that it can mean the difference between stopping the ball 15 feet from the hole…
And stopping the ball inches from the hole.
Or the difference between getting up and down for par…
And getting up and two (or three) putting for bogey or double.
This one missing link is so critical for the amateur player that it has the power to eliminate up to 15 strokes from your scorecard…
Without changing any other area of your game.
And That One Secret Is What
Calls The “Cut Spin
It looks like this:
And like this:
And this one here…
And here’s one more…
Without this, it’s almost impossible to get it within 5 feet.
According to Golfwrx — golfers with a handicap of around 20 are only getting within 5 feet on chips once or twice a round, at best.
That means additional strokes on 15 or 16 holes per round…

…are caused by your inability to get up
and down.
That’s easily 10 plus strokes added to
your scorecard…
This is also why — once you get onto the
green and within 5 feet…
…on even HALF those holes — you’ll have just lowered your handicap by 8… 10… even 15 strokes.
The Science of What Derek
Teaches Is Undeniable
You see, Derek uses a super scientific spin-measuring technology…
…to identify what was happening with the ball when implementing the “cut spin factor”…
And what he found was nothing short of shocking…
If you look at this image…

You’ll see that Derek’s backspin RPMs on a standard wide arc chip shot is around 2,600…
That means, if you’re anything like most players who struggle to generate spin…
…then you’re probably consistently below that.
Now look at how far the ball ended up past the hole with so little “cut spin”…

That’s almost 12 feet…
And a good percentage of players would be happy with that…
But remember:
The “Cut Spin Factor” Is
Designed To Get You
Within 5 Feet…
Then in the second test Derek adds a bit more of the “cut spin factor”…
2,800 RPMs this time…

And the results continue to get better…
He gets the ball inside 3 feet…

The Moment Derek Dials In
His “Cut Spin
Factor” At
Over 4,000 RPMs — It’s
to See the
Game-Changing Results…
The results that lead to tap-ins… rather than having to fight for par…
Or having to pray to make the long putt coming back…

The third shot… with optimal “cut spin factor”?
Derek spins the ball within inches of the hole…

And that’s the power of the “cut spin factor”…
Because with this technique in your bag…
Getting up and down from anywhere inside 30 yards becomes a sneaky way to capitalize on your game…
You’ll start seeing how your playing partners think this new technique is a tactic…
You miss the green… they think they are in a good position to win the hole…
Then you sneak in next to the cup and put all the pressure on them…
And that’s why Derek calls this training…
How To Get Up And Down By
Stopping The Ball Inside 5 Feet,
(Even If You’ve Never Been Able To
Spin The Ball Before)

Because when you step up to the ball… take your stance… and launch it in the air…
No one will see it coming…
Even when the ball hits the turf…
They still won’t know what hit them…
Then — and only then — they’ll see the hard zip on the ball…
The pull back that spins to the right and snuggles up next to the cup…
That’s when they’ll know that you’ve accessed the Stealth Spin Secret…
And here’s the best part…
Hitting This Shot Is Easier
Than You Think…
- It works if you’ve never hit a
flush chip before… - It works if you stand over chips
with zero confidence… - It works even if virtually all your
chips are either chunked or
thinned… - It works because it only takes
three simple steps…
Three steps you can practice on the range… or even in your backyard…
All you need is your wedge (preferably a 56 to 60 degree)… a tee… and a practice mat.
You don’t need to add extra strength to your swing…
You don’t need any more flexibility…
Just Follow Derek’s 3-Steps
To Master The
“Cut Spin
Factor”, And You’ll Be
Zipping It Inside 5 Feet In
Just like these students have:
This step-by-step training is designed so that anyone can master it remotely — no need to see Derek in person…
The Stealth Spin Secrets
Video Training
Gives You
Stealth-Like Precision
With Your Wedges…
Plus wicked spin…
And sneaky pars you expected to be bogies…
So much so… it will truly feel like you’re hiding a huge secret from everyone who sees you play…
From the moment you watch this training and follow the brief drills Derek outlines for you…
His “cut spin factor” will have you chipping with insane, near-pro-levels of spin…
… and landing the ball on the green like you have it connected to a remote control…
This all happens when you follow these three simple steps:
Step 1: The “Dr. Scholl’s

This is essential… because where you make contact on the clubface…
Can mean the difference between rolling it 10 feet off the green…
… or backing it up 10 inches from the cup…
With this simple test, that requires nothing more than something you can find in your closet…
You’ll dial in your contact point in 3 practice shots or less…
This is key to generating cut spin, because without this test…
… most players go their entire careers without ever knowing where they actually make contact on the face…
Once you know that, you can move onto the next drill…
Step 2: The “Off-The-Tee

We all know spin comes from friction, right?
To learn how to create friction… you must take all of the other variables out of the equation…
This simple-yet-counterintuitive step helps give you the “feel” of cutting under and across the ball to maximize ball-stopping spin…
This is especially powerful if you think your feel or touch around the greens isn’t great — or merely okay…
Once you feel the dizzying spin zip off the face of the club, you’ll never forget that feeling.
It will be ingrained in your muscle memory forever…
Harness that and you’re ready to move on to…
Step 3: Cut Spin Control

In this step, Derek will show you four ways to use the “cut spin factor” to dial in what type of spin you want…
- Simple check-up spin
- Nasty side spin
- Hole-out zip spin
- And target-zone control spin
Each of these can be learned in a single drill, allowing you to maneuver around the green like Tiger in his prime…
You’ll learn how to use the contour of the green to place the ball as close to the cup as possible.
Honestly — this is only the beginning…
There’s so much more Derek the “Spin Doctor” will teach you in this series…
But as long as you master those 3 steps, everything else is gravy…
You’ll be light years ahead of your buddies — and waaaay ahead of 99% of all other weekend warriors from inside 30 yards… and…
Your Lower Scores Will
Prove It Works…
When you get started with Stealth Spin Secrets today, you’ll get instant online access to the Stealth Spin Secrets training videos…
You’ll be able to go through them anytime you want, step-by-step…
So that means you’re just minutes away from having the secret to lower your handicap by 8-10 strokes…
Simply by mastering the “cut spin factor”…
… that allows you to take any shot within 30 yards of the hole…
… and land it within 5 feet of the hole…
So that hitting past the hole…
… shanking right or left…
… or chunking it short…
… all become a thing of the past…
And Those Double And
Triple Bogies
Soon Become
“Up And Down” For Par…
Or Even Birdies!
It’s honestly hard to put a price on how good it feels to take that victory lap after you chip in…
To go from a 30 handicap… down to 20… 10… Or even to a 3 handicap… just like Derek’s first student Adam did.
But to work 1-on-1 with him and master his “cut spin factor” you’d need to spend at least $2,500 on a lesson package…
Not to mention travel… And waiting in line… as demand for his coaching has exploded all over social media.
You see, Derek’s students gladly pay whatever price he asks…
Because it not only feels incredible to be able to spin the ball like a pro…
But few things will move the needle on your scorecard more than being able to land your chips just a few short feet from the hole.
Not To Mention All The
“Oohs” And
“Aahs” And
High-Fives (Or Jealous
Reactions) From Your
This is why players from all over the country gladly pay Derek’s high rates…
Because they know that once they learn his Stealth Spin Secrets…
They can dramatically lower their scores:
- Without buying new
quipment… - Without training aids…
- Without changing any other part
of their game..
They’ll have their spin — and greenside chipping control — dialed in…
And start focusing purely on finding other ways around the golf course to lower their scores…
Or work on their mindset…
Or draining all those short puts they’ll be getting… now that they’ve got the “cut spin factor” getting them so close to the hole…
I Worked Out A Deal With
To Make Stealth Spin
Affordable On ANY
So you don’t pay anywhere near his lesson rates…
Because you’re getting the at-home version that you can watch as many times as you like…
So you can easily master this simple approach to score-lowering spin.
And remember, you’ll have access to these online training videos for life.
Which means you can take it slow… turning your shanks… chunks… and misfires…
… into head-turning, crowd-wowing 4,000 RPM spinned chips…
… that land you a few feet from the hole…
… and lower your handicap week after week…
… ultimately getting your entire game to exactly where you want it to be.
So Here’s The Deal…
- You’re not paying the
$2,500it would cost for a lesson package with Derek… - You’re not paying the
$250per hour you’d pay at his Arizona Academy… - You’re not even paying the full $97 this course sells for on our main
(And when you think about it, even $97 is absurdly low for everything you’re getting inside Stealth Spin Secrets… Especially learning from an instructor with Derek’s experience of helping amateurs slash 10… 15… even 15+ strokes from their handicap.)
Click the button below to get access and you’ll receive everything I’ve shown you here for a huge discount today:
Here’s Everything You’re
When You Access
Stealth Spin Secrets Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $188
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $438.00
(Save $391.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Stealth Spin Secrets Click Here To Get Instant Online
Access To Stealth Spin Secrets
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

If You’re Truly Ready to Take
Spin to Near-Tour
… shave 3… 5… even 8 strokes…
… as you convert a handful of double or triple bogies… to pars or a few birdies on every round…
Simply click here to get started.
You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 2 minutes…
And once you’re done, you’ll be given instant access to our special “members only” portal…
Where you’ll be able to immediately view Derek’s step-by-step Stealth Spin Secrets…
But that’s not all…
Derek is a generous teacher…
And together, we wanted to make sure this is the best investment in your game you’ve ever made…
That’s why… when you get started today…
You’re Getting Not 1… But
4 Game-Changing Bonuses
These are worth way more than your modest investment in Stealth Spin Secrets…
And they round out other areas of your short game, to “lock in” the stroke-shaving gains you’ll get from Derek’s core training…

Bonus #1
Pitching Mastery
$47.00 FREE
Because let’s be honest… you’re not always going to have the perfect lie to use the “cut spin factor”…
And you’re going to have to have other short shots in your bag…
That’s where Pitching Mastery comes in…
It gives you the spin secrets that apply to three main areas:
1 – Pitching fundamentals
2 – Greenside chips
3 – Trajectory control
When you add these spin secrets to your “cut spin factor” you’ll have almost every shot with 30 yards covered…
Except for the sand shots…
And that’s where bonus #2 comes in…
Bonus #2
Bunker Breakthroughs
$47.00 FREE
This is where Derek covers every possible bunker shot you could ever encounter…
I’m talking about:
- Soft Sand
- Firm Sand
- Plugged Lie
- Fried Egg Drill
- Lower Bunker Shots
- High Bunker Shots
- Uphill Bunker Shots
- Downhill Bunker Shots
With Derek’s Bunker Breakthroughs, you’ll never find yourself on the beach not knowing exactly what shot to hit to give yourself the best chance at getting up and down…
But we still have more to cover to make sure you have every shot within 30 yards…
And that’s why Derek is also giving you…

Bonus #3
Mastering Difficult Lies
$47.00 FREE
This series may be more important than anything else you’ve learned today…
Because we all know that a bad lie can blow up into a double, triple, or even a quadruple bogey at any minute…
These are the score-crushing lies that leave you frustrated and embarrassed…
The ones that you end up telling the story:
“I was playing so well… I made all pars on the front nine except one hole — I made a 10.”
There’s no worse feeling… and Derek wants to eliminate these blow-ups from your scorecard as part of his mission to help you shave 8-15 strokes from your handicap…
And once you’ve done that… you’ll use this last bonus just to show off your skill…
Because this is a shot that you hope to only need once or twice every few rounds…
But it’s the ultimate showboat skill to have on the practice green…
That’s why Derek calls it…
Bonus #4
Showtime Flop Shots
$47.00 FREE
In this bonus video, Derek breaks down every possible lie you can hit a flop shot off of…
No more guessing when is the right time to hit a flop shot… or how to hit it…
He takes one of the most complicated shots in golf and makes it seem easy…
No matter how high your handicap…
No matter how high or low your skill level…
And no matter how long you’ve been playing the game.
With Showtime Flop Shots you have a secret weapon in your bag for winning side bets from your buddies…
Or saving yourself when you’re tucked behind a bunker with a short side pin you want to attack…
You’ll want to watch this series over and over again just to see how effortless Derek makes this most-desired shot in golf look…
It’s pure mastery…

Each of these bonuses could be sold separately for $47…
But you’re getting each of them for FREE as my way of saying thank you for getting started today…
The Catch Is… These 4 Bonus
Are ONLY Available for
Of Stealth Spin
So you don’t pay anywhere near his lesson rates…
Because you’re getting the at-home version that you can watch as many times as you like…
So you can easily master this simple approach to score-lowering spin.
And remember, you’ll have access to these online training videos for life.
Which means you can take it slow… turning your shanks… chunks… and misfires…
… into head-turning, crowd-wowing 4,000 RPM spinned chips…
… that land you a few feet from the hole…
… and lower your handicap week after week…
… ultimately getting your entire game to exactly where you want it to be.
Stealth Spin Secrets Will
For You…
But I can’t make the decision for you…
That’s why: the time is now to make one of the most important decisions of your golf career…
So let me ask you…
Do you want to continue to skull it past the hole… shank it left or right…
Or hit fat chunk shots that land short…
As you set yourself up for nearly impossible putts…
… that — AT BEST — end in you making a bogey or double bogey…
Or do you want to get to the point where you’re getting up and down on at least half your holes…
… using the “cut spin factor” to zip the ball feet (or inches) from the cup…
And shaving 3… 5… even 8 plus strokes from your handicap…
As you convert embarrassing double and triple bogies…
… into easy par and birdie putts?
If You Want To Drop Your
Like Derek’s
Who’ve only received a fraction of the instruction inside Stealth Spin Secrets…
And yet have still used his breakthroughs to lower their handicap nearly 30 strokes…
…the choice is yours:
Here’s Everything You’re
When You Access
Stealth Spin Secrets Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $188
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $438.00
(Save $391.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Stealth Spin Secrets Click Here To Get Instant Online
Access To Stealth Spin Secrets
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

And remember… as with every program we offer here at Performance Golf…
You don’t have to make your final decision on Stealth Spin Secrets today…
You can test-drive it risk-free for a full 365-days:
365-Day 100%
Money-Back Guarantee
You’re covered by our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
This means you have a full 365-days to test-drive Derek’s Stealth Spin Secrets…
And it either gives you powerful results you can SEE on the course…
Helping you effortlessly chip and spin like a pro…
And have loads more fun as your handicap effortlessly drops…
Or else you get every penny back!
If you’re not happy for any reason, all you have to do is email our friendly customer support team at:…
And they’ll issue a prompt refund.
No questions asked, and no hard feelings.
You’re either blown away by the results… Or you don’t pay a dime!
Get Instant Online Access To
Stealth Spin Secrets…
… to rapidly transform your chipping and spin…
… eliminate skulled shots over the green…
… say goodbye to fat chunks that land short…
… and forever end those left or right misfires that keep you off the green…
… and set you up for impossible par or bogey putts…
This is your best opportunity to consistently get “up and down” on half your holes each round…
… and permanently lower your handicap by more strokes than you’ve probably ever dreamed possible…
So click the button below to get started right now, and…
You’ll get immediate access to the entire Stealth Spin Secrets video training…
Plus, You’ll Also Get Instant
Access To All
4 Bonuses
Derek Has Created For You
Pitching Mastery… Bunker Breakthroughs… Mastering Difficult Lies… and Showtime Flop Shots…
Normally valued at $47 each… these are all FREE for a limited time.
Everything you get today — Stealth Spin Secrets and your 4 bonuses — are key to getting your scores down… and improving your handicap as quickly as possible.
So that you’re enjoying the game more and more…
Here’s Everything You’re
When You Access
Stealth Spin Secrets Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $188
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $438.00
(Save $391.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Stealth Spin Secrets Click Here To Get Instant Online
Access To Stealth Spin Secrets
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

And yes, I’ll be blunt…
You’ll probably need to find a new group of friends to play with… Because you’re just too good for them…
And it pains you to watch them double, triple or even quadruple bogey…
… on holes that you are now finishing in 3, 4 or 5.
Yep — this is the kind of shift in your game that’s possible with Stealth Spin Secrets.
And it’s possible the second you login to your members area.
This should be one of the easiest golf decisions you’ve ever made…
This will ensure you…
Hit Pure Chips… With
Levels Of Spin…

… and drop the ball on a dime…
… within feet of the cup, AT WILL…
Click the button below to make chipping with spin EASY…
Do that now — to ensure you don’t remain stuck at 15… 20… even 25 plus handicap…
… when you could just as easily be on the road to a 10…
… if only you could get up and down 50% of the time…
Hit the button below, and you can test-drive Stealth Spin Secrets risk-free for 365 days before you even make your final decision…
Whether it’s that addictive feeling of spin on any shot within 30 yards…
Or the exhilaration of watching your ball stop and back up towards the cup…
Or the feeling of pride that comes with knowing you have an easy putt for par… while your buddies are drawing squares and double squares on their scorecard.
Click the button below now…
And I’ll see you inside Derek’s Stealth Spin Secrets.
Here’s Everything You’re
When You Access
Stealth Spin Secrets Today
Including 4 FREE bonuses
worth $188
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

TOTAL VALUE: $438.00
(Save $391.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Stealth Spin Secrets Click Here To Get Instant Online
Access To Stealth Spin Secrets
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy

Brixton Albert
Founder, Performance Golf

Featuring Derek Deminsky